- Why does the odor appear - we find the main reason for the appearance of
- How to eliminate the unpleasant odor inside the freezer?
- Smell from the freezer - how to get rid of it with the help of folk remedies?
- Preventative measures against unpleasant odors
For sure, every person, every housewife faced such a rather unpleasant situation as an unpleasant smell inside the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. And as soon as it arises, you are wondering how to get rid of the smell in the fridge freezer? Useful tips from this article will help you find the right decision to neutralize the unpleasant ambre.
to the contents ↑Why the smell appears - we find the main reason for the appearance of
In the refrigerator freezer, the smell can appear for a lot of reasons.
The reason is the first
Even if the food has not managed to deteriorate, it does not mean anything. Products that are stale, in themselves, radiate an unpleasant ambre. That's why to begin with, be sure to read what's inside your refrigerator: pay attention to the expiration dates, which is spoiled. All this immediately discarded.
Reason the second
It happens that the products are fresh, but an unusual aroma is still present. Perhaps the problem is that the combination of all the products inside the refrigerator gives such an unpleasant odor.
Cause the third
You have stored products for too long that have a persistent and very specific flavor. For example, this fresh meat, fish, lard, frozen semi-finished products are not very good quality.
Reason fourth
You did not organize proper maintenance of the equipment and forgot that it periodically needs cleaning and wet cleaning. The result is the aroma of different products accumulated over the months, which has turned into a current problem.
If a thorough revision did not solve the problem of how to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator freezer, you will still have to wash it. But it must be done correctly.
to the contents ↑How to eliminate the unpleasant odor inside the freezer?
First of all, unplug it from the mains, wait until it defrosts, and then rinse thoroughly the entire inner surface of the camera. In doing so, observe the following rules:
- Use an ordinary dishwashing detergent.
- During the work, draw your attention to the places hidden from the eyes, where traces of spoiled food might remain. If you defrosted the freezer, those areas that are near the gum could get some liquid that can emit an unpleasant odor.
- Another place that needs special attention is a tray, where all the water flows during defrosting.
- To completely eliminate the unpleasant smell, wipe the entire inside of the refrigerator and freezer with acetic solution. Blot dry the vial with a dry cloth and let the surfaces dry completely - just open the door to do this.
Smell from the freezer - how to get rid of it with the help of folk remedies?
There are a large number of domestic helpers when destroying unpleasant odors. Applying them correctly, you can completely remove the smell in the refrigerator freezer:
- Baking soda. Rinse your freezer with a solution and leave a small handful of soda on the saucer for several hours - it will absorb all the unpleasant odor. The powder should be changed 1 time per hour.
- Kitchen salt. Open the freezer, and then put a glass inside, which is filled with large salt.
- Activated carbon is a known substance that helps in the fight against odors. You can put several pills inside the chamber - all unwanted flavors are absorbed by the charcoal.
- Purified bulb that will absorb other flavors, and does not leave its own.
- Inside the freezer, place the slices of black bread. Also, you can use this tool on ordinary days - just change the slices of bread twice a week.
- Excellent help to cope with spices - pour a small amount of cloves and / or ginger into a pouch that is made of fabric, and then put this bag in the freezer.
- Excellent coffee and ground coffee, which absorbs unpleasant odors. Instead of coffee, you can use tea bags.
- Lemon slices. Cut the fruit into small pieces, put them in the refrigerator. The main thing - change the pieces of lemon 1 time a week. Otherwise, the fruit will rot, it will not improve the situation by itself.
Preventative measures against unpleasant odors
Undoubtedly, it is possible to eliminate an unpleasant odor quite simply, but it is even better not to let it appear at all. Just a few simple tips that you will need to adhere to, and thanks to which you will be able to avoid the hassle with the removal of unpleasant odors.
Have a new refrigerator?
It immediately needs to be treated with a solution of soda or ammonia.
After that, open the doors and ventilate it from the inside, leaving it for several hours. This is the first thing you need to do. As soon as you have any unpleasant odor - you need to wash and then ventilate the equipment.
Among other preventive measures there are such:
- Regularly clean the drain hole, where a large amount of debris accumulates.
- The freezer must be cleaned at least once in 1,5-2 months, at the same time you will see what products you can already throw out;
- It is desirable to pack the products in food film.
- Check the clean rubber seals once every 1.5-2 weeks.
- Put activated charcoal in the freezer - this remedy will absorb unpleasant odors.
Going on vacation?
Always remove products, and also turn off the equipment from the network.
Wash timely
Unpleasant odors can not occur in an absolutely sterile and clean refrigerator, and this is a fact. Most experts in this field strongly recommend washing freezers at least once a month, while throwing in the bucket all the old, spoiled products.
Properly organize the storage of
products. Absolutely any smell is microparticles that are contained in the air. Once these particles get into our nose along with the air, we smell. Therefore, we need to prevent these particles from getting into the air, and to do this simply enough with the help of ordinary plastic containers, which can be purchased in absolutely any supermarket at a low enough price.
These containers prevent the spread of an unpleasant odor over the freezer, and it will not infect other products any more. Use these containers to store food not only in freezers, but also in refrigerators.
The implementation of these fairly simple rules, which will not take up much of your time, will prevent unpleasant odors. In the event that they all the same appeared, the main thing - find the cause, and then get rid of this reason by one of the above methods.