- Main characteristics of
- The best companies manufacturers
- Rating of the best
Everyone strives to organize their diet so that at any time of the year there is no deficit in useful products. Dried foods since our grandmothers have not lost their popularity, because they retain the maximum vitamins needed by the body. Now we do not have to dry them, as our grandmothers, because there are infrared dryers for vegetables and fruits. The ranking of the best among them you will find in this article.
to content ↑Main characteristics of
Dryers have appeared on the market relatively recently, but have already gained sufficient attention to their "persona".The variety of these devices is growing every day, and in order to understand the dryer for vegetables which is better for you, you need to know its main characteristics.
Operating principle
All dryers are divided into:
- convection;
- infrared.
The first - for the drying process use hot air, the technology of the second is based on infrared rays.
Characteristic, which directly affects the speed of the process. The more power, the faster our food is dried and will be ready for consumption. Not everyone after all will arrange, when the device will work day.
Also an important characteristic for a household appliance of this type. Depends on this characteristic of the number and size of pallets, which are designed for laying out products. The number of them is in the range of 3 to 8 pieces.
Also varies and the transparency of these products, there are only two options: matte and transparent.
Important! The second option is much more convenient in operation, as it allows you to visually monitor the entire process.
Air supply
Air supply can be vertical and horizontal:
- The second option is more compromise, as it dries uniformly, but there is a disadvantage - it is more expensive.
- Vertical drying also requires regular pallet change during the process.
Virtually all the proposed dryers for fruits and vegetables in the home appliance market have a built-in fan that provides forced airflow. In more expensive models there is a regulator of degree and temperature of blowing.
A very important function is the presence of a circuit breaker. Such a switch should operate during the device overheating and prevent a fire.
Option, perhaps not the most important for a vegetable and fruit dryer, but very useful.
Produce this type of equipment from materials such as plastic and metal:
- If you talk about what kind of dryer for vegetables and fruits to choose, the best option is drying out of plastic.
- The metal case, even more durable, but the thermoregulation is much worse, which means that your products will not dry uniformly.
Important! Also an important factor in the choice is the manufacturer. Because of the great popularity, the market is simply full of various offers from completely different companies. But not always quantity means quality. To find the best, you need to read reviews about a particular company for this type of equipment.
to the contents ↑The best companies manufacturers
Now that you know a little about what features are inherent in the models, let's talk in more detail about the best manufacturers.
Manufacturer from the near abroad, namely from Poland. The leading company in the market of small household appliances. I have recommended myself as a quality, and a wide range of choices.
When searching for the answer to the question, the vegetable dryer - which is better, feel free to choose Zelmer, because the technique of this brand differs not only in its stylish design and functionality, but also at an affordable price for the average buyer.
A Russian manufacturer that has been among the leaders of electrical appliances for many years. The devices of this company are not inferior to foreign analogues, and the quality corresponds to all domestic standards and norms. Dryers are represented here by several models that are in great demand among buyers.
is a trademark which has its roots in the United States. The assembly of equipment is in China, but this does not say anything about its quality. Affordable price and excellent quality brought this company to one of the leading stages of the world market.
Important! A distinctive feature of this company is a large network of service centers in the CIS countries that provide fast and high-quality service.
Brand, provided by Japan. For many years, it has become popular among companies producing small household appliances. High quality and distinctive style of products distinguish the dryers of this manufacturer among dozens of other products with the same name.
And again the Russian manufacturer, which has been in the top of the best for many years and has been on the market for more than half a century. A distinctive feature of dryers under this name is high practicality and high capacity.
to the table of contents ↑Rating of the best
After talking about what characteristics determine the quality of drying, as well as which company is better to choose, you can safely move on to a topic such as a vegetable and fruit dryer - a rating for quality. Here we will consider which dryers favorably stand out among a multitude of the same or similar in functionality.
The best dryer with mechanical control
One of the most common is a mechanical drier for vegetables. Which is better from this category? The answer is simple - ROTOR Diva СШ-007 / СШ-002.
Important! The management type makes this model slightly cheaper than all other representatives with similar characteristics of other manufacturers.
Among its advantages are the following:
- Power 520 W.Dries quickly and with high quality.
- Trays have a fine mesh in the design. As a result, the problem with small berries is solved by itself.
- The case is made of light and durable plastic. The same applies to trays.
- Almost no noise when working.
Like any other device, it also has drawbacks.
- High power consumption.
- No on / off timer. The work begins immediately after being connected to the network.
- Overall - takes up a lot of space in the house.
The best with electronic control
The leader in sales in this category is the ZELMER ZFD 1250 W dryer( FD 1001).Low price and excellent quality makes this product an excellent choice for families with children.
Advantages of this technology:
- High power.
- The possibility of washing the pallets in the dishwasher is provided.
- The transparency of the pallets makes it possible to follow the process "live".
- Small size.
- The noise level is much lower than normal.
- Intuitive operation.
Among the shortcomings are the following:
- Absence of a thermostat.
- Small number of trays.
The most functional
For the most demanding buyers, Japanese manufacturers provided the drying of Shivaki SDH-5201.The set of functions of this device will satisfy all without exception. Capacious, has electronic control and display, power and much more makes it the most functional.
Among the dignity are also distinguished:
- Convenient tray shape - square.
- The height of each tray is adjustable.
- Thermal control function with 1 ° C accuracy.
- Automatic shutdown.
- The user has been granted 36 temperature modes.
- Small size.
- A tray is available for the preparation of pastilles.
Among the shortcomings:
- There is no indication of a countdown.
The most powerful and roomy
Dryer Profit M ЕСП -1, produced in Ukraine. Has a capacity of 820 watts - which is the maximum among the domestic models on the market. Having 5 levels of temperature control and such power, the device produces drying quickly and efficiently.
Advantages of this device are as follows:
- Has 7 trays, which equals the load volume of 35 liters.
- Low noise level.
- Trays made of metal and coated with enamel.
- Multi-level temperature mode.
- The power consumption for this power is quite small.
Among the shortcomings:
- Unpresentable appearance.
- A grounded outlet is required.
Best budget dryer
Model Mystery MDH-321 - the most popular among low-budget models. Has a mechanical control and all the necessary characteristics. The average buyer will be completely satisfied with this model, because the price-quality ratio justifies itself here.
Important! For an apartment - it's almost an ideal option.
Advantages of the model:
- Intuitive control.
- Interesting design.
- Warranty for 2 years. Among the drawbacks of the model:
- Low power.
- High noise level.
- Friability. Made of thin plastic.
This rating is presented by many customers' reviews and is a recommendation of this article to acquire equipment. But the final decision in the matter, the vegetable dryer - which is better, you take yourself, because each person is individual and his needs are not similar to anyone else.