The inverter motor in the washing machine - what is it?

  • Features of the inverter motor
  • Is it worth buying an inverter washing machine?
  • The result of the

Inverter motor in a washing machine is quite a new development, which brought the production of machinery to a completely new quality level. This engine today can be found in most modern home appliances, because it is more resistant to wear and has better technical characteristics than its predecessors. In this article we will talk about the inverter motor in a washing machine - what is it, what are its advantages and disadvantages, and what should I look for when choosing this kind of equipment.

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Features of the inverter engine

The distinguishing feature of an inverter-type motor is its ability to convert an alternating current into a constant one. After this change, the inverter can create an alternating current of the required frequency, which allows you to fine-tune the operating speed of the motor, and accordingly - to maintain the required speed of rotation.

The most significant difference between the inverter motor and the engine we are accustomed to is the absence of rubbing elements of the construction - brushes. Motion of the rotor of such a motor is provided by the action of an electromagnetic field.

Positive qualities

The design of the motor with frequency converter-inverter, has a number of advantages in comparison with conventional engines. The most significant of them are the following:

  • Increasing the efficiency of the motor - it is provided due to the lower energy costs for engine rotation, which is due to the absence of rubbing brushes between each other.

Important! The less the motor costs, the more economical it is to consume electricity.

  • The high level of equipment durability, as well as the less need for maintenance, because the inverter motor in the washing machine does not require regular replacement of brushes.
  • Due to the absence of friction parts, this equipment creates less noise during operation.
  • Does not require overclocking and almost instantly goes to the required number of functional revolutions, and also ensures their accurate maintenance throughout the entire operating cycle.

Disadvantages of

Like any technical invention, the inverter motor in a washing machine has not only positive characteristics, but also certain drawbacks. Most negative reviews about household appliances with this kind of engine are as follows:

  • higher cost of equipment compared to a conventional washing machine;
  • expensive parts that may be needed when the engine is damaged.
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Should I buy an inverter washing machine?

In human life, everything is relatively relative, and therefore deciding for yourself whether it is worth overpaying for the presence of an inverter motor in a household appliance, look at the washing machine in your home under the following foreshortening. Do you really need silence during washing?

The motor of this type during operation creates quite specific sounds that resemble howls and squeaks. In addition, in order to ensure a quiet operation of the washing machine, it is best to give preference to equipment with a direct motor drive, which, as practice shows, produces much less sound than the inverter.

Important! Also it is worth considering that the main noise in the washing machine does not come from the engine, but from the running pump and performing intensive rotation during the spinning of the metal drum.

How realistic is saving energy?

In fact, the main energy consumption is not for the motor, but for ensuring the correct operation of the heating element. Therefore, choosing the inverter type of the motor device, in fact, you can save about 2-5% of the electricity.

Do you need the durability of household appliances?

In any engine, including those operating at the expense of the inverter, there are bearings that are amenable to wear during the intensive operation. Brushes, which are not present in modern inverter engines, require replacement every 10 years and are quite inexpensive.

Important! The average service life of a washing machine with an inverter-type motor is 15-20 years. However, do not you want to replace the home appliances during this time interval? After all, technological progress does not stand still and the market is filled every year with new and new models of washing machines.

Is it good when the washing machine performs intensive spinning of laundry?

With this function, naturally, you will extract almost dry things from the drum. However, with this spinning, tissue fibers are damaged quickly enough, which increases the risk of breaking your favorite clothes. Do you need the accuracy of the revolutions?

The main requirement for a washing machine, which is made by the majority of consumers, is the quality of washing, but the question of what kind of accuracy this will happen is very few people are interested.

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Based on all of the above, experts recommend, first of all, pay attention not to the type of engine of household appliances, but to the functionality of the equipment. This is due to the fact that the very presence of an inverter motor in a washing machine can not in any way guarantee an impeccable quality of washing, but in combination with additional functions of a household appliance, it can become a pleasant addition.

In this article we have told you what an inverter motor is in a washing machine and what are its features. We hope that based on the information provided, you can choose the most suitable washing machine for your purposes and your things will always have an impeccable appearance.