Top 10 most terrible in the world of automobile accidents( road accidents)

The car has long been a natural means of transportation for people of all professions, ages and views on life. But many do not realize the whole responsibility for the lives of other road users. Look at the rating of the worst accidents before you get behind the wheel.

10. An articulated vehicle, not choosing a safe distance and speed, entered a bus that took outside the road to a metal fence. The fence pierced the bus, passed through the engine into the passenger compartment, pierced the passenger seat at the head level and emerged through the rear window. It's amazing that none of the passengers were hurt.

9. In 155 kilometers from Vologda, the drunken driver of the Audi A4 failed to control and at a speed far exceeding the permissible literally rammed the Chinese Zhong Xing Admiral SUV.As a result, 7 people died, one was seriously injured.

8. A terrible accident occurred in Krasnoyarsk. A young girl moving on the green light of a traffic light on a Honda car was literally rammed by a fixed-route taxi, whose driver was trying to slip by the red light. The blow was so strong that the bus literally crushed under a foreign car and the wall of the house. The girl was rescued directly on the spot, surprisingly, that she was generally left alive even though the roof of the car was exactly on the driver's seat. The driver and the conductor of the fixed-route taxi received severe injuries, but none of the 16 passengers was seriously injured.

7. On the Kirov-Perm highway, the VAZ-2112 driver exceeded the permissible speed and drove to the oncoming traffic, where there was a collision with a DAF truck. All 4 people in the car were killed.

6. Israel, like Turkey and Egypt, has long been known for its road accidents, which occur in large numbers because most of the indigenous population simply can not drive and deliberately ignore traffic lights and road signs. A kind of result of this attitude was a terrible accident, the news of which went around the world. The cause of this accident was the negligence of the bus driver, in which 51 people rode, 49 of which were Russian tourists. The accident occurred on a mountain road where the driver significantly exceeded the speed and went overtaking, but failed to manage, and the bus fell into the abyss. The driver himself survived, but 24 Russian tourists died in this accident.

5. A really terrible accident in terms of the number of casualties was the fall of the bus to the irrigation canal. The bus moved from Cairo along an extremely narrow road, and the bus driver had to abruptly turn off the road to avoid a collision with the oncoming truck, but he failed to manage. Victims of the accident were 57 tourists from around the world.

4. The driver of one of the most expensive cars Chrysler Crossfire ignoring the red light, crashed into the side of the truck "Gazelle" at a huge speed. The collision was so strong that the truck literally flew in half: the cab was thrown about 25 meters from the place of impact, the body flew off for a turn, while the lantern was knocked off. The Gazelle driver flew out of the cab through the windshield and flew 5 meters. He was hospitalized with concussion and fractures. The driver of the foreign car and his passenger died on the spot.

3. Some representatives of the law are very lighthearted about the laws that they themselves create. Mercedes-Benz, which ran the Deputy Chief of the CSS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg, for a long time moved on the opposite lane where it is prohibited to go to it at all. The result of this movement was a head-on collision with a Toyota Hilux Surf jeep, in which the Mercedes driver did not even try to brake or roll. In a terrible accident, drivers of both cars and Mercedes passengers lost their lives. Still received minor damage to drivers and passengers of other cars, which did not have time to brake and also hit.

2. Some people do not learn anything. Jeep, whose driver was deprived of the right to drive and had previously had 28 fines, the lawn plowed sideways at a huge speed crashed into a pillar. In the car there were 5 people, only the driver survived, having got into intensive care unit with burns of 45% of the body. All the dead - young people aged 22-23 years, the car belonged to the father of the driver, who even wrote a statement about the theft, since the son often took a jeep without demand.

1. At the exit from the metro bridge at KAMAZ the brakes failed and it drove at a huge speed into the passenger bus. Hospitalized 3 people. And all would be nothing, just in front of the bus on the road KAMAZ was still a car. Rescuers did not even notice it at once, so it was smeared on the back of the bus. Both men in the car were killed on the spot.

Author: Alena Kashtanova