To maintain health it is important to monitor fluctuations in body weight. Doctors attributed the sharp changes in weight with a serious illness. Track my own without hesitation this device is not possible. In addition, the device is required when playing sports, fitness, yoga, or when you stick to your diet.
Accidentally stumbled onto a new device, just a desire to get the weight of the analyzer. After using the device determines that the change taking place in the body: the muscles are melting or reduced calories.
Using common household devices, we know only the number of kilograms. But sometimes it is necessary to find out what percentage of fat, water, bone tissue found in the body. A person with a certain body weight may be 15 percent fat and water - healthy organism. Or the same amount of kilograms more than 30%, leading to pathological changes.
- Options
- Weighing functions with analysis of body composition
- How to use scales with body composition analysis
- Precautionary measures

Quite often, after the first week without seeing of visible changes in the mirror, many drop classes. And for good reason. To clearly capture the action exercise or diet analyzers are essential. The main "enemies" are excessive fats and water is contained in our body.
Learn these indicators could be using a smart assistant. You can buy it along with other models in the ordinary store - is positioned as a consumer device, which has additional features. No additional certification is not required.
The first rule - pick up a sustainable model for you. Do not hesitate to ask the seller in the store to open the box and wait for them a bit.
Electronic sensors are generally located in the legs. It will have to get up in the area, specially marked to stop, otherwise you can slip without obtaining truthful testimony. You must choose the size and chosen so that the device is equipped with non-slip material.
It is strictly forbidden to use for people with built-pacemaker is not recommended for pregnant women, and dialysis. Do not recommend the use of children under 7 years.
Fasting is necessary after the morning cleaning procedures to be tested on an electronic analyzer fat. To do this, sit on a stand, adopting a stable position.
The device delivers weak electrical discharges. Takes into account the different resistance of muscles, bones, fat and soft tissues, the monitor displays the data on the percentage of the component parts.
Emerging with excess fat loss electrical pulse served as the basis for creating these modern devices.
6 is determined basic parameters:
- mass index It determines the state of the body - the norm, obesity, lack of. The ideal weight calculated from the parameters of each individual person;
- muscle volume - energy consumer. With intense physical exercise to increase muscle mass starts burning fat. But the muscles begin to rapidly absorb the protein, which the body gets from either food or due to their own.
Loss kgs at low calorie diets caused no burning of fat cells, and loss of muscle mass. Therefore, a person after such a diet very quickly begins to gain weight again.
When you exercise you need to monitor the loss of extra kilograms, to make sure that the process is due to the burning of fat. To do this, balanced eating, be sure to include in the diet of protein, as protein deficiency negatively affects human health by reducing vitality.
- percentage of body fat - body fat. With an excess will create a lot of problems, it is an additional burden on the cardiovascular system. We must not forget that every kilogram of body fat grows more than a mile of blood vessels. Additionally carries a lot of toxins, breaks hormones;
- visceral fat - clearly show obesity is visceral. Its high content accompanied by diabetes and cardiovascular disorders. Reducing this parameter has beneficial effects on health;
- Basal metabolism - the metabolism. On how quickly pass metabolism and output processes of the body of waste substances it depends normal functioning of the organs. With the help of the scale calculates the number of calories per day and prepared diet;
- Water - the basis of life. Accompanies the life-sustaining processes responsible for health, it brings unnecessary substances helps to provide tissues with oxygen and nutrients. Up to 75 percent of the body;
- mineral bone mass normally about 1 kilogram calcium, providing the skeleton strength is responsible for the mobility of muscles and ligaments;
- metabolic age - determines the normal functioning of internal organs. Try to have been no more than the calendar specified in the passport.
The principle of operation is based on the fact that every tissue and organ have their conductivity value.
Weighing functions with analysis of body composition

In a study of professional athletes or in large medical centers use sophisticated high-tech electronic devices - professional scales with PC and integrated printer with special software software.
Such a device:
- It will make individual print for the development of diet and exercise program, taking into account the characteristics of each organism;
- gimped perform analysis. Before the procedure, enter your name, initials, height, age, sex - is useful to compare the results and follow-up for more information. Able to remember the previous measurement;
- by means of adjustable parameters unit outputs the comparative analysis and the dynamics of changes of indicators of basal metabolism;
- determine the percentage of water in the body;
- determine in kilograms bone and muscle mass;
- It shows the percentage of visceral and subcutaneous fat;
- Calculate the daily diet in calories;
- make the BMI calculation mass index.
The free weights are offered for domestic use. They are less accurate, but will reveal to you the state of the body's history. Are divided into two types - with 2 or 4 sensors. Equipped with a 4-manual and a 4-foot electrodes ensure accuracy of the result.
- powered by mains and battery.
- calculated on the weight of up to 200 kg;
- memory retains parameters 4 - 8 people, depending on the model;
- integrated mode "Guest";
- equipment "Athlete" mode - for effective fitness;
- special mode "Only weight";
- It allows you to see the previous figures.
How to use scales with body composition analysis

Before taking readings, set intelligent scales on a flat surface.
The first rule, which must be strictly followed to obtain the results - to take measurements should be at one and the same time, on an empty stomach (the last meal for more than 3 hours before the removal of the results) and after purging.
The measurement results are dependent on the fluid content in the body. This figure varies greatly throughout the day and depends on a number of reasons. After the physical exertion must be at least 10 hours.
Secondly: tracked correctly install feet on the apparatus, sensors, specially delineated areas, otherwise the device will show you the wrong information.
Thirdly: take readings, standing bare feet, socks material can change the conductivity of the electrical discharges.
Especially for the ladies: Do not take too much to heart the testimony of the device in the critical days. The percentage of liquid in this period increases - hence, you will show a reduced amount of fat that would be wrong.
Precautionary measures

Keep away from heat sources. Do not let children use toys instead.
The service life will increase, if you observe the following guidelines:
- Wipe with a damp cloth;
- do not jump on the device and do not make sudden movements;
- use for cleaning abrasives, solvents;
- or repair the unit yourself;
- for maintenance issues, use only the service centers;
- Keep the device away from liquids, to avoid breaking the correctness of the balance;
- Do not leave the unit in locations with high humidity.
The most common problem - the screen is broken in 1.5-2 years. Scales analyzers can not throw, mechanical damage - the same problem that occurs when misused.
Use on uneven surfaces - hence bring down the settings. The device needs regular bioelectrical wiping contacts, buttons and small window.