Where to rent old household appliances for money: the best options for getting rid of junk

When the balcony is no longer able to accommodate an old washing machine, everything is set in the country house by refrigerators, all relatives are brought there, and in the garage the car adjoins a bunch of Soviet TVs that are so miserable to throw out, it's time to start fighting with the Korobochka syndrome and think about sweepingspace. We perfectly understand that all this technique was acquired by excessive work, so we will not advise simply to take this pile of metal to the nearest trash. In fact, old appliances can bring a little money if you find where you can rent it at a favorable rate.

Why is the recycling program not an option?

Processing technology is not just a way to get rid of obsolete unnecessary things, but also a program aimed at maintaining our environment in a livable state. Do you know that many details of household appliances need to be handed over to the disposal point, and this is indicated in the operating instructions? Air conditioners, mobile phones, everything that contains circuits and boards, should not simply be thrown to the landfill, since these elements not only can be recycled into something useful, but will also negatively affect the environment, if there is no one about themtake care. But where can you take all this?

Unfortunately, for all the importance and prevalence of the program for the utilization of machinery in Russia, you will have to suffer if you still want to contribute to the serene future of new generations. Firstly, not all cities have special items to utilize the equipment, and even in a city with a million population it may be problematic to find such an office. Secondly, the owner must take care of all the costs of recycling: the delivery and the process itself can cost a lot of money. Well, finally, no one will pay you for it, and you obviously have not started reading this article. Therefore, we will postpone the recycling option until the moment you get into the spirit of the "green" movement, and consider much more mercantile options in order to get at least some money.

Places where your trash will be happy

Let's say at once: even relatively new home appliances will be difficult to attach at least half the price. The problem is that new models are being released faster and faster, and the gap in the quality and the advancement of TVs, refrigerators and machines is increasing by leaps and bounds. Still, the chance to receive from the spent things at least some money is quite large: it all depends on where to take it, in what state it is and how old it is.

  • Obsolete, but working technique

If you just decided to buy a more recent model of a TV set or a refrigerator, and you did not need old technology while being absolutely working, finding a new owner would be easy: at an adequate cost of the product, by the evening there will be someoneSomeone who wants to take your old equipment to your dacha, to a hostel or to a village. But this is if you know where to place an ad.

All transactions of this kind are now online, which is very convenient, and to sell the working equipment you do not even have to look for specialized sites: any site with ads for your city will do. This may be flea market "VKontakte", "Avito" or city portal: for a good thing at an affordable price can lined up a whole queue!

Also, many hardware stores periodically arrange promotions for exchanging old equipment for a new one, and if you follow such offers, you can not just hand over an old refrigerator or TV, but it's also profitable to buy a new one!

You can leave a working thing in pawnshops: if you do not want to think about selling yourself at all, then you can hand over the old equipment there.

advice Try to make several photos of the sold item: ads without visual reinforcement of information always have fewer views, which means that your chance to quickly get rid of the old technology will be much lower.

  • Relatively new broken technology

Do you have a fairly fresh technique, repair of which is either impossible or unreasonably expensive? Then you have a chance to hand over such a refrigerator or TV for dismantling: many workshops either repair and resell such equipment, or use suitable parts to repair other things. Here, the newer the broken thing, the better, but it is possible that parts from the old Atlanta will also be needed for someone. The site for marketing is the same: masters are monitoring sites like Avito, looking for the models they need, but if you know a particular repair shop for home appliances or a private craftsman, you can contact them directly.

  • Rarities

The old TV can be sold for 50 thousand rubles, but only if it's a model for years, 50s, and even preferably in working order! You will also grab your vintage equipment with your hands: you will not have to take it anywhere. Perhaps it is your old dusty ZIL store that will take its place from some collector or lover of antiquity, thus bringing a substantial amount of money to the former owner.

advice Not everything that is dear to your heart can be considered a rarity. We understand that you got used to this old TV from childhood with all your heart, but now it is no longer necessary to the buyers of spare parts, and collectors are not interested in it yet. So either take it to the trash, or wait until it becomes history.

  • Trash

The old refrigerator looks more like a pile of metal and does not represent any functional or even historical value? Then you can take it to the point of reception of scrap metal. Yes, the proceeds are unlikely to be enough to buy something worthwhile, but you want to pass the technique far not the first freshness. The only thing is, this option involves a fairly large amount of metal: perhaps you will need to find a reseller, who collects scrap metal, and then surrenders to the base in bulk.

Board Even the most unsightly television or refrigerator can be required for somebody for absolutely unpredictable purposes: sometimes the details are needed for art objects and installations, or maybe your ad will be seen by some beginning engineer-designer. If you are not in a hurry, then on the Internet you can try to sell inexpensively even rubbish.

It's quite easy to raise a little money for old equipment, and sometimes amounts can reach tens of thousands of rubles. Adequately assess the status of your refrigerator or TV, place an ad, and your buyer will not keep you waiting!