- Why do I need to clean the washing machine?
- Elimination of lime scale
- Calgon and all similar substances
- Folk remedies - cleaning of the machine
- Prevention of contamination of the washing machine
Everyone knows a word such as prevention, and for sure everyone knows its importance. But not everyone in practice takes measures to protect any thing. For example, the prevention of a washing machine - how often do you spend it and whether you do it at all? In this article, we will describe why and how to use preventive measures correctly.
to the contents ↑Why do I need to clean the washing machine?
Have you ever thought about such a question: what is contained in the water that is fed through our pipelines? Of course - part of it is dirt. But this concept is quite extensive, and a huge part of the substances that are meant by this concept are absolutely safe - for both home appliances and for people.
The greatest danger for household appliances that works with water, are 2 things - it's lime and salt. They have a habit of settling on mechanisms and knots, causing, therefore, damage to technology that can not be remedied.
Important! Lime, when it settles on a heating element, which has direct contact with tap water, builds up on it. As a result, the heater heats itself and, over time, simply burns out.
And then what to do? Repair is, again, just a temporary solution to the problem. In addition, the heater is just one element that is directly prone to overgrowth. By and large, it settles absolutely on all internal elements and surfaces that have a tight contact with water. The same negative impact on all the insides of the washing machine is provided by salts, which are contained in the water in huge quantities.
Here in order to protect important elements of the equipment from this phenomenon and need preventive maintenance of the washing machine.
to the contents ↑Liquidation of calcareous plaque
There are 2 solutions to the above question, how to eliminate the plaque in the washing machine, which is the main cause of the majority of failures:
- recommended by manufacturers chemicals such as "Calgon";
- folk methods, which are no less popular than the recommended means for cleaning.
Let's talk about them in more detail.
to the contents ↑Calgon and all similar substances
These agents perfectly cope with a fairly small amount of calcareous plaque, but against age-old contamination of this type they can not help. Only if you regularly use them, there may be a result, in fact, what all manufacturers count.
Frankly, they knowingly produce a weak remedy, which the person who cares about his favorite household appliances, will buy from year to year. That is, the same prevention of the washing machine will be carried out, so - in fact, there is no deception. The principle of their impact is always the same - it is based on the principle of dissolving lime scale with a weak acid solution.
Important! Do not count on the fact that with their help you will achieve a quick and one-time result, because it is not a means to eliminate scale, but means, whose action is more aimed at prevention, as well as preventing the appearance of scale.
to the contents ↑Folk remedies - cleaning of the machine
Another thing - proven folk methods that will help solve the problem of how to clean the inside of the washing machine, crucially. There is no talk of weak acid solutions of speech here. If you start to clean, then clean it with a full swing - as they say, once and forever.
Citric acid
For this purpose, use the most accessible type of acid, namely lemon, which is sold in absolutely any grocery store:
- It must be filled in place of powder - at the same time 2-3 packs of packagings.
- Then turn on the machine in the digestion mode.
- The only thing that you will have to do after the end of washing is to clean the filter of the washing machine and eliminate all the exfoliated pieces of calcareous plaque from it.
Important! Experienced housewives this procedure is advised to be carried out at least once a year.
Calcined soda
In order to clean the machine of mold and unpleasant odor, you must do the following:
- Mix soda with water using a 1: 1 ratio.
- Apply gruel to the cuff and drum, because it is under the rubber most often formed mold. But do not forget to wear gloves, because soda can cause unpleasant skin irritation.
- Wait approximately 30 minutes.
- Use a cloth to clean the dirty areas on the drum surface.
- Start the machine without laundry in the quick wash mode.
Important! If you do not have soda ash, ordinary baking soda will be able to replace it, especially if such cleaning is carried out regularly, at least once a month.
Folk remedies for the prevention of
But the cleaning may be required both as a drum and as a tray, which is intended for powders. It also collects soap and lime deposits. Cleaning the powder receptacle is similar to cleaning the drum. Kashitsu from water and soda put on the tray for a certain time, and then rinse with water.
Important! The exposure time may differ:
- if it is the prevention of the washing machine, it is sufficient to hold the mixture for about 15 minutes;
- if this is already a thorough cleaning, the time can vary and up to 1 hour.
Calcined and baking soda is an excellent water softener - accordingly, the prevention of the washing machine with its help will be quite appropriate. You can add 2 tablespoons each.l.soda during each wash, straight into powder. This will protect your machine from an unpleasant scale.
to the contents ↑Prevention of washing machine pollution
By and large, the work that is spent on regular cleaning of the washing machine against dirt and scale is not that great. Doing this work 2-3 times a year is not so difficult. Especially if you take into account that it will completely relieve you of all these additional costs for repairs or prevent the acquisition of new technology of this type.
But additional measures will not be superfluous - prevention is prevention, it is quite capable of extending the life of your any things. As for the washing machine of such means is not very much - in particular, you can select only a few.
Water softening
In this method, everything is simple enough. To soften the water, use a plastic container, fill it with a special salt that dissolves the lime. Doing this kind of preventive maintenance of a washing machine is not too cheap - if the vessel you buy only once, then you will have to buy a special softening salt regularly.
Install this flask directly between your washing machine and a faucet that supplies water to the stylalk.
Important! Salt is done several times a month, in some cases - more often. It all depends on how intensively you use the washing machine.
At its core, water-softening salt, like the factory cleaning substances of a washing machine, is a little-used tool. Such methods work only when they are used regularly, from the very beginning of using the technique.
Timely preventive cleaning of the filter
The result of ignoring this point is the unpleasant smell inside the washing machine - and you should understand that this odor is not eliminated by a one-time cleaning. All that is on the filter after a long operation is putrefactive and moldy bacteria, bred because of the careless attitude directly to the technique.
Clean the filter and eliminate small and large debris from it regularly, especially considering that it is not so difficult, takes no more than a few minutes.
This filter is located on the front panel of the washing machine, at the bottom, it is covered with a hinged lid:
- Unscrew the filter from the mounting hole.
- Then, simply under a strong jet of water, flush it - naturally, before doing this, clean it of debris. Items such as torn off buttons from clothes and dropped out of the pockets of coins, there are undesirable.
Important! In some cases, the smell in the washing machine also appears for a slightly different reason - it is quite simple. After the washing has been completed, the drum must be ventilated to remove all moisture residues from it. If you do not do this - excess moisture contributes to the multiplication of bacteria in the typewriter, which over time begin to exude the same unpleasant smell.
Now you know all the measures that must be taken to prevent the washing machine from being really effective. Do not ignore these tips, then the equipment will work properly for a lot longer than you expected.