Mold on the walls in the apartment: how to get rid of the harmful fungus at home?


  • The main condition for the destruction of mold
  • Directions of struggle
  • Versatile folk remedies
  • Features of work depending on surface types
  • Working with special tools

Many do not know how to get rid of mold in the apartment until the problem touches them personally. High humidity with poor ventilation leads to the appearance of mold. Invisible to the eye, arguments quickly spread around the room in search of secluded corners, and soon the apartment is filled with an unpleasant smell, and on the surfaces there is a nasty dark raid.

The main condition for the destruction of mold

The fungus on the walls can survive a lot. In some apartments, with regular procedures, he has been terrorizing tenants for years. And it's not about the wrong choice of means or cleaning procedures - even ordinary furatsilin will help in this case. Disputes are hiding in distant cracks, and then joyfully get out, where they can not be washed. Most often, one has to be interested in how to get rid of black mold, less often there are other varieties.

Why? The problem is in the microclimate of housing. Until the humidity becomes stable low, the positive effect of the work can only be temporary.

It is necessary to carry out a number of manipulations:

  • check the ventilation system and thermal insulation;
  • separately check the humidity in the kitchen and bathroom, troubleshoot the plumbing;
  • install electric dehydrator system;
  • if there are places where the paint went to the hills, remove it, treat the surface with an antiseptic to remove the mold, and paint over with a fresh layer;
  • with acetic detergents to destroy spores in cracks and crevices;
  • do not dry things in the apartment, straighten the shower curtains, purchase towel drying in the bathroom.

If everything is done correctly, then after fulfilling these elementary rules, the means of mold on the walls will bring the expected effect, and you will say goodbye to the harmful guest.

Directions of struggle

  1. First of all the fungus on the walls should be cleaned mechanically. The same procedure is carried out with a floor covering, a ceiling and furniture, which also was struck. Most often this is part of the side of a damp wall or in the corners.
  2. The question of how to get rid of mold in the house, has long been troubling construction companies. Chemical laboratories are produced in their laboratories, which need to be treated not only by affected surfaces, but also by nearby ones. However, it is still worth combating with softer, folk, antiseptics. If the case is not running, there will be enough of them.
  3. Without regret, throw things that have been hit by mold.
  4. Carefully ventilate the room from the smell of fungus and chemicals.
  5. To monitor the humidity in the room, in time to eliminate its sources. This is especially difficult to accomplish in a private home.

Furacilin can significantly alleviate the fight against mold stains

Universal folk remedies

You can try to get rid of mold in the room with affordable and relatively harmless folk antiseptics. Even familiar from childhood furatsilin and peroxide will be reliable assistants. It is easy to prepare antifungal solutions from them, you need to spend minimum funds, and you can do cleaning in a specially dressed gown and rubber gloves.

Here are a few recipes that you can use on different types of surfaces without harm to get rid of mold.

  • Option 1

4 tbsp.l.borax, half a cup of white vinegar and 4 cups of warm water, mix to a uniform consistency and spray the spray with a solution of the surface of the apartment. After 10 minutes, carefully wipe dry thoroughly and repeat the procedure for removing the fungus with the antiseptic again.

  • Option 2

On the same 4 cups of water - half a glass of bleach. All is thoroughly mixed and applied to painted walls and other smooth surfaces, such as tiles or lining. Wipe, apply again for 5-10 minutes and wipe again.

  • Option 3

Wipe off the surface vinegar several times with an interval of 1 hour.

  • Variant 4

Hydrogen peroxide in 3% variant works perfectly on the fungus and is sold in any pharmacy.


Antiseptic has bleaching properties, it is worth considering this when applying.

  • Option 5

Unlike previous antifungal folk recipes, this solution is advised not to try to completely wash off the surface. And this is completely safe, since it includes only water( 1 glass) and soda( 1 tsp).Remaining on the walls, soda for a long time can fight with mold.

  • Variant 6

A solution of furacilin, if done alone, will help against the fungus not worse. It is necessary to grind 10 tablets of pharmacy furacelin and dissolve in a glass of warm water. After this, thoroughly wipe the affected surfaces with liquid.


Folk remedies do not guarantee the removal of mold, but the probability of a positive result is great. It is better to spend extra time working with such harmless substances as soda or furatsilin than to breathe aggressive chemical preparations.

Features of work depending on the surface types

Before you get rid of the fungus on the walls, painted with paint, you need to remove the layer in places where the painting has gone cracks and hillocks. Otherwise, the disputes that are uniquely hidden there will soon appear again on the surface.

Much worse case with plasterboard and suspended ceilings. They are problematic to treat, as the surfaces are porous, and the fungus on the walls and ceilings penetrates deep inside. If the universal prescriptions do not give a result, and there is no possibility or desire to apply to specialists, it is necessary to replace the amazed part with a trivial one.

Wallpapers of any quality are often overgrown with fungus due to improperly performed repair work. It will not be possible to clean up, the wallpaper will have to be completely removed and processed under them by a porous wall.

The porous wall requires special attention, as it is a tasty morsel for fungi. The fight against the fungus on the walls begins with the cleaning of the surface by the spatula from the fungus and loose plaster, where spores could get into. Further, the whole surface is cleaned with sandpaper, including the previously cleaned areas, and the treatment with furatsilin solution begins. This must be done repeatedly, 5-6 times. And only after this, antiseptic and plaster are used.

Working with special tools

Since the mold is resistant to many antiseptics, the development of a fungicide for chemists is quite ruthless for the human body. Work with them is necessary, carefully following all the safety rules, including the construction respirator.

From the surface material depends, than to treat the walls from mold. Moreover, varieties of the fungus are treated with different chemicals. So, before removing the fungicide, carefully study the recommendations for its use and your walls. Having decided what to do with, you can clean much more efficiently and in less time.

Than to treat walls from a mold and how to remove a fungus that he has not come back again, experts well know. Of course, at home, you can solve this problem on your own, but turning to professionals will save you a lot of time and energy and save your health. Disputes flying in the air are toxic, and the dust of repair will not add to your health. Professionals can clean mold using protective equipment, performing all the stages of work correctly and at a fast pace.