How to clean water without a filter at home: traditional, folk ways

Today everyone knows about the benefits of regular use of clean water for the human body. Despite the numerous stages of processing, ordinary liquid from the tap is more like a technical composition, so every person should know how to clean the water on their own. It's not even always in the use - food prepared from the product without impurities, more pleasant to taste and does not cause a negative reaction from the digestive system. Happy owners of the filter, these practical tips will not be needed, they only need to regularly change the cartridges. And those who do not trust modern development or want to save money, you can try effective, but more affordable ways.

Proven folk cleaners for tap water

This direction, like cleaning water at home, was used by people several centuries ago. This was done for various reasons, but with one goal - to make a quality and useful drink out of unsuitable liquid.

  • Use of a rowan grapes. This method is no less effective than an activated carbon filter. You just need to put in a container with a liquid bunch of ripe, pre-washed berries and leave for at least a couple of hours.
  • Application of other vegetable components. In some villages, even today, water is purified by juniper branches, willow caress, onion husks and cherry leaves. Only in this case, the purification of tap water will take at least 12 hours.
  • Purification by pharmacy. There are ways to disinfect water without changing its taste. Everyone can do this by adding iodine or vinegar to the liquid. In the first case, take 3 drops of 5% solution per liter of water. In the second - a teaspoon for the same amount. In both cases, you will have to wait a couple of hours before drinking water.
  • Wine cleaning. One of the most ancient options. In two parts of the water we take one part of dry white wine, mix it, insist 3-4 hours.

Advice: It is recommended to apply the listed methods only in extreme cases, becauseeach approach has significant drawbacks. The use of plant components will not protect against a number of pathogenic microbes. Getting drinking water by diluting it with wine and pharmacy does not guarantee a pleasant taste, becauseto kill chlorine is very problematic.

Effective and affordable techniques that will help to purify water from harmful impurities and make it suitable for drinking

Before cleaning the water at home, it is recommended to perform its analysis on the level of salts, microbes, microelements. In some cases, forced unprofessional purification will only exacerbate the situation. If the analysis is too negative, it is better not to risk and install a special filter into the crane.

What can I do if the composition of the water does not threaten the state of health, but I want to raise its indicators:

  • Listing various methods of water purification, people first of all recall the boiling. Sterilization of the liquid by bringing it to high temperatures allows you to get rid of microbes, viruses,pathogens. But the full purification occurs only if the boil lasts at least a quarter of an hour, with the lid open. Do not forget about the negative aspects of the approach. Chlorinated compounds do not disappear anywhere, they just change. There will be no benefit from such water, it is empty. The concentration of salts in the liquid increases markedly.
  • Otstavanie. Vovolstvenno effective technique, which has a special specificity. Water is poured from the tap and left for at least 8 hours. Occasionally you need to stir the composition, not reaching to the bottom, then the volatile chlorine will evaporate more intensively. To make this approach more efficient, after a specified time, the liquid must be poured into a new container, leaving at least a quarter of the volume with a harmful sediment.
  • Cleansing with salt. By the degree of purification of water from salts of heavy metals and harmful microorganisms, this option is comparable with the installation of a filter. We pour two liters of tap water, we plant in it a tablespoon of table salt( with a slide).After 15-30 minutes, the liquid can be drunk. But drinking such a drink every day is highly discouraged.
  • Water freezing is not in vain considered to be one of the most effective and trouble-free methodologies. The cleaning of tap water in this way guarantees a pleasant taste and absolute safety of the drink. To do everything right, you need to consider several important points. Before freezing, water does not need to be treated. We take a plastic container, pour liquid into it, but do not fill it completely( water, turning into ice, will expand).We follow when the water freezes halfway and merge what has not frozen, it is in this part of the composition that most of the salts and harmful components remain. Even doctors confirm that clean water, obtained by freezing, is not worse in quality than after installing the filter. Only to drink it is recommended immediately after the ice is thawed.
  • Cleaning with silicon. Before cleaning the water in this way, it is necessary to stock up silicon. It is best to purchase the product in a pharmacy, then it does not have to be cleaned up. Pour water into a container, it is best to do with a three-liter can, add a washed pebble, cover the neck with gauze and defend for a couple of days. Then we pour the liquid into a clean container, leaving three centimeters of water with silicon on the bottom.
  • Today another stone, shungite, has been used to produce drinking water. It is necessary to take a stone( 100 grams per liter of water) and place it in water for three days. Then, just drained the liquid, as in the previous approach. The stone can be used up to six months, periodically cleaning it from plaque.
  • Activated carbon. This component is often a component of a professional filter, absorbing all harmful substances. Just wrap a few tablets of the drug in gauze and dip it into the water( 1 tablet per liter of liquid) and wait 8 hours. You can put the design in the evening, then in the morning there will be the right amount of drinking water.

  • Cleaning with silver. If there is a silver coin or a spoon, you can do without a filter. You just need to lower the product for the night in a container of liquid, this will rid the composition of microbes, viruses, chlorine.

The above methods can become a source of drinking water if a high-quality filter is not installed on the tap. The main thing is not to allow a common mistake - not resorting to deliberately failed methods. For example, the use of miracle magnets gives a rather doubtful effect, and distilled water does not provide the body with the necessary substances.