The largest excavators in the world

Excavators are earthmoving machines that have different purposes. They can be used for digging quarries, pits for building houses, as well as for mining. All mechanisms differ not only in their technical characteristics, appearance, but also in size.

The top 10 includes the world's largest excavators in the history of excavation.


Hitachi EX8000-6

Hitachi EX 8000-6 - a modern hydraulic excavator from Hitachi opens the rating of large excavators. The car was built in 2012 for coal mining. Compared to other representatives of the rating, it can not boast of very impressive sizes, but despite this, it has good performance. At a time, the mechanism is capable of raising up to 75 tons, and its capacity is 3,880 horsepower. The height of the Hitachi EX8000-6 is about 10 meters, and the length is over 30 meters. The bucket capacity of this model is 40 cubic meters.


Marion 6360

Marion 6360 is among the world's top ten excavators. Its creator is the American company Marion Power Shovel, the construction of which was made in 1965.Weight Merion was about 13 thousand tons, and the length of his arrow exceeded 67 meters. The eskazavr was in operation for more than three decades. It became useless after the failure in 1991 in the mechanism, which led to a self-ignition of the machine. Restoration of the structure was considered inexpedient, so after this incident the legendary Marion 6360 was disposed of.


Demag H740 OS

Demag H 740 OS is one of the largest mining excavators in the world, developed in 1999 to work in the sand areas of Canada. The weight of the mechanism exceeds 700 tons, and at one time the bucket can lift up to 40 cubic meters of sand.


ЭШ 100 @

ЭШ 100 \ 100 - the largest Soviet walking excavator, which was created by "Uralmash" in 1976.The volume of the giant's bucket was about 100 cubic meters, and the length of the boom was 100 meters. There was an ES 100/100 in operation for 15 years, after which it was scrapped.


Big Muskie

Big Muskie - the world's largest walking excavator, created in the second half of the last century by the American company Bucyrus-Erie. The total mass of the machine is about 13 thousand tons. The height of Big Muskie is almost 68 meters, the width exceeds 46 meters, and the length is about 150 meters. The dragline ladle is equal to 168 cubic meters - an area that is enough to accommodate two buses. It took the company two years to build it, and its final cost was 25 million US dollars. Big Muskie needed to consume as much electricity as would be enough to provide electricity for about 30,000 apartments. The machine was in operation for 30 years. Over this period of time dragline produced 20 million tons of coal.


RH 400

RH 400 is the largest hydraulic excavator in the world, built by the German company O & K.The weight of the mechanism is about 100 tons, and its power is 3.3 megawatts. The bucket of this model is capable of holding about 50 cubic meters. RH 400 is ready to work even in very severe weather conditions, thanks to the developed oil heating system. The power of its engine is 4,500 horsepower, and the fuel tank of the unit is designed for 15,000 liters of fuel. The cost of one such copy will cost the buyer $ 14 million.


Bagger 293

Bagger 293 is one of the largest mining excavators in the world, entered in the Guinness Book of Records. The weight of the mechanism is 14 tons, the height is equal to the thirty-storey building, and its length is more than two hundred meters. Bagger 293 was built specifically for digging quarries. To manage the car, a team of five people works. The unit moves at a speed of just over 6 km per hour. Every day this machine is able to shovel about 3 million cubic meters. For the day of work Bagger 293 can dig a pit with an area of ​​a football field. On board the special machinery there are lifting mechanisms and workshops for its repair.


P & H4100XRS

P & N4100XRS is the largest Russian mining excavator. The mass of the giant machine exceeds 1.5 tons, and the bucket capacity is 57 cubic meters. In a year, R & H4100XRS can process 200 million tons of rock, for the export of which six huge BelAZ trucks weighing 320 tons are used. The owner of the unit is the company Kuzbassrazrezugol. With the help of an excavator, the company manages to produce up to 15 million tons of coal a year. R & N4100XRS fully justifies its money, which he had to pay for - his purchase cost the company 575 million rubles. This design can replace four conventional excavators. The machine is controlled by two excavators, for which there is also a place for rest and a toilet in the cabin.


Bucyrus RH400

Bucyrus RH400 , also known as Big Brutus - one of the most giant excavators in the world, the creator of which is the company Bucyrus-Erie. The machine was used for extraction of coal by the open method. Big Brutus was able to extract rocks from a depth of more than 20 meters. The annual maximum capacity of the Bucyrus RH400( assuming it was operating at full capacity) could be an area of ​​260 hectares. In the period of this cycle, the machine was able to immediately fill 3 huge carriages. The weight of the car is about 900 tons, and the power of its engine is equal to 4400 horsepower. The length of Big Brutus caterpillars exceeds a dozen meters. At present, this one-of-a-kind specimen is kept in the American museum of the city of West Mineral.


Bagger 288

Bagger 288 completes the ranking of the world's largest excavators. It was built by Krupp in the year 78 of the last century. The customer of the machine was Rheinbraun, a mining company that needed an aggregate that could work at a very deep depth. In the end result, the cost of the car resulted in a company of 100 million US dollars. On the day the excavator extracts so many breeds, for the export of which it would take about 4 thousand KAMAZ trucks. Bagger 288 is equipped with 18 buckets, the volume of each is about 7 cubic meters, and the height is about 2 meters. Hourly, it can process about 10 thousand cubic meters of mined rock. The height of the giant is almost equal to 100 meters, and the length exceeds 200 meters. The weight of the integral structure is more than 13 thousand tons. At the same time, a team of four people is working at Bagger 288.The speed of movement of the machine is only half a kilometer per hour.