- What are the criteria for choosing an air conditioner?
- Which air conditioner company to choose for an apartment?
For the last time people clearly feel climate changes, which makes life without air conditioning systems quite difficult. To date, climate control systems have ceased to be a luxury, but have become an urgent necessity. That is why today the big question is the question of which firm to choose the air conditioner, so that the microclimate of the room is comfortable in conditions of any weather conditions.
to the contents ↑What are the criteria for choosing an air conditioner?
When choosing the climate control settings for our own apartment, we first of all pay attention to the following product qualities:
- value;
- country in which the manufacturing company is located;
- power of the device;
- volumes of power consumption;
- varieties and modifications;
- set of built-in functions;
- is an external attraction;
- dimensions.
Important! Each of these criteria is mainly related to the features and needs of your apartment, as well as financial opportunities. To find the most suitable model for your air conditioner, you should consider each of these characteristics in more detail.
Type and purpose of
Any air conditioner is used to create the most favorable microclimate conditions by changing the basic characteristics of indoor air - temperature, humidity, cleanliness and composition. Unlike the ventilation system, which supplies fresh air from outside, the air conditioning systems lead to the street warm air and excessive moisture, thereby maintaining the set parameters.
Therefore, before quickly deciding which firm to choose the air conditioner, you need to decide on the technical side - what it should perform functions and at what time of year.
Important! For use inside the apartment, preference should be given to domestic air conditioners, whose service life on average is 7-10 years.
Depending on the purpose and mode of operation, the following types of climate systems are distinguished:
- Mobile - compact devices that provide air cooling in the room. They differ in the convenience of operation, the possibility of movement and the lack of need for installation, which significantly reduces the overall cost of the unit. But the power out is quite low.
- Window air conditioners are one of the most budgetary climate installations that are installed in a window opening at a slight angle - to drain condensate. Such systems are distinguished by the installation of external and internal units in one box, and accordingly - a sufficiently high level of compactness. To date, window conditioners can be found less and less, as these devices are incompatible with modern plastic windows, besides they produce a lot of noise.
- Multi-split system - here it is supposed to work several internal air conditioning systems, which can be located in the neighboring rooms, but work from one outdoor unit. Most often, such systems can be found in office buildings or large houses. Also, some developers limit the number of outdoor units from the air conditioner, which makes multi-split systems even more popular. But if you decide to give preference to this particular model, you need to understand that its cost is an order of magnitude more expensive, which means that it is very necessary to approach the issue, which air conditioners are better.
- Split system - one of the most common climate devices. Depending on the chosen model, such plants can work for cooling, cooling and heating of air, and also serve as a ventilating or purifying system.
The most common mistake when choosing the power of the air conditioner is to take into account only the area of the room. It will be rational to calculate the power taking into account all the factors affecting the microclimate in the room, such as:
- the area of the room;
- location of the room in relation to the sides of the world;
- heat input from electrical appliances and indoors.
Important! The average power consumption of the air conditioner is 2-3 times less than the cooling capacity of the device, which ensures its economy. The higher the ratio of these parameters, the more economical the whole air-conditioning system is.
Heating function
The ability to work on space heating is inherent in almost every modern model of equipment. But there are such air-conditioners for 100-200 $ more expensive.
Important! In operation, these investments will fully pay for themselves and will allow you to significantly save financial expenses for heating the premises in the autumn-winter period. But for the effective operation of the device, it is necessary to determine competently which firm to choose the air conditioner in the apartment.
Automatic modes
When choosing an air conditioner for an apartment it is very important to pay attention to the automatic modes inherent in the device. All models of split systems differ between each other with functionality and the number of automatic modes.
Important! Very useful is the inherent function of most modern high-quality air conditioners to self-clean the indoor unit. Due to this installation, the disconnected equipment dries itself from within and processes the surfaces with ozone, which is a powerful antiseptic.
Most often, modern air conditioners have the following options:
- "comfortable sleep" - assumes the device operates in a silent mode at low functional capacities;
- forced - based on the operation of high power and is designed for accelerated cooling or heating of air in the room;
- "wind" - provides an imitation of a natural breeze with a chaotic change in the direction of air flows and their intensity;
- mode of dehumidification or humidification of air - to maintain a comfortable level of humidity;
- economic mode - provides the most rational operation of the device in terms of power consumption;
- self-diagnosis - allows you to analyze the compliance of the equipment with the declared functions and operating modes.
Important! The price of a modern air conditioner depends, first of all, on the number of functional modes. Therefore, when purchasing equipment, you should rationally assess whether this or that function is suitable. After all, in this case you do not have to overpay.
to the contents ↑Which air conditioner company to choose for an apartment?
Visiting the hardware store, almost every consumer faces the question: which air conditioner is better to buy for long-term and comfortable use? To date, the market for air conditioners, you can find equipment from a variety of manufacturers from different countries. Despite the fact that all air conditioners are similar in design, different models have significant differences in quality, power, built-in functions, noise level, etc.
All air conditioning systems can be conditionally divided into three classes:
- Budget.
- Average.
- Elite.
To select the most suitable equipment, you should adequately assess your own financial capabilities and functional needs.
Budget-class air-conditioners
To relatively inexpensive equipment, which is available to almost any consumer, you can include devices from Chinese, Korean and domestic manufacturing companies. The main disadvantage of budget air conditioners is the high noise level during operation, the lack of a system of self-diagnosis and fuses of incorrect operation.
The most popular trademarks of such microclimate control devices are:
- Ballu;
- Samsung;
- Airwell;
- General Climate;
- Sharp;
- LG;
- Hyundai.
Important! It should be remembered that often budget-class air conditioners consume a fairly large amount of electricity, have a limited number of functions and are significantly inferior in quality to more expensive models. Therefore, for yourself decide which firm to choose the air conditioner and whether you are ready to invest a little more initially so that during the operation of the equipment you will get a certain benefit.
Medium-class air conditioners
Devices from this category have an optimal ratio of price and quality, as well as a sufficiently high level of reliability in operation. From the category of the elite class they are distinguished by a slightly higher noise level during operation and the presence of only some functions.
Important! Separately, we can note the fact that external performance may be somewhat inferior to more expensive models. But, as a rule, all manufacturers supplying medium-price equipment for sale develop models with a universal design so that they can organically fit into any interior.
Which air conditioner should I choose for an apartment in this class?- The most profitable are:
- Toshiba;
- Hitachi;
- Mitsubishi Heavy;
- Panasonic;
- General Fujitsu.
Important! Mid-range air conditioners are the most in demand nowadays, thanks to the availability of all commonly used functions and affordable price.
Air conditioners of elite class
The category of elite microclimate control devices includes devices from the largest Japanese manufacturer Daikin. Products of this brand have the following advantages:
- a huge set of functionality;
- noiseless operation of the air conditioning system;
- reliable protection from operational failures;
- additional installations for economical energy consumption;
- self-diagnosis system;
- long service life, which is at least 15 years.
Important! The economical operation of Daikin air conditioners is provided by the built-in "No one at home" and "Smart eye" modes.
In this article we have shared with you the basic requirements and secrets, which are sure to be useful when choosing an air conditioner for an apartment. We sincerely hope that you will make the right choice and purchase the most suitable air conditioner for you from a reliable and trusted manufacturer that will provide comfort in your home for a long time.