- Where does the deposit come from?
- How to restore the sole of the iron?
- How to clean the sole of the iron?
- Useful tips:
Nagar, which is formed on the soleplate of an iron, is certainly familiar to everyone, because even the most expensive devices are not protected from such a scourge. And by itself the question arises, why appears and what to clean the iron from the deposit?
to the contents ↑Where does the deposit come from?
This problem occurs due to non-compliance with the elementary rules of temperature. These requirements include:
- , when you are going to iron a silk fabric, set the heating level to the minimum;
- if you want to iron a thing made of wool, do not forget to put gauze when smoothing;
- synthetics should also be ironed with protective matter and at minimum temperature;
- with a dirty soled device, you can not iron any fabric at all, as you can not drive a clean soles on the product with spots - pollution migrates from one surface to another.
But, unfortunately, we very often in a hurry or relying on the "maybe", we forget about these instructions. Therefore, we suffer afterwards with the appearance of a touch on the new iron, which during the ironing leaves terrible tracks on the surface of the fabric. Under such a situation, only competent cleaning of the iron will save you and nothing else.
to the contents ↑How to restore the sole of the iron?
Most people do not pay attention to the fact that they do not comply with the temperature regime during ironing.
If you decide before you look at this article to act radically - to clean the sole of the iron with a knife or even sandpaper, you will not be blamed for this oversight. It happens to everyone. But the rough surface should be smoothed out, otherwise - the carbon will become your constant companion.

For this:
- Take the paraffin from the candle, grate it with a small grater.
- Mix grated paraffin together with a fine table salt, pour the resulting mixture onto a clean sheet of paper.
- Cover it with a napkin and gently iron it with a very hot iron.
Important! After such a procedure, the sole of the iron will again become smooth. This procedure should be carried out with some periodicity, until the surface of the soleplate of the iron again becomes like a new one.
to Contents ↑How to clean the sole of iron?
Restoration of a smooth surface is only half the battle, there still remains a raid. Therefore, arm one of the means below and follow the instructions to him. With this approach, you will be able to quickly clean out the iron.
Vinegar and soda
You can clean the surface of an iron in a simple grandmother's way, using soda and vinegar. To do this:
- Put coarse cloth on the ironing board or any smooth surface that is convenient for you - a waffle towel is suitable for this.
- Sprinkle the soda on top.
- Crush the lumps.
- Top with vinegar in small quantities. For more efficiency, you can add ammonia. In the case if there is no vinegar, it will be enough to drink ammonia alone.
- Thoroughly clean the iron on the towel. The foam that formed, will clean the metal surface of the sole from dirt.
Important! If you can not clean the iron - try to warm it up, and then repeat the same actions.
Cleaning with pencil
A convenient and inexpensive means that helps to clean the sole of the iron from the deposit is a chalk or a pencil. It is called very simply "Pencil for cleaning the iron."
Important! The only condition that must be observed during use, it is necessary to carry out ventilation or do cleaning at the open air. This is necessary because, as a result of this procedure, there is a very palpable unpleasant smell.
Stages of using a pencil:
- First turn on the iron and wait until it heats up.
- Take a pencil and paint it on the soleplate of the iron so that the pencil melts.
- Do not press strongly - the pieces of the material may break off and fall into the holes of the soleplate of the iron.
- Swipe the appliance over an unneeded, old but clean cotton cloth to clean the soleplate of the iron.
Important! The advantages of this method is that it can be applied to devices with absolutely any type of sole and any coatings. But without fail pay your attention to the recommendations from the manufacturer, as different types of pencils can be suitable for completely different surfaces.
Cleaning with vinegar
Quite easily can be cleaned with a solution of vinegar. In order to do this:
- Dilute 1-2 tablespoons of table vinegar per glass and soak a rag in it.
- Turn on the iron and wait for it to warm up.
- It is not advisable to heat it to the maximum temperature - select the minimum mode. If the sole is very hot, then you just burn your fingers.
- Clean the hot soleplate of the iron with an acetic cloth or a cotton pad, but be extremely careful.
Important! Note that during cleaning, the vinegar will warm up, and its fry will begin to spread throughout the room. Do not put the iron close to your face, so that the unpleasant smell can not get into your nose. For greater protection, wear a gauze bandage so that during the recovery of the device, you do not experience any discomfort.
to the table of contents ↑Useful tips:
- To clean the holes in the soleplate of the iron at home from any unpleasant, hard deposits, and also from burning, use cotton swabs after moistening them with vinegar. Also used toothpicks, which are wound pieces of cotton wool. They clean holes that are hammered so that the steam can freely exit.
- If you want a more thorough cleaning of the water compartment from the scale, pour water and add vinegar or lemon, citric acid. After reheating, press the steam button and direct the jets from the hole to an unnecessary cloth. The raid will fly to the canvas and will not spoil the surrounding interior items.
Do not strongly criticize yourself for the fact that you "burned" the iron and you had to be puzzled by the question, than to clean the sole of the deposit. This situation can happen to everyone and not once. Just use the appropriate tools suggested in this article to solve the problem and continue to use the device, putting your things in order.