Filters for water purification in the apartment

  • Filter assignment
  • Filter selection criteria
  • Fixed filtration system
  • Sink filter: types and features
  • Trunk filter
  • Desktop filter type
  • Shower filter
  • Budget filter options for water treatment
  • Ideal water purification scheme in the apartment
  • The best manufacturers of filtering devices

The quality of modern tap water, even in the cleanest regions, leaves much to be desired. This is a fact, and no one will argue with him, as in practice, every day we feel the effects of hard, rusty, manganese water: a black coating on the skin, its drying, darkening of the enamel of the teeth, dryness and hair loss or permanent dandruff,tiles, household items. And to forget about all this, or at least reduce the negative impact to a less noticeable level, we must put filters for water purification in the apartment. What kind of devices in which case will work - we will consider in this article.

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Assignment of filters

Every person needs clean and quality drinking water every day. The one that enters the city apartments is, of course, pre-cleaned. However, this preparation is not enough, so the water requires additional treatment from:

  • Hardness salts;
  • Elevated levels of iron;
  • Chlorine, which gives it a specific smell and taste;
  • Bacteria and microorganisms.
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Filter selection criteria

Today there are many types of filters for water purification in the apartment and entire filtration systems that can cope with any task. When choosing, two main factors should be considered:

  1. Water state. Before buying the device, we recommend that you analyze your water. To do this, take a sample and take it to a special laboratory. This procedure will allow you to assess the state of water and choose the correct filtration system.
  2. Your financial capabilities. There are different options for water purification filters for apartments: from multifunctional stationary systems to the simplest filter-jugs and nozzles on the tap. The price directly depends on the volume, throughput and the result of filtration.
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Fixed filtration system

This option gives ideal results - water in such systems can pass through all three degrees of purification:

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Chemical.
  3. Biological.

Features of installation:

  • This filter for water purification in an apartment requires a professional installation and in the future does not involve displacements.
  • It is connected directly to the water supply and has a separate tap.
  • Purified water comes through it after passing through all stages of filtration.
  • Most devices have a carbon cartridge.
  • There are three types of systems, depending on the number of stages of cleaning.

Important! Some stationary devices perform all stages of improving the quality of water: from mechanical cleaning to softening and removal of microorganisms. Others - are designed simply to exclude from the running water excess garbage. The choice depends on your goals and the purpose of the filter.


You can drink water after she has gone through all the stages of purification. A stationary system with such capabilities is distinguished by a high price, due to reliability and impeccable quality of cleaning.


Among the drawbacks can be called:

  • Formation of sediment on the cartridge, which in the future can lead to breakdown.
  • Appearance of harmful microorganisms and bacteria in case of late replacement of the filter element.
  • The high price and laboriousness of installing a new cartridge.

Reverse osmosis

If you do not want to spend additional funds and forces on replacing the cartridges when installing water purification filters in an apartment, we recommend paying attention to the "reverse osmosis" system. It is an alternative to a carbon filter element.

Water in such a system is cleaned with a finely dispersed membrane. Passing through it, it is divided into two categories:

  1. Purified to the drinking.
  2. With residual impurities - leaves the sewer system.

Important! The design has additional nodes, and the number of filtration modules can reach five.

Before water enters the finely divided membrane, water is pre-cleaned. Some models are equipped with an ultraviolet lamp for disinfection and a mineralizer. As a result of such cleaning, water is obtained, in quality similar to that sold in stores. However, its production at home using a reverse osmosis system is much more profitable than buying ready-made water in bottles.

A big advantage of such a water purification filter for an apartment is the presence of a reservoir, the volume of which can reach ten liters. It allows you to get a lot of purified water in a short period of time, if there is no time to wait.

Important! The price of the filter with a reverse osmosis system will be higher than the flow rate. But the cost usually pays off, because there is no need to change cartridges, high quality of purified water and long life.

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Filter under the sink: types and features of

It is distinguished only by the name. Usually located under the kitchen sink or next to the wall, if the space under the sink is not enough.

Important! Such a filter is a device that has its own faucet and connections to a central water pipe.

Like any stationary system, the filter for water cleaning in the apartment "under the sink" can be of two variants:

  1. Flow type.
  2. Equipped with reverse osmosis membrane.

We wrote about them in detail above.

How to choose a filter "under the sink"?

Before installing the filter on the water in the apartment, evaluate the condition of the water pipe in your house. If the house is old, for sure, the pipes have become covered with rust, which can not but affect the water. In it, most likely, iron, harmful impurities and bacteria will be present in excess.

Next, carry a water sample to the examination to get a more detailed picture. This procedure will determine if there is radiation, salt and organic compounds in the water in excess.

Which filter "under the sink" is suitable for your water?

The flow system is recommended for water with moderate hardness and high content of chemicals: chlorine, iron, etc. The kit should have a cartridge:

  • Cleansing of mechanical impurities;
  • With activated carbon;
  • Removing redundant iron.

Important! To mitigate too hard water, boldly choose the filter "under the sink" with the "reverse osmosis" system. The flow option is also suitable, but the cartridges will have to be changed quite often, which can greatly damage the family budget.

If there are many organic compounds in your water: bacteria, viruses, microbes - also prefer installing water filters in an apartment with a fine dispersion membrane and an ultraviolet lamp for disinfection.

Important! In the case of water in the organics, a filter with a flow system can also be installed. The main thing is that it should be equipped with an ultraviolet cartridge.

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Trunk filter

Installed inside the water main and is intended only for primary water purification. Has one or several grids with cells of different sizes, which "sift" water.

Some variants of such filters are equipped with an auto-wash function. This is very convenient and does not require frequent interventions in the system.

Important! Filters with auto-washing have a manometer - a device that determines the degree of contamination of the cartridge. If it is not, determine whether the grid is clogged, you can by its appearance.

Advantages of the main filters

The main advantages of such water purification filters for the apartment are:

  • Improving the quality of water by removing impurities, bacteria and harmful chemicals from it.
  • Changing the taste of water, thanks to the removal of chlorine and hydrogen sulphide.
  • Significant extension of the life of household appliances, sanitary equipment and systems intended for further water treatment.
  • Low cost of the main filter and its further maintenance.
  • Easy to use.

Types of main filters

Main filters for water purification in an apartment are divided into 4 categories:

  1. Coarse filters - clean only from the largest impurities using a metal screen with large cells.

Important! We recommend selecting a coarse filter, which has several grid layers with cells of different sizes. This will ensure the best result of filtering.

  1. Fine filters - cope with fine suspensions using a grid and ultraviolet radiation. The water that has passed through such a device can be drunk.
  2. Filters for water softening - have magnetic softeners, breaking salt deposits. As a result of their influence, no scale is formed in the plumbing and plumbing.

Important! Water softening trunking devices are recommended for use only with fine and coarse cleaning cartridges.

  1. Filters with granular structure - qualitatively remove unnecessary chemical compounds and organic compounds, while softening the water.
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flow-through table filter Has a good cleaning speed, however, the water quality at the outlet will be lower than that prepared for drinking with a stationary device.

This filter for water purification in the apartment is equipped with one or two types of filtration.

To start the water purification process, connect the filter adapter to the tap. There are two mounting options:

  1. Straight with a faucet - suitable for models with a small cartridge. In this case, the water will be cleared more slowly.

Important! The water velocity when connected to the tap is approximately 200 ml / min. To use water for domestic purposes, a much greater pressure of water is needed. Therefore, when installing filters for water purification in an apartment of this type, we recommend that you stock up the nozzle with a switch. This will prevent the filter from being used if there is no such need.

  1. To the worktop - an additional connecting hose is required for connection to the crane.

Important! The price of a desktop cartridge filter, compared to a fixed-type system, will be significantly lower. Install it yourself will not be difficult.

The service life of the desktop filter is about three years. The cartridge should be changed every three months.

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Shower Filter

Install a water filter in the apartment also possible in the bathroom or your shower.

Important! To shower filters, the requirements are much less than to systems that prepare water for drinking. Their main task is to rid the water of chlorine, which dries the skin and negatively affects the hair.

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Budget options for water filters

If finances do not allow you to purchase expensive water treatment filters for an apartment, we recommend paying attention to inexpensive options.

Filter jug ​​

Easy to operate and very affordable device. It is a jug with a cartridge inside. The latter is to be replaced every three or four months. The cartridge of good quality has in structure:

  • Fibers from polypropylene which detain mechanical impurity.
  • Ion-exchange resin - removes salts, iron, heavy metals and radionuclides.
  • Activated carbon - removes organic and chlorine.
  • Porous activated carbon - lightens water, helps to settle microorganisms.

Important! The performance of such devices is low. When choosing a jug in size, it should be borne in mind that the amount of water at the outlet will be half the volume indicated on the box. Usually the amount of water filtered at a time varies from 1.5 to 4 liters.

Nozzle for the

As for the quality of the cleaning, the device is closer to the filter of the pitcher type. It is put on the tap of water supply. It filters water at a rate of 200 ml / min to 6 l / min.

Important! Some nozzles have a switch to the "no cleaning" mode. This allows you not to remove it from the tap time after time. However, such switches are prone to frequent breakdowns.

The nozzle on the faucet is good for temporary use. If the filter for water purification in the apartment is needed for a long time, we recommend to stop on another option.

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Ideal water purification scheme in the apartment

If you want to have at home everywhere - in the kitchen and in the bathroom - only quality water without unnecessary inclusions, get several filtration systems:

  • Trunk filters for hot and coldwater;
  • The filter "under a sink" with a multistage way of clearing;
  • Shower system;
  • The filter is pitcher type.

Important! Such a step-by-step water purification at different parts of the pipeline system will certainly give its result.

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The best manufacturers of filtering devices

Among the systems "under the sink" with reverse osmosis are leading:

  • Atoll A-550 MAX;
  • New water Expert Osmos МО530;
  • Geyser Prestige-2.

The best flow-through filters "under the sink" are:

  • New water Expert M312;
  • OMOIKIRI Pure Drop 1.0;
  • Barrier EXPERT Ferrum.

The leading filter "under the sink" with nanofiltration is:

  • Geyser Nanotek.

Of desktop filters are popular:

  • Source Bio SE-10;
  • Coolmart CM-101-CCA.

The most popular filter jug ​​type:

  • Barrier Smart;
  • Geyser Gryphon;
  • Brita Aluna XL;
  • Aquaphor Line.

The best nozzles for the crane are:

  • New Water T5;
  • Barrier Comfort.

The most reliable backbone systems:

  • Geyser Typhoon 20 BB;
  • Barrier BM ½;
  • Geyser 1P ½.

We hope that our material will help you in a short time to choose and install a filter on the water in the apartment. And remember: clean water - a pledge of good health and longevity!