- What to buy with suede boots?
- Practical tips for cleaning suede shoes
- How to clean suede shoes from salt?
- How to clean suede shoes of a certain color?
- We clean leather shoes from salt
Suede shoes have been popular with real connoisseurs of modern fashion for many years. It looks effective, elegant. But, despite the beauty, keeping it in order and cleanliness is not so simple, especially in the cold season, when salt and sand are sprinkled on the roads. Many women of fashion ask: how to clean suede boots from salt at home and return them the perfect look? Answers to all questions on the care of suede shoes you will find in this article.
to the contents ↑What to buy with suede boots?
Modern suede is more resistant to weather troubles, as it is impregnated with special substances that repel water and dirt. To provide the footwear with a full and proper care, without spending a lot of time cleaning the suede boots from salt and other dirt, you can. For this, buying shoes from suede, get immediately and care products:
- comb for suede;
- brush;
- water repellent spray;
- color spray for suede.
Important! After the purchase, even before the first exit to the shoes on the street, take the first step to protect the material: apply a protective spray on the shoes and train yourself to conduct this procedure before each next exit from the house. Then care for suede does not seem routine to you.
to the table of contents ↑Practical tips for cleaning suede shoes
To suede "foot wear" always had a beautiful appearance, immediately after walking, clean it from dirt:
- If the dirt is insignificant( dust, sand), use a brush with soft pile. Remember that you need to act carefully, as in some situations you can drive dust even deeper.
- For cleaning, you can use a soap solution with the addition of ammonia. Dampen the brush in the solution and clean the shoes, and then wipe with cold water and put dry in a warm place.
Important! Dry suede shoes from the battery can not, because the skin can deteriorate and deform.
- In case when the "clothes for the feet" starts to shine, apply a special eraser for suede or use ammonia: moisten the cotton swab in the product and wipe the problem areas.
Important! The described procedure for efficiency can be carried out over the steam: the right part of the shoes just put under the jet of steam and the crushed villuses will rise.
- If during the walk the boots get soaked, first dry them: push inside the newspaper. Paper not only absorbs moisture but also helps the footwear not to lose shape. For drying, you can use special electric dryers, which are sold in stores. They gently dry all the material from the inside.
- Spots on suede shoes can be removed with talc or gasoline. Wipe off contaminated area with gasoline or sprinkle with talc. Leave the shoes for 4 hours, then brush with a brush.
- To clean the hardened problem areas use milk: in ½ tbsp.milk add 2 drops of ammonia and 1 tsp.baking soda. Apply the solution with a cotton disc to the place of contamination and carefully rub it. For the same procedure, you can use a crumb of white bread - suede will immediately become clean.
- To clean shoes not only from suede, but also from nubuck, purchase a cylinder with a special foam for cleaning. Place the product vertically and shake. Spread the foam on the sponge and wipe the surface of the material. After the procedure, wipe the boots with a damp cloth, dry, and before the exit, treat with protective equipment.
- Suede shoes can be refreshed with the help of potatoes, cut into 2 parts: grate the potato boots and allow to dry away from the battery. After - comb with a brush and treat with spray-impregnation for suede, which will protect not only from moisture, but also from salt.
How to clean suede shoes from salt?
In winter, the suede shoes appear white stains from salt, which is sprinkled with sidewalks and roads. To clean suede boots from white streaks, follow these instructions:
- After return, wash the boots with cool water using soap and a soft sponge.
- Remove soap foam with a clean sponge.
- Wipe the boots and leave them to dry, spreading paper inside.
- After the boots dry, comb them with a special brush for suede.
- Apply a water-repellent spray to the boots a few hours before the release( preferably in the evening).
- If the boots have lost their original color, apply a color spray for suede.
Important! When preparing a soapy solution, use normal soap without additives and dyes. Powder can not be used, as it will damage the structure and color of the suede.
to the contents ↑How to clean suede shoes of a certain color?
If you do not have a standard black shoe and you are afraid of breaking its attractiveness, use special ways to clean suede boots from salt and dirt if they are white or brown.
White shoes
White boots are branded and washed extremely undesirable. So do not allow heavy dirt, and for cleaning use the following tips:
- To clean the boots from dirt, hold them over the steam for 2-3 minutes. Hot air will help to straighten villi and better cleanse. After using the steam, brush the shoes with a special brush and they will regain their original appearance.
- Greasy stains with white boots will help remove tooth powder, chalk or talcum powder. Sprinkle the soiled areas with the selected product and leave it for about 1-1.5 hours. After - clean the shoes with a brush. For the same purpose, you can use salt.
Important! To prevent stains from being absorbed into the fabric, avoid moisture.
- Remove dirty stains from white shoes will help solutions of milk, soda and ammonia. We wrote about them earlier.
Brown and black "foot wear"
To clean suede shoes brown and black, use plain coffee or cocoa. Use a soft cloth to gently rub the powder.
Important! Refresh the look of shoes in black can be done with a copy.
Use black bread crusts to remove dirt on dark-colored shoes. Wipe them with dirty areas. Take care that there are no crumbs left on the shoes, then treat with a brush.
to the contents ↑We clean leather shoes from salt
Clean the leather shoes from salt immediately after coming from the street. Use the following tips and tips for skin cleansing:
- If there are stains, then wipe the shoes with a damp cloth, treat with a solution of vinegar in the proportion of 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water. After the procedure, wipe the shoes with a soft, dry cloth. As soon as the shoes dry, lubricate it with a shoe polish and polish it to a shine.
- When caring for shoes, remove salt stains with ammonia: wipe the soiled areas with a cotton disc moistened with a solution of ammonia, grease boots or shoes with cream and leave them overnight. In the morning, shine with a cloth.
- To prevent the appearance of salt spots, use moisture repellent:
- Castor oil( it can be bought at a pharmacy).Apply a small amount of money to the sponge and rub them boots or boots( preferably overnight).
- Fresh lard. They just need to rub the surface of the material and wait until the fat is absorbed.
- Ointment, prepared according to the following recipe: 3 tbsp.l. Fish oil mixed with 1 tbsp.l.castor oil. Prepare the prepared mixture slightly, as it is better absorbed in a warm form, and lubricate it with the entire surface of the shoe.
- Remove the white stains from the nubuck shoes with a damp sponge and then apply an aerosol paint with water-repellent properties on the boots.
To your boots are not afraid of snow or rain, stick to our advice and recommendations and the demolition of your shoes will not be.