- Advantages and disadvantages of electric kettles
- How to choose an electric kettle for the house: expert advice
- Rating of the best teapots
To choose an electric kettle is not at all difficult, it's not a washing machine or a refrigerator. This device has a simple design, but at the same time, it is necessary to know certain nuances of operation and safety of the device. The article is devoted to the questions of choosing an electric kettle according to the main parameters( capacity, capacity, materials of manufacture, etc.).And so that you do not have any doubts about your decision, we will also consider which teapot is better - glass or metal, or some other.
to the contents ↑Advantages and disadvantages of electric kettles
Electric kettles are firmly established in our kitchens since the beginning of this century. They are beautiful, light, comfortable, and most importantly - they heat water for a few minutes.
Important! Not so long ago, these devices were embarrassed by a significant energy intensity. But the producer companies managed to solve this problem, especially since in many countries the saving of energy resources is regulated by legislative acts.
The device of an electric kettle is extremely simple: the body and element for heating water. In addition to the heating function, many modern models are equipped with a number of additional functions:
- Heating the water to the set temperature.
- Maintain water temperature for a long time.
- The sound signal that the water heating cycle has ended.
- Illumination of different types.
- Delayed start of heating.
- System for protection against the operation of the device without water.
- Intensive boiling for chlorine removal.
Important! The latest models of teapots can be remotely controlled from smartphones. So the dream that the teapot can be heated, being quite far from the house, seems to come true.
An important advantage of an electric kettle in mobility. He is not tied to the stove. You can put it wherever you feel comfortable. If the outlet is far away - no problem, you can use an extension cord.
Disadvantages of
Without them, too, was not done. Some customers complain that an unpleasant smell emanates from the device. The taste of water in this case also suffers. As a rule, this is a problem of cheap models. Using inexpensive models can lead to burnout of the wiring. In particular, if the wiring is old and does not withstand the test by powerful electrical appliances.
Important! To get rid of frustration when choosing an electric kettle will help the principle "we are not so rich to buy cheap things."You can not save on good things, which you, in addition, will use often. It is much more reasonable to purchase goods from a well-known manufacturer than to suffer from cheap products.
to the table of contents ↑How to choose an electric kettle for your home: expert advice
Choosing a kettle in an online store or a shopping center offline, you will not immediately be able to stay on an acceptable option. Strange as it may seem, a huge number of proposals, rather, hinders the choice, than helps. Especially this applies to offline stores, where you do not know what to do first: choose goods or, collecting leftovers, fend off importunate sales consultants.
To make the search more conscious, consider the most important criteria for selection. So, what should be the best electric kettle.
Naturally, in the list of criteria it was under the first number. Buyers pay attention to it first. So, the case is of the following types.
The plastic has an optimum ratio of quality and price. Not surprisingly, until recently, it was beyond competition in the manufacture of electric kettles.
The advantages of plastic are:
- A small mass.
- Low cost.
- Long working life.
- Strength of the product.
Important! However, there is a major flaw. Plastic can not be called an environmentally friendly material. Under the influence of high temperatures, plastic generously gives water chemical elements, its components. This can be seen from the fact that the smell and taste of water leave much to be desired.
As a rule, this defect is particularly evident in inexpensive products from little-known companies, as well as in counterfeit goods( forgery for eminent brands).Well-known European companies take care of their reputation. Requirements for finished products are much higher than, for example, in China.
Important! The working resource of high-quality food plastic is no more than 3 years.
Stainless steel
Electric kettles made from stainless steel are distinguished by their high strength and durability. Naturally, when comparing which teapot is better - metal or plastic, the comparison will not be in favor of plastic:
- If, for example, a plastic kettle is dropped, it will certainly crack. The metal case, of course, will get a dent, but the device will remain completely intact and workable.
- Stainless steel is environmentally friendly. It does not contain harmful substances, respectively - does not emit them into the water.
Important! Of the disadvantages can be noted high cost and a large mass. In addition, the metal in the process of heating is very hot.
This is an excellent option for fans of a healthy lifestyle. In addition, an elegant device made of durable glass looks unusually luxurious, especially if it is equipped with a backlight. The cost of this beauty is quite affordable, which is also an undoubted plus.
About the cons is a little more:
- The drawback of glass is that it, like metal, heats up when boiling water.
- A careless touch on the cabinet can cause burns.
- Over time, a layer of scale forms on the surface of the glass, which does not add to the aesthetics of the device.
- The downside is also that even a durable glass is very fragile, and the kettle can break with careless handling.
Important! When choosing a glass kettle, pay attention to the material of the handle. Optimum option - plastic, because the metal will be very hot and create additional inconvenience. Which teapot is better - glass or metal, can not be answered. The choice is yours.
Ceramics - the best kettle for aesthetes:
- Externally, the ceramic device resembles a classic brewer. Variants of colors and design solutions are simply incredible quantities. If you chose ceramics, then you have every chance to acquire not just a quality, but also an unusually beautiful thing.
- Ceramics preserves the natural taste of water.
- Rust and scale are not formed on smooth walls.
- The material keeps the temperature of heated water longer than all other materials.
Important! The disadvantages of ceramics, in addition to the high cost, are: large mass and brittleness.
Heating elements
TEN electric kettle can be of two types:
- with heating element of open type;
- closed type.
The open heating element has a spiral shape. The heater is attached to the back of the device or to the bottom.
Important! If, after opening the kettle, you saw only the bottom made of metal, this means that you have a closed type heating element in front of you.
The open heating element has more disadvantages than the closed one:
- It can only be used with relatively large volumes of water( so that it completely covers the heating element).
- Wash the spiral is also not very convenient, but the plaque on it is more than enough.
Closed heating elements - a more modern version, and has such features:
- In this kettle you can heat water for a large family tea party or for one cup of coffee.
- The device with the closed heating element works more noisily.
- Its value is slightly higher, compared with the first option.
How to choose an electric kettle for a house in terms of capacity? The more powerful the device, the faster the water warms up:
- For modern models of electric kettles this indicator varies between 1 and 3 kW.
- Optimal in the ratio of quality and price is considered to be a power of 2.2 kW.This kettle and cork will not knock out, and the water will heat up pretty quickly.
Important! The heating time of the two electric kettles can only be compared if they have the same power. The power is directly related to the capacity of the device. The larger the capacity, the more power the kettle needs to heat the water.
The capacity of the kettle
The approximate volume of the kettle can be determined as follows: how much water is needed for tea drinking throughout the family. The capacity of various models varies from 0.5 to 6.0 liters. The most popular is the volume in the range of 1.7 - 2.0 liters.
Almost all models of teapots have a liquid level scale. This allows you to type exactly the amount of water that is needed in this case.
You will tell, what is it absolutely not basic? You are mistaken! From what kind of stand at the kettle, depends on the convenience of using the device. There are 2 types of stand:
- Normal.
- "Pirouette".
What is the difference:
- The first is equipped with a contact in the form of a rectangle, which is located in the side. Thanks to the contact, a rigid fixation of the device is possible. This stand is not particularly convenient. It is most often found in low-cost models with an open-type heating element.
- "Pirouette" is a round shaped stand with a contact in the center.this is the most convenient and popular type of stand.
Additional functionality of the
In addition to the main features, there are additional ones that can be important for you and affect the choice of an electric kettle:
- Thermostat. With it, select the desired temperature of the heated water. This, for example, is important if you are preparing baby food.
- Maintaining the temperature at the set level.
- Filter. This device prevents the formation of scale and the ingress of calcareous flakes into tea or coffee.
- Capability of fixing the cover. If this function is present, you can not be afraid that the boiling water will spill at the most inopportune moment.
- Protection against switch-on without water. This is one of the most common options. If the kettle is empty, it will not heat up.
Rating of the best teapots
When buying, people take as a basis a variety of factors. One is the most important ecological cleanliness of materials, others - rely on economical energy consumption, the third - on modern stylish design or a variety of functional. Here is a list of the most popular models.
TEFAL BF 9252:
- A teapot with a capacity of 1.7 liters, with a power of 2.2 kW.
- There is a protection system from switching on without water.
- The heating element is hidden.
- The case is made of high-quality plastic.
- Kettle with steel casing( plastic inserts are available).
- Capacity is 1.7 liters, power - 2.4 kW.
- A removable water filter is available.
- The kettle is equipped with a protective system from the inclusion without water.
- closed type TEN.
- A teapot with a capacity of 1.7 liters.
- The case is made of plastic.
- TEN closed.
- The power of the device is 2,4 kW.
Vitek VT-7009 TR:
- The capacity of the device is 1.7 liters, the power is 2.2 kW.
- The case is made of durable glass.
- Heating element in stainless steel, closed type.
- There is a filter for protection against scale, a protection system from switching on without water.
Scarlett SC-EK24S01:
- The 1.3 liter case is made of ceramics.
- The power is 1.3 kW.
- TEN closed.
- Protection against switch-on without water.
REDMOND SkyKettle M170S:
- Steel kettle with many options.
- The volume is 1.7 liters, the power is 2.4 kW.
- The device is equipped with a thermostat.
- There is protection against the inclusion of an empty device.
- You can turn on with your smartphone.
So, now you know how to choose an electric kettle for the house. What criteria to take into account in the first place - the choice is yours.