- How does the multivariate?
- Repair multivarka Redmond
- Thermal fuse. What is it?
- Repair of
chip Repair of "Redmond" multivark is a problem that the owner of this miracle device for cooking sometimes encounters. To determine that a multivariate needs to be repaired is quite simple - cooking usually takes much longer than before. This will be a landmark signal that your kitchen appliance needs urgent repairs.
In most cases, the cause of a malfunction of the device may become contaminated contacts and microcircuits, which ensure the operability and heating of the working surface. To eliminate the cause of the malfunction, you need to disassemble the case of the multivarker to get to all hidden elements of the device, and clean the microcircuits and contacts. How to disassemble the kitchen appliance and repair Redmond multivarkers, using the example of a budget model with a set of standard functions and a custom design, we will describe in detail in our article.
to the contents ↑How does the multivarker work?
The Redmond multivarkers have an attractive appearance, and the absence of all visible fastenings makes it very aesthetic and neat. Thanks to this structure, household appliances are in great demand.
To carry out the repair of the "Redmond" multivarkers, it is important to know how to disassemble the device. To do this, we will take a closer look at its structure:
- The body of the device consists of a bottom made of plastic and a metal rim, which is put on the bottom and forms the so-called wall of the multivark.
- The elements are connected between each other by two screws and hidden under the warranty sticker. One screw cross-shaped, the second - with a triangular head, which is fastened with a nut directly behind the wall of the device.
- The bottom of the kitchen unit is fixed with plastic teeth and glued to the outer walls of a thin sheet of steel.
- The steel sheet is rolled on itself, has the form of a cylinder. Since the sheet is rather thin, it is very easy to bend and break.
Important! When repairing the Redmond multivarker, it is necessary to untwist the screws very carefully, so as not to break the edges of the screws. It is not necessary to exert special efforts when twisting them back, so as not to bend the body of equipment.
- Below the lid is attached to the inner walls of the body behind the bracket with another additional screw.
- The inner walls of the device are made of a thick and strong steel sheet, resembling a bowl, a slightly larger dish for cooking.
- The wire connected to the main button passes through the hole in the bottom of the device.
- TEN has the shape of a disc or washer with a cutout in the center, attached to the body with three screws with engraving washers. The
- heater has two contacts. One - is connected directly to the plug of the plug, the second - from the board of the switching power supply goes to the relay, which is controlled by the central circuit.
- The main button of the device is attached to the TEN disk with a steel cylinder, directly to it the die is fixed. Between the plate and the main button there is a special spring.
- The "Redmond" multiwire has two sensors: the first is located at the bottom right inside the cover, the second one at the top. Under the loop to the first go two wires: two signal and ground.
Important! Do not worry if the main button gets a small amount of cereals. Under TEN nothing is located, and the heating element is additionally protected by a flat lid, and it will not be able to damage the food product. In case of liquid ingress, it is most likely that it will flow to the surface of the table through special holes in the body.
But do not forget about the safety precautions, after all, if there is water, a shortage or fuse of fuses may occur. Therefore, immediately disconnect the appliance from the power supply. It is better to turn off the power on the shield. Do not handle the plug, you may be electrocuted.
- Regarding heat fuses, they are also available in the multivarkas of this company. Thus, the device can not suffer from overheating.
Switching power supply
The control of the functions of kitchen appliances can be of two types: sensory and mechanical.
The mechanical control system has a fairly simple structure:
- Simple microswitches cut into the board. With their help, the device calculates the number of clicks, and the chip of the programmed memory calculates the corresponding installed program.
- This signal is a constant level, when it is turned on, the transistor turns off.
- The specially installed zener diode does not allow the voltage on the contacts to exceed the set level.
- Anchor on the relay closes the entire circuit of the heater.
What happens in a switching power supply?
- The transformer, as a rule, is carefully wrapped with electrical tape and additionally filled with a transparent compound.
- Next to it( in most cases on the right) is the input filter. It prevents the formation of additional input pulsations, since the multivarker practically does not create them.
- On the board for the location of the tracks, you will immediately notice that the resistor and capacitor are on the way to the transformer. It should be concluded that they save the low-voltage part of the board. The resistor and capacitor have nothing to do with the power supply of the TEN.
- The transformer has two secondary windings, they are connected together in parallel. Such winding significantly increases the reliability of the operation of the equipment, since the multivarker does not require a large consumption of power. It seems that the circuit was designed for a different purpose.
Repair of the Redmond
Multivarker For operation of the device, two built-in sensors are required. From them go two wires to the terminals of the control circuit, which is located under the buttons. Thus, the failure of the power supply unit is easy to determine: when the device is turned on, no button is triggered, no indicator lights on the multivark.
How to make a multivark transformer?
- In the off state the relay of the kitchen appliance is open, therefore there is no special need to disassemble the unit.
- There is a weak resistance between the input terminals on the plug.
- To determine the winding fault, you need to familiarize yourself with the resistor rating.
- By connecting the device in parallel connection, the sum of Om should be less than the smaller resistance.
Important! The winding in most cases has a small value, as a rule, it is a two-digit number.
- If the voltage breaks through the capacitor, it will not affect the operation of the kitchen unit in any way.
How do I check the capacitor?
- Charge the input circuit of the device with direct current.
- Parallel to the battery, insert a voltmeter.
- If the signal is lost or constantly goes out, then the problem is in the condenser.
How to check the relay?
- After a detailed inspection of the circuit, you must pay attention to the section of the double wire, through it the voltage of 220 V is applied to the relay.
- When disassembling the kitchen implements, the work plate is placed downwards. In the event that the current exceeds the permissible level, the wire begins to melt and drain to the bottom of the device.
- If you notice the melted parts while unscrewing the device, the output is the following - a short circuit occurred and you need to repair the Redmond multivark.
Although the cause of this may be a failure of the heater, but you should not rush to repair the melted elements. The problem may lie in something else. Therefore:
- Take the multimeter and ring the heater. From simple calculations, your sensor should show a 30 ohm result.
- Switch on any program installed on the device, at this point a 220 V voltage should appear on the TAN.
- In the absence of the described readings, the relay or control circuit is out of order. Thus, the repair of the Redmond multivark will be to replace them.
How to test the control circuit?
- Check the control scheme is also not difficult. To do this, a control voltage is applied to the base of the transistor via a white wire.
- If it is missing and the multimeter does not show the value, then - the breakdown of the technique is in it.
Important! Plug-in connections of devices are often poured with a large amount of compound. This is done in order to make it easy for the manufacturer to install, open someone's equipment before contacting the service center or not.
to the contents ↑Thermal fuse. What is it?
Thermal fuse is a small, cylindrical-shaped piece of wire, very similar to a resistor.
Important! The temperature at which it operates is 170 degrees, and the maximum current is 10-15 A.
Once the values have exceeded the set standards, the thermal fuse instantly burns, and the electrical circuit is broken. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to manufacture it at home. It can eventually have other characteristics, which as a result can bring even more harm.
Important! The fuse has a negligible cost, so it is better to buy it in a specialized store.
How do I replace the fuse?
- First of all, to find the burnt fuse, it is necessary to remove the bottom of the multivark.
- In most cases, thermal fuses on the board are several pieces, all of them are additionally wrapped in different colors with cambriches.
- Under the main cooking container there is a button( heating element of the device).When you get the board, the thermal fuses are located just near this button.
- After carefully reviewing the scheme, you will immediately find the kembriki - they are usually very noticeable, sometimes they are additionally wrapped with a yoke or screwed with a screw.
Important! Cambric is a small piece of wire insulation made of white plastic. It is used to protect the connection points of different components.
- Fix the fuses exclusively by crimping.
Important! It is strictly forbidden to use soldering to replace the fuse, a red-hot sting will damage the board.
- To determine which of the elements is out of order, you will need a tester. Call each of them.
Repair of the "Redmond" device will consist in replacement of damaged fuses with new ones.
to the table of contents ↑Repair of the
chip For effective operation in the simple multipmaker "Redmond" two chips are built in:
- Power.
- Management.
The power board is installed on the bottom of the multivark, and to extract it sufficiently, spin the technique from the bottom. And the control chip is in the heart of the technology itself, so you'll need to disassemble the kitchen appliance completely, and get a cylindrical surface.
Repair of the Redmond multivarker should begin with a close inspection of the board and determining the degree of breakage.
Causes of malfunction:
- Nag on cooking.
- Separation and rupture of tracks.
- Brazing of soldered joints.
- Blown condensers.
How to troubleshoot?
- All removable parts must be replaced.
- Repair the damaged soldering.
- Tracks on the scheme are cleaned with a zero skin and tinned damage.
- In some cases, you can add jumpers, which are easy to make from the legs of the resistors.
- At the end of the repair of the Redmond multivarka, paint the renovated areas with varnish, otherwise the device will fail again.
Important! Lacquer serves as a kind of protection of metal conductors from ingress of water and oxygen.
Multiwares "Redmond" - high-quality and reliable kitchen helpers, which work for many years. In general, the cause of failure of the device can be improper operation, less often - the combustion of thermal fuses. The above causes of breakage and the options for their elimination will help you to repair the Redmond multivark at home without any difficulties. But if your device is under warranty, it's better not to risk it, but to contact the service center for qualified help from a specialist.