- Temporary trouble or real problem?
- How to disinfect footwear from a fungus?
- Prevention of the development of foot fungus
How to disinfect shoes for the prevention of fungus - you need to know everyone, because this problem is very common today. And in order not to discourage those around you with an unpleasant ambregee and not feel shy and embarrassed, you just need to take good care of your feet and have some tips for taking care of shoes and their choice.
to content ↑Temporary trouble or real problem?
Stop and nail fungus is an infectious disease that is very common among the population. The disease is dangerous for a healthy person and causes great discomfort to those who have become infected.
Important! According to statistics, a quarter of the world's population suffers from one of the varieties of fungal infection.
Some people are careless about this affliction, and this is their huge mistake. Fungus stop is a very serious disease, which in the future can become the strongest allergen. The disease of the feet and toenails requires long treatment. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get rid of it by medical products alone. It is necessary to observe the hygiene of the feet and apply preventative measures to combat the fungus, namely to carry out disinfection of shoes and hosiery.
to the contents ↑How to disinfect shoes from fungus?
The most important point in the treatment and prevention of fungal diseases is disinfection of shoe and. Even if you have undergone a course of treatment, the likelihood of recurrence of the disease is very high, especially from your own shoes.
Fungal spores are hardy and reproduce rapidly. They die only at temperatures above 100 degrees. Naturally, it will not work this way. How to disinfect shoes from the fungus in this case? In this situation, the problem will have to be solved by applying modern sprays and solutions specifically designed to destroy fungal spores.
Important! To disinfect footwear it is necessary, even if the problem of a fungal disease has not touched you. If the infection of the nails or feet does occur, then this procedure should be an integral part of the entire treatment period.
Shoe care products
There are many options, , how to disinfect footwear from the fungus , but not all of them bring the expected result. The most effective methods in the treatment of this disease are the following:
- Formalin solution;
- Acetic essence;
- Solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate;
- Sprays and special devices( Mikostop, Desavid and others);
- Disinfecting wet wipes.
Each of the proposed tools will perfectly cope with the task, it is easy to be applied to the damaged surface, and in its majority is inexpensive.
Important! Regardless of which drug you choose, you should strictly follow the sequence of application and the proportion of funds, so as not to spoil the appearance of your shoes.
How to disinfect shoes from vinegar fungus?
There is an old proven method, how to treat shoes from vinegar fungus .Such a solution can be called the most used means for disinfecting and fighting spores of a fungus on the surface of shoes. Vinegar treatment of shoes from the fungus will lead to the complete destruction of its various species. Also, this remedy is an excellent drug for treating the nail plate.
Important! Applying acetic acid, its concentration should not exceed 40%.
How to use:
- Clean and dry shoes before handling.
- Dampen the cotton swab or clean cloth in the medium.
- Handle the toe, heel and side parts of the boots.
- Place the peeled boots in a plastic bag and tighten it tightly.
- In such a package, leave the boots for a day. Under the influence of acid fungus spores are destroyed.
Important! For best results, pull out the insole and treat them from two sides.
Important! Clean colored shoes is extremely accurate, so as not to spoil it. Pre-try the remedy on a barely noticeable area.
How to disinfect shoes with formalin solution?
Formalin has a very sharp odor, so you should use it very carefully as an shoe preparation against , especially if you are allergic.
Important! As in the previous version of shoe cleaning, the concentration of formalin in the finished liquid should not exceed 40%.
- Clean the shoes of dirt and carefully dry it.
- Moisten the cotton pad in the resulting solution and abundantly wipe it with the toe of the shoes, heel and sides of the shoe.
- Place the shoe in a plastic bag and leave it for one day.
- You can get rid of the persistent smell of formalin by wiping the shoes with ammonia.
Important! The processing of boots and shoes should be carried out in rubber gloves to prevent the product from getting on the skin of the hands. For the procedure, choose a room with good ventilation, so as not to damage the respiratory tract.
How to disinfect footwear from fungus with chlorhexidine bigluconate?
As you can see, to the question, than to disinfect shoes, has several answers. One of them is the use of chlorhexidine. If you have not heard about such a medical product, then it's time to find out about it.
Important! Chlorhexidine bigluconate is used as an antiseptic for the sterilization of medical instruments and clothing. It is also used for washing wounds, mucous in the fight against fungi of various kinds.
The components that make up the liquid are excellent at destroying fungal spores that hit the shoes. You can buy the drug in the pharmacy kiosk. With a small cost of the money you will get an excellent result.
Important! To prepare the mixture you need to adhere to a certain proportion. In the resulting solution, chlorhexidine should not exceed 1%.Otherwise, it can harm your health.
Disinfection of shoes at home does not differ from the above described actions. To obtain an excellent result, carefully apply liquid in the area of the toe, heels and side parts of boots or shoes.
Special preparations designed to prevent the onset of fungus and to fight against it
Applying acetic acid, a formalin or chlorhexidine solution at home, you easily eliminate the problem of fungus in shoes. But than to disinfect shoes, if you do not really trust people's methods? Correctly selected methods of treatment will accelerate recovery, so if you refused to use traditional medicine, consult a specialist dermatologist for advice.
In the hardware store you can purchase specially designed shoe aerosols and sprays for the prevention and control of foot fungus diseases. These drugs have in their composition active substances that effectively destroy fungal spores and do not harm human health.
The cost of special drugs will be several times higher than the use of vinegar or other solution. But in this case, the action of the drugs will be comprehensive and safe.
Sprays against fungus
The composition of the sprays is very different. Each of them has a certain period of action, the interval of application and various active substances. In addition to the main application area, some of them are applied directly to the foot area and the nail plate, which is very effective during the treatment and prevention of the disease. Special compositions of such sprays reduce sweating of the legs, have antiseptic properties and eliminate an unpleasant odor.
Popular from the proposed product range:
- Miko-stop;
- Lamicon;
- Bicin;
- Ecoderm.
Important! Before use, carefully read the instructions and follow the instructions given in it.
Anti-fungal napkins
It is not always possible to fully disinfect feet and shoes. In this case, special napkins, which include antibacterial solutions, can help.
Important! Napkins do not have a concentrated composition of active ingredients, so they rarely cause allergies.
Very important is the use of napkins in the summer. With their help, foot sweating, an unpleasant smell and disinfection of shoes are eliminated. Although the effect of such funds is short-term.
Special devices for combating fungus
If you very often visit a bath or other public places, catching a fungus is very easy. In such cases it will be convenient to use special devices for shoes that remove the emerging microbes. Such devices are complexly disinfected and dried wet shoes. As a result, favorable conditions for the development and reproduction of fungal spores are completely destroyed.
Important! The work of such devices is based on the action of ultraviolet radiation, so unpleasant odors are not released during processing. Instruments can be used for any color of shoes.
The cost of a special device is rather big, but in the end you will save the look of your shoes, get rid of the unpleasant odor and prevent the appearance of allergies.
Professional disinfection
If you are afraid of spoiling shoes or do not want to waste time on such procedures, there are companies that will disinfect professional disinfection devices. Under the influence of certain temperatures, all varieties of microbes are destroyed.
Important! Unfortunately, not all kinds of shoes can be subjected to such processing, but it is considered to be the most effective and high-quality one.
to content ↑Prevention of the development of foot fungus
One disinfection of boots and shoes will not be enough to get rid of an unpleasant disease. To combat this disease should be approached in a comprehensive manner. To do this, you must follow simple rules.
Regular foot hygiene:
- Frequently wash your feet, treat feet with special sprays, aerosols. By using such means, you prevent the appearance of the disease and remove the fatigue of the legs.
- Salt baths disinfect the nail plate and contribute to its strengthening.
Proper foot care:
- Regularly do cosmetic procedures, pedicure, professional cleaning of the skin of the legs.
- Scrub and nourishing masks will help prevent infection with germs.
Properly selected shoes:
- In most cases, the infection develops because of the poor quality material from which your shoes are made. Choose shoes from natural materials that allow the skin to "breathe".
- In tight boots or uncomfortable shoes, the legs get tired faster, corns appear, excessive sweating, as a result of skin mycosis develops. Buy comfortable shoes that fit the size of your foot.
Cleanness of hosieries:
- Socks for clean should be changed daily. If you suffer from excessive sweating of your feet, you need to change them more often.
- You should not wear someone else's shoes.
- In shoe stores, always measure your shoes through your sock. So you will protect yourself from infection.
Important! If the appearance of fungus on the soles of the feet and nail plates is systematic, it is recommended to wash the socks separately, regularly to process shoes. Also it is necessary to refuse visits to public baths, swimming pools.
Observing the simple rules of hygiene, cleaning and treating shoes in time, you easily prevent the appearance and development of pathogenic bacteria. After all, everyone knows that it is always much easier to prevent the disease than to treat it later. Following the helpful recommendations from the article, you will not encounter such an unpleasant problem as the skin fungus, in the future.