How to get yourself cleaned up in an apartment: psychological tricks


  • The main thing - motivation
  • Unusual tricks
  • Where to start?
  • Get rid of the trash important
  • Useful advices

How to force yourself to get out of the apartment? Every woman sooner or later comes a time when even from the very thought of cleaning her mood begins to deteriorate. Sometimes the fault is the accumulated fatigue, melancholy or just a desire to watch your favorite movie. But the mess and mud themselves do not disappear. What can be done in this situation?

The main thing - the motivation of

Even the most simple occupation seems overwhelming if you do not want to do it. There are always a lot of excuses and reasons. That's why the right motivation for cleaning is important, especially if you have to "generate" the whole apartment.

Simple psychological methods help to change the negative mood.

  • If you have children in your family, think about the imprint on them of your attitude to order and cleanliness. The parent example is very important. It is useless to explain to a child the importance of regular cleaning, if you yourself often shy away from daily duties.
  • The house is a reflection of the people who live in it. Think, do things around you create a special mood, comfort? Do they lie in their places? Or do you want to leave your home faster to avoid seeing all this horror?
  • You will be surprised, but the problems at work, in your personal life and even the excess weight are interrelated with the cleanliness in the house. It is impossible to lead a healthy lifestyle and think positively if there is mud around the mess. Agree, in a clean house and thoughts become clearer and clearer, and the soul and body become calm.

Unusual tricks of

If you are still not tuned to clean and think about how to make yourself clean, then you should try other tricks. You can use any favorite option or even a few at a time.

  • Call the guests. It's not necessary to have a grand party, it can be a regular tea party with friends or co-workers. Here, willy-nilly, so as not to fall into the mud face, you have to get out of the apartment.
  • Make the furniture reshuffle. Psychologists say that you need to change the environment around yourself at least once a year. This has a beneficial effect on the mood, makes you look at your home in a new way. And, of course, during the rearrangement without cleaning is not enough. So, you will do two useful things at once.
  • Sports training. We put on a sports suit, sneakers and start the exercises. Climb to your toes and wipe the dust off the top shelves. Now we are training the muscles of the hands - the three sinks, the stove, wiping them off the table. Exercises for the press: the starting position - kneeling, wipe the floor with a rag( to yourself, from yourself, to the sides).We stop training only when the house is shining with cleanliness.
  • The way for the lazy. If your hands are completely down, try to persuade yourself to work for only 10 minutes. Agree, not so much. To accidentally not "recycle", start an alarm clock or a timer. You will be surprised, but even in such a short time you can do enough. Liked? Try to spend on cleaning the apartment for another 10 minutes.
  • Extreme measures. If there is a lot of trash and rubbish accumulated, then the most correct solution is to use the help of the cleaning service specialists. They will put order in your apartment, and you only need to support it in the future. Another plus of this method is that you can see the secrets of fast, effective cleaning.


Instead of making yourself clean every time, introduce all household members, including children, to domestic work. Duties, divided by at least three, seem not so overwhelming and complex.

Where to start?

So, you have already figured out how to get yourself cleaned up in the room, charged with a positive attitude and ready to begin work. What do you need to do first? We propose an order of actions, which, as practice shows, is the most effective.

  • Write a list of rooms that are going to be removed. First on the list, let it be the easiest, for example, a bedroom or a bathroom.
  • Close your eyes and imagine how the rooms in the apartment will look after cleaning.
  • Next, prepare the inventory that you will use - a vacuum cleaner, a mop, detergents, cleaners, cloths and sponges.
  • Turn on the background of merry, incendiary music( but not a TV series!).
  • Collect all the trash, papers, lying things in a big basket.
  • Vacuum, wipe off dust, clean the floor clean. Behind the sofa and under the bed, too.
  • Collect all the trash in the basket. You fold up the necessary things systematically, leave the rest in the trash.
  • Allow yourself to rest a bit, drink a cup of tea or coffee.
  • Now clean up the rest of the rooms.


During cleaning, try to maintain a positive attitude. Remember that it is cozy only in that dwelling, where regularly clean.

Getting rid of the trash is important

If you carefully inspect your apartment, you can notice special places where trash reproduces with appalling speed. You do not have time to look back, as instead of one leaf has already accumulated a heap of papers. Or where one thing neatly lay, a whole mountain of "rags" was formed.

To do away with this once and for all, you need to get rid of unnecessary things. Usually it is:

  • old newspapers, catalogs, magazines, flyers;
  • overdue or unused creams, shampoos, balms;
  • worn out, out of fashion shoes;
  • socks without a pair, stretched underwear;
  • empty boxes, bags, plastic cups and buckets;
  • plastic bottles, empty cans, cosmetic tubes;
  • dried plants, flowers;
  • obsolete kitchen utensils( frying pans, pans);
  • overdue foods, cereals, as well as meat, lying for a long time in the freezer;
  • old batteries;
  • candlestick candles;
  • is all that is broken.

Useful advice

Whatever it was, bringing order and cleanliness - is not easy work. To facilitate the cleaning process in the apartment, use the following tips.

  • Do not allow dirt to accumulate, clean every day. Many women postpone cleaning until later, to remove everything in one fell swoop. But the more garbage accumulates, the less you want to "rake" it.
  • Make a list of duties for the week. If possible, distribute them among all family members. For example, on Monday and Thursday you clean the bathroom and toilet, on Saturday sort out the cabinets, Sunday, clean the carpets, etc. Children or her husband can be instructed to water flowers, wipe the dust, and wash dishes.
  • Choose special clothes for cleaning. It should be comfortable, easy to wear off.
  • Make it a rule to turn off the phone, TV and the Internet while cleaning. It's better to include fun music. So you finish the job faster, there will be less temptation to get distracted.
  • Do not try to do many things at once. Objectively evaluate the amount of work and its capabilities.
  • All the time, learn new, effective ways to clean different things. This will save your strength and time.

Remember that the woman is the keeper of the hearth. Who, if not she, can create an atmosphere of comfort in the apartment? Perhaps this is the most correct answer to the question "how can I get myself to clean up at home".You just need to realize your feminine essence and role in the arrangement of your home.