- Tablets for a coffee machine - available range
- Decalcification
- General cleaning
- Application
- Which manufacturer is better?
Buying a coffee machine for home use, many expect to receive a delicious drink every day according to their preferences and minimal waste of time for the whole process. But we must not forget that a coffee machine is a technique that requires a certain expenditure of time for care, and if you forget about it or ignore the necessary procedures, you will only dream of a fragrant and really tasty coffee after a short time. Of course, I want even in this situation to simplify my life as much as possible, and this is possible. Manufacturers of such equipment offer their consumers a tablet of scale for the coffee machine. What they are, how to use them and how they are effective, which are better - you will learn all this from this article.
to the table of contents ↑Tablets for a coffee machine - an affordable assortment of
Even if you decide to use such a miracle remedy to not torture yourself and your coffee maker by manually removing scaling and plaque of other harmful substances, you will initially have to spend time again to sort it outwith an affordable assortment.
There are 2 fundamentally important points:
- Assignment. On sale there are tablets from a scale for coffee machines and means for removing coffee oils and general cleaning.
- Manufacturer. Here too it is necessary to understand, as the products of different brands can be designed for a particular model of a coffee machine, a group of machines or be universal and used for different equipment.
Decalcifying agents are the same descaling tablets. Their direct purpose is to cleanse the internal hydraulic system of the device from the hard plaque, which is formed due to hard water.
Important! If the scum is not removed in time, it grows more and more, causing problems in the operation of the coffee machine and worsening the taste of the prepared beverages. The most common faults with a large scale:
- increased water flow;
- increased power consumption;
- increase the cycle of coffee preparation;
- failure of technically important items of equipment.
The descaling tablet for the coffee machine, depending on the manufacturer, has one of the following markings:
- Descaling;
- Descaling;
- Decalcifier;
- For decalcification.
In the composition of such cleansing agents in the following proportions and combinations, the following substances are present:
- sulfamic acids;
- benzotriazole;
- sodium bicarbonate.
Important! Additional additives are also possible, which also affect the cleaning efficiency. When choosing suitable tablets, you can focus on customer reviews or determine the best option by using a practical tool.
to content ↑General cleaning
These tools are designed to remove the coating from the oils of coffee on the elements of the brewing mechanism of the coffee machine.
Drawing attention to the marking, you can immediately understand - it is a tablet of scale for coffee machines or a means for general cleaning. In the second case, one of these marking options will be present:
- Cleans;
- Clean;
- Cleaning;
- Cleansing tablets.
As you can see, everything is extremely simple.
Important! In appearance, such funds also differ - they are smaller than tablets from scale for the coffee machine.
Given the origin of such a deposit, the composition of these funds will be different from that which will be effective against scale. You can recognize these tablets for coffee machines by the following components:
Composition of tablets for the removal of coffee oils:
- Polymer;
- Sodium citrate;
- Sodium carbonate;
- Pentasodium triphosphate;
- Sodium adipate;
- Sodium carbonate peroxide;
- Sodium lauryl sulfate;
- Magnesium stearate.
Important! Such tablets are used for coffee machines once a month.
to the contents ↑Application of
Depending on what type of tablets you are using at the moment, the way of bookmarking will differ:
- cleansers are placed in the compartment for ground coffee or inside the brewing mechanism - directly onto the filter;
- tablets from scale - put in the water tank.
Which manufacturer is better?
Ideally, it is necessary to use the cleaning products of the manufacturer, under the brand name of which the equipment is manufactured. In this case, the result will be more qualitative, since you are guaranteed compatibility of the equipment and equipment. But if you decide to experiment with different options, you can take the products of the following brands:
- Bosch - many of the means of this manufacturer are suitable for servicing coffee machines Jura, Krups, Siemens;
- Melitta;
- Miele.
Now you figure out what tablets are for coffee machines and when to use. We hope that you were able to determine the best option - both in terms of cleaning quality, price, speed, durability, and safety. Hence - now nothing prevents you enjoy in the morning a cup of aromatic coffee, cappuccino or latte or treat them to your friends during the evening conversation.