Which operating system is best for the computer?

  • What are the operating systems?
  • How to choose the OS for you?
  • Rating of the best OS

A computer is a device without which it is very difficult to imagine the world to-date. Now almost everything is computerized - schools, shops, hospitals, etc. With this device, a lot of operations are performed - calculations, accounting, diagrams, drawings and so on. But any kind of technology has the basis by which work is carried out. In order for the computer to work, you need a software called the operating system. With its help, a person can easily use and manage electronic equipment, as well as work with files. Virtually all owners of such devices are wondering which operating system is best for the computer? In order to understand this issue, you should study the types of software in more detail. We'll do this in this article.

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What are the operating systems?

At the moment there is a huge amount of OS.Some of them are considered obsolete and useless, and some are being tested. But among users of a personal computer has long been entrenched list of operating systems:

  • Linux.
  • Windows.
  • Mac OS.


Like many other programs, they have their own versions. For example, Windows has a lot of different versions( XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, etc.).Every time the system is updated, something modern is added to it, and all old data is irretrievably deleted.

Windows - is considered the most popular system for personal computers. In all the world under its control are tens of thousands of devices. There are several world-famous versions of it:

  1. Windows XP is one of the oldest systems. It is very easy to master. Supports all old games and programs. For today it is already not in demand and it is very rare to meet it on PC.
  2. Windows Vista is an improved version of the previous version. However, despite improvements, it is not popular among users, because it is very vulnerable and constantly slows down. The only advantage is a bit more powerful than XP.
  3. Windows 7 - is equipped with a wide range of different programs and functions. It has a convenient interface. Reliable and convenient to use.
  4. Windows 8 and 8.1.- analogue of the previous version. The difference is that there is no customary "launch".Slightly more powerful than the previous version, but the interface still requires some skills.
  5. Windus 10 - released recently. It has excellent performance and a completely redesigned interface. Equipped with many different functions. At the moment for her little developed programs. However, it supports almost all programs from old OS.

Mac OS

Mac OS is a fairly closed system that is only supported on Apple devices. It is distinguished by its reliability, stability and high level of security.

Important! Such an operating system is perfect for a designer, architect and video editor, as it supports a lot of artistic programs.


Linux - ideal for experienced users, because most of the programs and functions are set by the user himself. In addition, you can find all the necessary files and programs for free. They are almost identical with the programs for Windows.

To understand which OS is best for a computer, you can only carefully study each of them. When choosing, you should consider your own preferences and desires, as well as the purposes of using the PC.

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How to choose OS for yourself?

Before you select the software, you first need to figure out why you need a computer at all. Each user of such a device has its own goals, which he pursues during use. Operational directly affects the success of these goals. It is necessary to pay attention to several factors when choosing an operating system.


One of the most important criteria for PC users. It is especially important for those who have never used a computer device before. Therefore, the faster you get comfortable, the easier it will be for you to work:

  • For beginners it is recommended to use Windows, as it is very simple and easy to use.
  • Hardly more complicated on the functionality of Mac OS.It is suitable for users who know at least the basics of the PC.
  • It is not recommended for inexperienced computer owners to use the Linux OS.It is more suitable for entrenched users.

Programs Here you should think about the applications and games you need. Without the hassle of many games, the applications are supported by the Windows OS.Other OSes in this matter are less competent - all necessary applications will need to be downloaded through special shops and portals.


One of the most important criteria for a PC user. The preservation of files and documents is a very important factor, especially for those who work on the Internet.

So, which operating system is better for a computer by this criterion?

  • The most insecure operating system, susceptible to attack by cybercriminals, is considered to be Windows, since it is the most popular, easy to manage.
  • The Mac OS is less vulnerable due to its expensive media( macbooks, etc.).
  • The safest OS is considered to be Linux, because a person manually configures all functions, based on their preferences.


Programming and office capabilities are implied:

  • Linux is more suitable for programming, as it is equipped with a wide range of different tools and applications.
  • And for office work, Windows and Mac are more suitable, since you can install Excel, Word and other directly office tools.

Given all of the above criteria, it will be much easier for you to choose an OS.Each of them can help you in accomplishing any task and in achieving the set goals.

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Rating of the best OS

In order to choose the best operating system for the computer, the experts compiled a rating based on reviews of tens of thousands of users. Consider the rating of the best operating systems to date:

  1. Windows 7 - despite the fact that the operating system was released in 2009, it is firmly entrenched among PC owners. It's easiest to install on a laptop or a stationary computer. With its installation can handle a novice PC user. This software is installed on more than 50% of computer devices.
  2. Windows XP - installed on 11% of computer devices. Despite the fact that she is a veteran of the operating systems, many users have remained faithful to her and use it to this day.
  3. Windows 8.1 - installed on 10.5% of devices. The start button has not been returned. However, developers have pleased users with new applications and the appearance of a store in which everyone can download the necessary game or application for free.

You can choose the OS, focusing on the testimonials of experienced people. However, do not forget about your own desires, goals. If you correctly identify the benchmarks, then the question as to which operating system is best for your computer will be resolved quickly and categorically.