Top 10 most poisonous snakes in the world

We present to you the top 10 most venomous snakes on the planet .The snake can be found anywhere, from the forests and steppes of Russia to the Australian deserts and the African tropics. According to statistics, snake bites are the cause of about 125,000 deaths per year worldwide.

The good news: the chances of dying from a snake bite are scanty compared to the risk of dying from cancer, heart disease, or a car accident. The bad news: being bitten by a snake is a very painful way to die. Those who were lucky to survive described various terrible symptoms, such as the inability to breathe normally, the numbness of the limbs and the failure of various organs. And although the doctors have developed many antidotes, you still need to get the medicine. However, even the most venomous snake in the world does not sleep at all and sees as it were to bite a person. Usually these creatures tend to be left alone. And it is better to fulfill this desire, if you value your life.


  • 10. Kaisaka, aka laboria( Bothrops atrox) - a lethal dose of 50 mg of poison.
  • 9. Black mamba( Dendroaspis polylepis) - 10-15 mg.
  • 8. Bumplang( Dispholidus typus) - lethal dose of 10-12 mg.
  • 7. Royal cobra( Ophiophagus Hannah) - 7 mg.
  • 6. Taipan( Oxyuranus) - 5 mg.
  • 5. Sandy Epha( Echis carinatus) - 5 mg.
  • 4. Harlequin aspid( Micrurus fulvius) - 4 mg.
  • 3. Indian krat( Bungarus caeruleus) - 2.5 mg.
  • 2. Tiger Snake( Notechis scutatus) is a fatal dose of 1.5 mg.
  • 1. Nosate Enhydrina( Enhydrina schistosa) - 1.5 mg.

10. Kaisaka, aka laboria( Bothrops atrox) - a lethal dose of 50 mg of poison.

For the yellow color of the chin of this representative of the Yamkogolovye snakes from the family of vipers is also called the "yellow beard".Kaisaka is an aggressive creature that often creeps into human habitation. It is found in Central America and tropical South America. The venom of this snake acts very quickly, a fatal outcome occurs within a few minutes. Often, workers of coffee and banana plantations become victims of labaria.

9. Black mamba( Dendroaspis polylepis) - 10-15 mg.

The snake, sometimes called the "black mouth", is also a black mamba that inhabits savannahs and woodlands of the tropical part of Africa and is often found near termiteurs. Body color varies from gray to dark brown, and the name of the reptile comes from the black cavity of the mouth, this can be seen in the photo with the attacking mamba. Black mamba is a fast snake with an extremely powerful poison containing a toxic mixture of neurotoxin and cardiotoxin. He kills the majority of victims, including a human, in 20 minutes. Despite its aggressive reputation, the mamba does not attack the person first and attacks only when she was caught in the corner or caught unawares. And the mamba is the longest species of the poisonous snake in Africa and the second longest in the world.

8. Bumplang( Dispholidus typus) - lethal dose of 10-12 mg.

The most beautiful snake from the family of the odd-shaped lives in Sub-Saharan Africa and hunts by expanding the front part of its body. Usually it hangs motionless on a tree or a bush, its shape imitating branches. For this, and called the Dutch settlers a "wood snake"( boom - a tree, a slang - a snake).Bumslap injects poison when chewing its victim, because its teeth are almost in the middle of the mouth, and not at its beginning, like other representatives of the ranking of the most venomous snakes in the world. In its venom, it is not the neurotoxin that prevails, but the hemothoxin, which causes the destruction of erythrocytes. Bumslang is a very shy snake and, thanks to its good vision, is able to avoid meeting a person in a timely manner. However, if you grab a bite, it's inevitable. So from the Boomslang in 1957, the famous herpentologist and zoologist Karl Paterson Schmidt died.

7. Royal cobra( Ophiophagus Hannah) - 7 mg.

Is the longest poisonous snake on Earth. Most individuals in length reach 3-4 meters, and there are 5.6-meter giants. The poison of the queen of snakes is so dangerous that it can kill an elephant in just a few hours. A man is enough and 15 minutes. Fortunately for a man, a cobra prefers not to waste his main weapon in vain and does not bite without warning. It can bite and "idle" without injecting a poison or allocating a minimum amount.

The royal cobra lives in the tropical forests of South and South-East Asia, and prefers to hunt rat snakes. She also does not disdain poisonous "colleagues."

6. Taipan( Oxyuranus) - 5 mg.

In the sixth place of the snake hit parade is the most dangerous snake in Australia and one of the most poisonous creatures on Earth. If you have ever heard the expression "cautiously, you are dealing with a sensitive, easily excitable bastard", then it is perfectly suitable for characterizing the taipan. Any movement alongside this nervous creep will most likely provoke an attack. Taipan venom contains a neurotoxin that works by paralyzing the muscles of the victim, which in turn leads to a stopping of breathing. Without an antidote, the taipan bite always ends in death. The bitten person has about 30 minutes to get to the hospital.

5. Sandy Epha( Echis carinatus) - 5 mg.

To kill a person, about 5 mg of poison is enough. This is perhaps the most dangerous and deadly snake on our list, as scientists believe that in its habitat the sand efa killed more people than other types of snakes put together. The poisonous snake is so mobile and aggressive that it bites several times. Efs are not afraid of people, often creep into dwellings, cellars and utility rooms in search of food. Those who survived the aftereffect of the ef, may have problems with the kidneys due to defects in blood coagulation.

4. Harlequin aspid( Micrurus fulvius) - 4 mg.

The snake, brightly colored by mother Nature, is found in the southeast of the USA and in the northeast of Mexico. This is the only snake in North America, laying eggs, and not giving birth to the young. On people, this poisonous handsome prefers not to attack, but if he had to, he attacks with lightning speed and without assistance the death of the victim comes within 20 hours. Therefore, it is better to admire them on video and never to meet in life.

3. Indian krat( Bungarus caeruleus) - 2.5 mg.

These small reptiles and their relative, the ribbon kraut( Bungarus multicinctus), are responsible for the death of thousands of people each year throughout South Asia. In their habitat - from Pakistan to India and Sri Lanka - the krai often creep into houses to hunt rodents and often bite people during sleep. The bite of this snake causes paralysis of the facial muscles, and sometimes the whole body. Death from respiratory failure can occur after 1-6 hours, if not enter an antidote.

2. Tiger snake( Notechis scutatus) - a fatal dose of 1.5 mg.

Dwells on the southern outskirts of Australia and the nearby islands of the region. When this cruel poisonous predator prepares to strike, he bends his head and neck in the manner of Asian and African cobras. Tiger snakes are very aggressive and kill more people in Australia, that any other snake on this continent.

1. Nosate Enhydrina( Enhydrina schistosa) - 1.5 mg.

Although the question of which is the most poisonous snake is controversial, anhydrina is often regarded as the most deadly of all.

This reptile is known not only as extremely poisonous, but also as very aggressive. This species of sea snake is responsible for more than 50% of the attacks of all sea snakes per person and is responsible for about 90% of all deaths caused by sea snake bites.

Most sea snakes are poisonous, so if you see one of them in the water, swim away!

Fortunately, none of the top 10 most venomous snakes is found in the Russian Federation. The most poisonous snake in Russia is the Viper, one of the most common. A guaranteed toxic dose is 40-50 mg. The number of lethal cases is so small that scientists have not yet managed to determine the more accurate dosage.