- A little about the device
- Selection criteria
- Heating method and power
- Bowl characteristics
- Functions
- Control principle
- Which manufacturer should I prefer?
There are few adherents of the ascetic way of life, the average person likes to eat tasty every day. But at the same time, enjoy the hours spent near the plate are only a few. Therefore, manufacturers of home appliances took this moment for a note and created a unique device - multivark. But in order to appreciate all the advantages of its use, to get really tasty, healthy food every day, applying to it a minimum of effort, it is necessary to know how to choose a multivark, what to look for. We will talk about this in this article.
to the contents ↑A little about the device
You can select the multivariate parameters correctly only in the case when you clearly imagine what part and what it is responsible for. Fortunately, in this case, it is not difficult to understand this. The device of such a miracle casserole includes:
- body and cover;
- bowl, in which the products are laid;
- control panel;
- power supply and heating elements.
In principle, from this list it becomes clear which part is intended for what purposes and which performs the function.
to the contents ↑Selection criteria
Now let's define how to select a multivar, what to look for. The following factors are of fundamental importance:
- Heating method and power.
- Materials of the bowl and its volume.
- Number of functions.
- The principle of control.
Now we will deal with each of these criteria separately.
to Contents ↑Heating Method and Power
The heating method is determined by the location of the heating elements, and it can be as follows:
- The lower one is not the best option, because the cooking process will be slow. Usually, this is the model for the budget category.
- Bottom + side - the optimal option, which achieves quite a quick and uniform heating.
- Bottom + side + top - this is an option for expensive models. If you are allowed a family budget, it is justified to buy just such a miracle casserole. The cooking will occur very quickly with less energy.
With regard to power, there are a few tips from experts on how to choose a multivark:
- The optimum value is within 500-800 watts.
- The volume of the dish for cooking and the power should be proportional. That is, the larger the useful volume, the greater the power value should be selected.
Important! If you are going to buy a multivark with more efficient heating and a higher power value, think about whether the wiring in your house will withstand such a load. And one more nuance - the energy consumption will also be higher.
to the contents ↑bowl characteristics As we have already determined, in order to choose a multivarquet, it is necessary to pay attention to the materials in its basis and the volume of capacity.
Going to the store to consider different models, you will see that the capacity of the bowl can be very different - in the range of 1-14 liters. But we need to make a rational decision based on expert advice on how to choose a multivark:
- 3 liters is enough for a small family.
- A bowl of a little more volume - up to 6 liters, is suitable in case you have a large family and you are often visited by guests.
Important! It is not necessary to take this value above, since such models already refer to professional equipment, they are mainly used in cafes.
Several materials are used for manufacturing multivorak containers, each of which has non-stick properties. How to choose a multivark by this criterion? Pay attention to the following nuances:
- Ceramics. It is considered an environmentally friendly material with excellent non-stick and technical characteristics. It is not susceptible to scratches, it is stable to high temperatures, but it can break if it falls.
- Teflon. One of the popular materials to date, as it has good non-stick properties. But if the heating is above 230 degrees, harmful substances can start to be released, besides, such a coating is easily susceptible to scratching. Therefore, care should be extremely careful.
- Marble. Here, it means sputtering. Such a surface is not susceptible to scratches, high temperatures, cleaning agents. The term of its operation, according to the assurances of the producers, is 25 years. But the price of such a model will not be available to everyone.
Based on the ratio of price and quality, we can conclude that it is better to choose a multi-bowl with a bowl of ceramics.
to the contents ↑Functions
When buying a multivarquet for the home, each hostess counts on what it will be possible to prepare:
- porridge;
- vegetables;
- fish;
- meat.
All these options are usually included in the standard set of programs. In fact, more and is not required from a miracle casserole. But still, it's worth paying attention to some additional options, because they increase the usability of the technique.
For additional bonuses manufacturers can include:
- Preheating previously cooked dishes.
- Delayed start.
- Signaling of the completion of cooking.
- Preparation of baking, yogurt, processing of products using grill technology.
- Sterilization.
- Thermal protection and child protection function.
- Voice guide.
Important! Before choosing a multivark, think carefully about what you will actually use and what not. Do not overpay for extra bells and whistles, which remain in everyday life unclaimed.
to the contents ↑Control principle
There is no great variety here, so you have to choose a home-made miracle casserole, focusing on your personal habits:
- Mechanics. In these models, multivark control will occur by turning the switches and pressing the buttons. This option is considered more reliable and durable, as well as maintainable.
- Sensor. Most modern models of any home appliances are equipped with such control panels. Of course, it's very convenient to use them, and there are more opportunities, but as for reliability, here - how lucky.
Which manufacturer should I prefer?
When you understand how to choose a multivark, what to look for, you have decided on the appropriate parameters, it's time to think about the manufacturer. Your preferences in this respect will depend on the durability, functionality of the device, its safety and ease of use.
To simplify the task of choice, based on feedback from users, we compiled the rating of the best models in different price categories.
- Vitesse VS-590;
- Polaris PMC 0517AD;
- Redmond RMC-M25;
Average price category:
- REDMOND SkyCooker M800S;
- Hitachi RZ-DMR18Y;
- Moulinex MK 706A32;
- Philips HD4731 / 03.
Dear multivarkers:
- BORK U800;
- Delonghi FH1394.W / BK;
- Cuckoo CMC-HE1055F.
Important! As you can see, in any category there is a technique of companies that have long proved themselves on the good side. And here is another expert advice on how to choose a multivar: if you are thinking about buying a multivarqua of a little-known brand, be sure to thoroughly test it when buying. The essence of the trick of such manufacturers is that they indicate in the passport the device has higher characteristics that are not true.
Now you only need to decide on your goals, and go shopping for such a useful pot in your daily life that you can cook yourself and cereal, and bake buns, and fry the meat exactly the way you like. But with all the settings you still have to deal with, and believe me, this process will be very exciting!