How to fix the thermometer on the plastic window in a few seconds?


  • Nuances of hanging a street thermometer
  • The safest and easiest method of fixing a product
  • How to secure a street thermometer as reliably as possible?

The presence of a street thermometer makes life easier for a modern person, but only if the installation was carried out according to all the rules. To fix the fixture on a plastic window, it is not necessary to have specific skills. In this case, it is necessary to remember a number of nuances, otherwise the thermometer will produce unreal numbers or serve for a very short time. In addition, it is recommended to choose the fixing methods that are not capable of damaging the plastic window, reducing its leakage or spoiling the appearance.

Nuances of hanging a street thermometer

Even before the purchase of a functional product, it is necessary to determine the place where it can be attached. At the same time, one should be guided not by the decorative attractiveness of the created exposure or by the convenience of taking readings, but by the possibility of obtaining the most accurate data. Any modern thermometer that can be installed on a plastic window must be mounted according to the same rules. Observance of which does not depend on the features of the model:

  • The thermometer should be fixed in such a way that it is located at a sufficient distance from sources of heat or cold. The ventilation systems, external parts of air conditioners, pipes and even ventilation pans are taken into account( the heat coming out of them can significantly distort the data.)
  • The thermometer must not be exposed to direct sunlight or direct artificial light from the apartment.specialists, if you take into account all external factors, the optimal location for fixing the thermometer is the window on the north side of the house. If it is impossible to use this arrangement, the product should be located on the east or west side, but at the same time
    • It's best to take the time to fix the thermometer, it's best to manipulate it on a warm summer evening with a minimum level of humidity.

    Contrary to popular belief that modern electronic thermometers are the most accurate and convenient inuse( they can be glued directly to the glass), in practice they are much inferior to traditional models. They are too heavily influenced by external conditions, and the low quality of used batteries can distort data.

    The safest and easiest fixing techniques for

    The first thing to consider is how to fix the thermometer to the window, in which the installation will take only a few minutes, and the frame material will not be subjected to aggressive influence.

    • Without the use of auxiliary tools. The simplest and safest window for a window that you can use if you need to fix a thermometer with flat bends. You just need to pick up a rubber sealer with a knife or a thin screwdriver, which holds the glass and push the upper part of the device under it first, and then the lower one.
    • On the glue. This composition also does not damage the plastic window, but it is better to use it when working with very light and oversized items. The difficulty is that for reliable fixing you will have to wait a few minutes, creating an increased pressure on the thermometer, only then it will be securely glued.
    • On Velcro or double-sided adhesive tape. Simple and fast approaches, which, with the observance of process technology, guarantee a reliable and lasting result. True, if the first time it did not happen to paste the product on the plastic window smoothly, fix it will not work.
    • On the suckers. Not the most reliable option. Most often, the thermometer on the suckers is glued only under the condition of minimal exposure to external stimuli, for example, in a closed but unglazed balcony.

    Before fixing the thermometer with a sticky substrate, the following manipulations must be carried out:

    1. The working surface is wiped with turpentine, alcohol or other degreasing solution. This rule applies even to newly installed windows.
    2. Surface wipe dry with a lint-free cloth, otherwise the design will not even stick.
    3. After the product is pressed against the window with a sticky side, it is prohibited to move it.
    4. If the object is stuck so unevenly that it simply needs to be removed, it is best to use a knife on which to impose a cloth impregnated with a solvent. Carefully remove the adhesive tape or tape, trying not to scratch the material. After that on the same site it is better not to glue the device, it is necessary to choose a new zone.

    Of course, such approaches will not keep the thermometer if the street is a hurricane, but in other cases you can count on a multi-year service of the device without any disruption.

    How to fix the outdoor thermometer as reliably as possible?

    It is not recommended to spoil the plastic window with nails in any case, if you really need a maximum fixation of the thermometer, it is better to use self-tapping screws. We take the shortest elements with a hemispherical head, according to their dimensions, we pre-drill in the hole-holders of the hole, otherwise the material can crack. The site is chosen the most solid, remote from other elements and details.

    Besides this, thinking about using self-tapping screws, it is worth considering the option of fixing the thermometer on one of the slopes of the window. In this case, you will have to independently manufacture fasteners from durable metal and drill the wall, but the plastic window frame will remain intact, and the thermometer will be fixed as reliably as possible. It is important to take into account the technical features of the process. For example, holes for fixing can be drilled no closer than four centimeters from the edge of the slope, otherwise the angle can simply split away.

    When choosing a suitable street thermometer, it is recommended to bypass the so-called "souvenir products".Although it is designed to measure outdoor temperatures, it can malfunction in indications up to 2-3 ° C, even if the installation technique is observed.