How to open a bottle without a corkscrew - several ways


  • How to remove a plug without a corkscrew
  • Less aesthetic ways to remove a plug
  • Exotic ways to open wine bottles
  • How to pull a stopper out of a bottle

If you need to print a bottle of good wine and there is not a corkscrew, do not be upset. There are many ways how to open a bottle without a corkscrew with the help of improvised means. The method is chosen depending on what items are available at the moment at hand.

How to remove the cork without a corkscrew

First, you should try to pull the cork, not breaking it into parts. Most likely, it will be possible to do this if you have a little patience.

  • A well-known and effective method - blows to the bottom. The bottom of the bottle should be wrapped with a tissue or towel. Holding the bottle of wine in a horizontal position, tap one's hand abruptly on the bottom until the stopper moves out of the bottle so much that it can be grasped with your fingers. For greater efficiency, you can tap the bottle on the wall, placing a book or a piece of rubber. It's even easier to fill a plastic bottle with water and apply blows to the middle part. This method is best suited for bottles with a concave bottom, they can be opened after several strokes.

Please be careful. If the effect is too strong, the bottle may break. And if you do not stop on time - the cork can pop out, and the wine splashes out and splatter furniture, carpet or clothes.

  • As an improvised corkscrew, you can successfully use a screw or a screw, and the thicker it is, the better. Screws must be screwed into the cork so that 1.5-2 cm remains on top, then grasping the cap with pliers or nail puller, pull out the cork. If there are no tools, then the screw of the screw can be tied with a cord or wire and, pulling them, open the bottle.
  • You can try to remove the cork from a bottle of wine using a knife with a narrow durable blade. A folding knife or strong scissors is suitable for this. The blade must be deeply inserted into the cork and, turning it in one and the other side, gradually pull out the cork. If the folding knife is sufficiently strong, then it is possible to greatly simplify the task by turning the handle at 90 ° degrees, use it as a lever.

You can not stick the blade in the slope and try to open the bottle, leaning on the neck( like opening a beer bottle).At best, a piece of cork breaks off, at worst - the blade breaks or the glass breaks off.

  • A piece of durable steel wire can become a worthy replacement for the corkscrew. Approximately 1-1.5 cm of wire should be bent at an acute angle( approximately 30-40 degrees).This hook is pushed inside between the glass and the plug, then turn the wire 90 ° so that the end of the hook is under the plug. Having hooked, it can be pulled out outside the wire.

In order not to cut yourself with a wire, it is necessary to put on protective gloves or wrap your hand around a cloth.

  • Instead of steel wire, you can use two paper clips, unfolding them without touching the short U-shaped ears. On two opposite sides of the cork, the hooks must be pushed inwards, rotated 90 ° to hook the cork. The remaining wires from the paper clips should be firmly twisted together. In the resulting loop, slip any suitable object( pencil, handle from a spoon or fork, a thick nail, etc.), pulling which, you can easily open a bottle of wine.
  • You can try to open the bottle with a thick leather or textile strap. At the end, you need to tie a knot, then pierce the cork with a sharp object and push this knot into the hole to get it inside. Grabbing the cord, you must slowly pull out the cork. If the nodule jumps through the hole, you should increase its size( tying double or triple).

These are the basic methods of how to pull the cork from a bottle. But, if for some reason they do not fit, you can try to get to the wine in other ways.

Less aesthetic ways to remove the plug

The simplest method to open a wine without a corkscrew is to pick a cork or make a hole in it. But small particles of cork will necessarily fall into the drink. Therefore, it will have to be filtered.

More often the cork is simply pushed into the inside by a suitably thick object. The plug is desirable to pierce, it will reduce pressure, and it will be easier to cope with the task. During uncorking, the bottle should be placed on a stable surface away from people, as the wine can spill from the neck.

You can put a bottle of wine in a jar with hot water. After a while, the cork will come out of the neck so that it can be removed by hand, or simply flies outward. But the drink in this case will heat up and look more like mulled wine.

Exotic ways of opening wine bottles

These methods can be used only in extreme situations. They are risky enough, and you can easily get hurt.

  1. Fight off the neck. The wine must always be filtered, since even a microscopic fragment of glass falling into the glass can seriously injure internal organs.
  2. Warm the neck on an open flame at the point where the stopper ends. If you do it carefully, it will fly out by yourself. Do not immediately pour the wine, because the hot glass in contact with a cold drink, most likely, will split.
  3. If there is a car pump and a nozzle for inflating the ball, then it is possible to pierce the stopper with this needle and pump the air into the bottle until it flies out. The operation should be carried out alone: ​​one holds the bottle vertically, the second - pumps. A bottle should be wrapped with a towel, in case it bursts from the excessive zeal of the opener.
  4. If a picnic takes place in the city, you can order the purchase and delivery of the corkscrew through the taxi service. And although it will not cost cheap, but the rest will not be spoiled.

How to remove a cork from a bottle

In some cases, a cork is needed for crafts or fishing needs, but it is inside an empty bottle. And sometimes empty bottles are used to store home beverages. In both cases, you need to get the undamaged stopper from the bottle, without breaking the glass.

The easiest way to do this is with a thick enough line, a strong lace or a thin wire. Folding the line in half, you have to put a loop inside the bottle. Then turn the bottle down with a throat and, tilting it in one direction or the other, make sure that the cork is oriented towards the exit and is inside the loop. It remains to pull the line and pull it out.

You can use the usual plastic bag. It must be pushed inside so that the open end is outside, turn the bottle over, adjusting the cork to the neck, and, inflating the bag, pull it out with the cork.

As you can see, to open a wine without having a corkscrew, is entirely within the power of anyone. You just need to get a little patience, apply a little effort, and then proudly pour the drink on the glasses.