- Drip
- Geyser
- Carob( espresso)
- Capsule
- What type of coffee machine is better?
- Review of the best coffee machines
For many, the day begins with a cup of fragrant coffee. Of course, instant coffee on the palatability in many ways inferior to the ground. It is the ground coffee that invigorates and energizes the whole day. But you need to think about buying a special coffee machine in advance. Today we will consider such varieties of coffee machines: drop, carob, capsule and geyser. Which of these options is better? So, consider these types in more detail. First let's see: what kind of coffee machine is better - drip or geyser.
to the contents ↑Drip
In these appliances, the coffee is boiled without the pressure of water and steam. The liquid passes through the coffee particles with small drops. The grains are covered in a filter, the water is poured into a special container. Water, heated, passes through the particles of coffee, saturated with its odor, and gradually drains into a specially designed container.
Important! Heating of water occurs up to 85 degrees. In this case, all the useful substances of the product are fully preserved.
Perhaps the main drawback of this device is that it can be used to make only one drink - ordinary black coffee.
Important! Some coffee lovers do not like that the preparation of the drink is too slow. But there is an opportunity to make the process continuous( if there is a heating function).It is enough to just fill in the coffee and add water.
When choosing a drip device, pay attention to such characteristics:
- Power. A low-power coffee machine is suitable for making a strong drink, and a device with a large capacity - on the contrary.
- Size and material of the manufacturing of the bulb. As a rule, it is plastic or glass. Note that the handle is made of a material with low thermal conductivity. The choice of the size of the flask depends on how many coffee lovers you have in your family.
- Filter. Here everything depends on your individual preferences. Distinguish filters disposable, nylon( resource use up to 60 times) and gold( reusable).
- Presence of a protective mechanism preventing the flow of the drink, when removing the flask from the coffee machine.
- The heating function to keep the beverage hot.
- Adjusting the strength of coffee with a timer or special program.
With the drop system we figured it out. Next, consider the following type of machines to decide which coffee maker is best - drip or geyser.
to content ↑Geyser
This device looks like an ordinary coffee pot. There are platelike and electrical devices, but the principle of operation is the same for them. The coffee maker is a steel tank, divided into 2 compartments( this is needed to separate coffee and water).The water boils, rises through the tube and passes through the ground coffee, then returning back to the lower compartment. It turns out a small model of a natural geyser.
Important! There are models in which the cycle is repeated. But in order to get a good quality drink, only one cycle is enough.
Choosing a geyser coffee machine, you need to pay attention to the following:
- Dimensions - to drink, cooked at a time, enough for the whole family.
- Housing material. It can be plastic, grillamide, aluminum or stainless steel. Grilamide or stainless steel is preferable, but their cost is higher. The inner covering can be made of ceramics.
- The handle must be made of non-heating material.
- Water level control. For coffee makers of the geyser type - the option is priceless.
- Cover. It is desirable that it is easily opened and must be made of a material with poor thermal conductivity.
Important! When choosing the dimensions of a geyser coffee maker, consider how many cups of coffee you want to cook for 1 reception. For example, if the device is designed for 6 cups, and you pour less water, it simply will not function.
- The geyser coffee machine is suitable for brewing not only coffee, but also tea, and herbal dues.
- A good, rich drink.
- Ease of care.
- The need to prepare coffee exactly as much as the coffee machine is designed. Even if this is not necessary.
- The relatively long brewing time of the drink.
Important! The principle of care for all geyser devices is the same. The upper flask is rinsed with running water using a detergent. The bottom part can not be washed under the water( it does not apply to the block models).Clean the lower compartment with wet and dry napkins.
We hope, from the offered information on the differences of these systems, it became clear to you which coffee maker is better - drip or geyser.
to the contents ↑Carob( espresso)
The preparation of the beverage is done with steam. Pressed coffee is placed in a special horn( hence the name).Water is poured into a special tank. Boiling, the water evaporates, and the steam passes through the horn. The process of preparation of the drink is quite long. But coffee turns out rich and excellent taste.
When choosing the carob model, take into account such factors:
- Grinding the coffee. This type of coffee maker is designed for a certain type of grinding.
- Material for making the coffee mug. The best option is metal. Coffee in a metal horn gets warmer, has a more pleasant and rich taste. In instruments with a plastic horn, coffee is not so strong and takes on a sour taste.
- Overheat protection. It is also important that the device does not turn on if there is no water in it.
- Double nozzle. The presence of this option makes it possible to prepare a drink for 2 cups at once.
- Pallet. Does not allow water leakage.
- Ability to stop the process of making coffee.
This is a relatively simple device. In order to prepare a drink, it is enough to place the capsule with coffee in the coffee machine. Then the capsule is punctured and filled with water.
Important! The downside of the device is that, despite the presence of a huge number of types of capsules on sale, it is difficult to find the option for yourself. In addition, ordinary ground coffee, so beloved by gourmets, is unsuitable for such a device.
to the contents ↑What type of coffee machine is better?
Which coffee maker is best - capsular or carob, for the home? The carrots are best for home use. It is automated, and the quality of the drink is very good. However, caring for a coffee machine is not easy. Periodically, disassemble the device and wash it. Coffee oils, accumulating, adversely affect the taste of the drink.
When choosing a coffee maker in an office, you need to build on the number of employees. At the same time, the appliance should boil coffee quickly and a lot. The capsule device is ideal in this respect. In it, you can prepare coffee drinks, as they say, for every taste. If you think which capsular coffee maker is the best, then an expensive, luxurious, image model is definitely suitable for the manager's office.
to the contents ↑Review of the best coffee machines
With the types of coffee machines more or less understood. Consider now the best models of each kind, which will help you to finally decide on the choice.
The Krups Inissia
Capsular modern coffee machine:
- It differs with a beautiful design, so it is possible to choose a shade for the interior.
- In this case, the quality of coffee is excellent, the temperature is optimal.
- Charge the capsule into the device and press the button - this is all that is required from the user.
- The model is small in size and weight.
Important! The device is noisy working - this is its only drawback.
Bialetti Moka Crystal
This is a geyser coffee machine with an original design:
- The glass water tank.
- The handle is made of a durable heat-insulating plastic that does not conduct heat.
- The device can be used on plates of different types, with the exception of induction ones.
Siemens TE 706209 RW
Powerful modern device:
- This coffee machine will help to prepare not only black classic coffee, but also a variety of coffee drinks.
- The device is equipped with a cleaning device from coffee plaque.
- There is a display that makes the control extremely convenient.
Important! The only drawback of the device is that it has a high price compared to others.
Moulinex Little Solea BCA1L1
Inexpensive coffee machine, convenient for home use. The main qualities are robust construction, convenience and ultimate simplicity of operation. The device is small in size, nice design and works almost silently.
Important! The relative shortage of the model is a short cord. For this reason, the coffee maker can only be placed near the outlet. Another disadvantage is that the bowl is not strong enough.
Philips HD 7761
This is a coffee maker with a built-in coffee grinder. Universal model with simple control:
- It is possible to adjust the strength of the drink.
- There is an automatic shut-off function.
- The model is adapted to make up to 10 cups of coffee at a time.
If to speak: a drip or carob coffee maker - what is better?- This is not entirely correct. It all depends on what type of coffee you prefer, how many people you have in your family and how often you spoil yourself with this wonderful drink. We hope that now you have seen this yourself and decided on a more suitable machine for regular use.