What does an air ionizer do?

  • A bit of theory about the air
  • Nature and technology - do you really need an ionizer for air?
  • What does the air ionizer do?
  • To whom is the ionizer of air useful?
  • Contraindications for the use of the ionizer
  • How to use the ionizer correctly?
  • Harm from ionizer
  • How to choose an ionizer?
  • Types of ionizers for the home, their main functions
  • Useful advices:

In search of clean and fresh air, which is the guarantee of our health, we go to sea resorts, to the mountains and as far as possible beyond the city. But due to various circumstances, we can not afford to rest every day by the sea, and even a hike into the nearby forest sometimes remains only in dreams. Therefore, recently, more often in apartments and houses there is a miracle device - an ionizer of air. What kind of invention is this, what does an air ionizer do, and we will tell in the article.

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A bit of air theory

Air is a mixture of gases comprising two main components: oxygen - 20%, nitrogen - 78%, and everything else - carbon dioxide and other gases. The composition of the residual mixture and can vary depending on the location on our Earth. For example, the air of the sea coast is saturated with particles of sea water. And the composition of microscopic droplets of sea moisture is similar to the plasma of our blood, so it is so nice to breathe in full air on the sea shore.

From school we know how useful forest air is, because trees are natural producers of oxygen. What is useful in the composition of the air of the sea coast and the forest? This "something" is called air ions.

Aeroions( air ions) are positively and negatively charged particles of gas. To feel good, a person must breathe air, which is saturated with light ions. Healing effect is caused precisely by negative ions, because as a result of getting them on the mucous membrane of the airways, air ions, giving their charge, contribute to the release of biologically active substances.

Important! The concentration of light negative ions in the air, depending on natural factors and terrain, ranges from 600 to 50 000 ions per 1 square centimeter. The greatest concentration of negative air ions is observed in mountain resorts, on sea coasts, coniferous forests.

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Nature and technology - do I really need an air ionizer?

Nature itself is capable of ionizing air, without human intervention. The more air is saturated with negative ions, the more useful it is. But unfortunately, the city's unfavorable conditions: transportation, the work of factories, the presence of a huge number of electrical appliances reduce to "no" all the care of nature about us. Therefore, it becomes quite understandable why an ionizer of air is needed.

Everyone notices that after a day at the office, where the equipment works around the clock, we feel tired and often complain of a headache - this is one of the very first signs of ion starvation. And this is not surprising, because in closed rooms the level of air ions is lower than we need, almost 15 times. Even if you sit in front of a television or computer at home for a long time, simply stay indoors, where the equipment is switched on for a long time, you will also feel a shortage of air. And vice versa - outside the city, in the forest and near the sea you breathe easily, and again, the matter in them is negatively charged ions.

Important! Most of all, children, elderly people and people with low immunity are exposed to ion starvation.

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What does the air ionizer do?

Based on the above facts, it becomes clear that in the natural environment for maintaining health ionization of air is simply necessary. This function in the room is performed by modern miracle equipment. That's what the ionizer of the house is for.

Specialists noted the beneficial effect of the device on humans, in particular, the ionizer:

  • Normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Reduces fatigue.
  • Normalizes sleep.
  • Strengthens protective functions of the body.
  • Activates the work of the brain.
  • Improves appetite.
  • Slows down the aging process of the body.
  • Reduces the likelihood of acute respiratory infections and other viral infections.
  • Eases breathing.
  • Eliminates the factors that cause allergic reactions.
  • Is a preventive tool and prevents the appearance of malignant tumors.
  • Reduces electrostatic voltage from the included TVs and monitors.
  • Increases body tone and performance.
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To whom is the ionizer of air useful?

The ionizer cleans air from harmful components: viruses, bacteria, allergens, dust and saturates the air in the room with a large number of negative air ions. Therefore, the device will be useful to the following categories of humanity:

  1. for children.
  2. To people suffering from respiratory system diseases.
  3. To the elderly.
  4. Weakened people suffering from chronic diseases.
  5. Everyone during the flu epidemic and the spread of ARI.
  6. All working at a computer or watching TV more than 2 hours a day.
  7. People who spend most of their time indoors.
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Contraindications for the use of the ionizer

Despite all that the ionizer does, there are some contraindications for using the device for health reasons. Do not recommend using the device:

  • If the room is a person with an increased temperature, since the acceleration of metabolism will lead to an even higher rise in body temperature.
  • To people who have a malignant tumor, since air ions increase metabolism and thereby improve the nutrition of absolutely all body tissues, including cells of malignant tumors.
  • If the room is a person with diseases of the central nervous system.
  • If the apartment has patients with severe lung emphysema or with an acute phase of pneumonia.
  • In a smoky and dusty place, as in this case, electrified dust particles will penetrate deep into the lungs.

Important! In rooms where it is too dusty and smoky, you can use the device, but only in the absence of people.

  • In a room where there are children under the age of one year.
  • If a person has bronchial asthma with frequent exacerbations.
  • When a person with a rheumatoid arthritis in the acute phase is present in the room, as well as with acute impairment of cerebral circulation.
  • With individual intolerance.

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How to use the ionizer correctly?

To ensure that the device at work only benefits, it is not enough just to know why an ionizer is needed. It is important to follow simple rules:

  • During operation of the device, the dust settles on the floor. Therefore, in the room where the appliance is switched on, it is necessary to wash the floor as often as possible and to wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth.
  • The ionizer can not be used around the clock or for many hours at a time. Therefore, before using the home appliance, carefully read the instructions. There you can read, for how long it is necessary to use the device and how to use it correctly.
  • Observe the distance between the device and people.

Important! Be prepared for that, for a while after turning on the ionizer, you may get sore, dizzy or drowsy, but this is normal. The same condition occurs when, after a long stay in the city, you suddenly break out into the wild.

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Harm from ionizer

We figured out what an air ionizer does, why it's needed. The use of such a device is useful for health, no one disputes about this. But as we know, there is no such thing, which would not have flaws. Therefore, before you buy the device, you should also know about some harmful effects on our body:

  1. Since the ionizer gives a charge to all microparticles in the air, both the dust and the microflora become charged. Dust particles and microorganisms that have received a charge will be attracted to special electrodes in the instrument and other surfaces in the room. As a result, dirty circles can form around the device. Therefore, after ionization, the apartment needs a thorough wet cleaning, since it is very harmful to stay and breathe accumulated dust.
  2. If in the process of ionization in the room are people, the particles of dirt from the air will settle on them, and consequently - get into the respiratory tract.
  3. Infections in ionized air spread much faster. If there are viruses in the room or a person with a disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets, the probability of infection of healthy people in an ionized room increases manifold.
  4. A powerful ionizer placed in a small room will affect the negative concentration of ozone molecules.
  5. The electromagnetic field from the device also affects the state of the human body if the minimum allowed distance to the device is violated.

Important! If, during the use of the device, you start to feel not very good, turn off the ionizer and consult a doctor about further use.

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How to choose an ionizer?

If you took into account all the pros and cons, carefully considered and decided that you need an air ionizer, when selecting, pay attention to the following characteristics.


The main parameter of your choice should be the serviced area, since there are models designed for ionization of three meters, and there are purification systems for 150 meters.

Remember that the serviceable area depends on the power of the device, and accordingly - and the price.


Ionizers are available for sale with and without air humidification. It must be remembered that in winter, when heating systems work, the atmosphere in the apartment often dries up, but the humidifier can easily fix it. In addition, if there is such a function, the dust in the moist air is delayed much less.

Types of filters

Different filters perform different tasks. Some of them save us from dust, others - destroy harmful impurities, and still others - fight with smells. Different models of devices include whole sets of filters for every taste.


The device can have an intelligent humidity level sensor in the house, and as soon as the humidity drops to a critical point, humidification will turn on. You do not even need to follow this process.

Remote control

Remote control will help you change the operating modes of the device. For example, if necessary, urgently switch the ionizer to the air purification mode from smells, after smoking guests.


If you want the device to refresh and humidify the air to your return from work, then choose the model with the timer.

UV lamp

If you choose a model with an ultraviolet lamp, get rid of any bacteria in the house.

Smart functions of

Many manufacturers equip the device with various smart functions and additional features that will not only facilitate your life, but will make it even more comfortable.

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Types of ionizers for the home, their main functions

Home ionizers are classified into several categories. Here and will be radically different answers to the question of what makes and why an ionizer of air is needed. Therefore, carefully see what exactly you are buying.

By purpose:

  • Cleaners - ionizes the air and cleans it of dust, smoke and bacteria.
  • Cleaners and humidifiers - instruments not only purify the air, but also maintain the optimum level of humidity. For rooms with dry air - this is the most ideal option.
  • Climatic complex - the device includes three functions: purification, humidification and ionization.
  • Salt lamps are light devices, which are lamps( 15 W) made of rock salt, which produce negative ions during heating.

On the polarity of the produced ions:

  • Unipolar. More affordable versions of ionizers.
  • Bipolar - generate not only negative ions, but also ions with a positive charge. The device has a higher price.

Important! Many experts recommend that in rooms with a minimum amount of home appliances, install bipolar ionizers, and in rooms where neutralization of surplus positive ions - unipolar ones is necessary. This is necessary for the reason that the abundance of household appliances is the cause of the development of a large number of ions with a positive charge.

On site of application:

  • For office. If you use the device in a "densely populated" office, then for its effectiveness, it must be designed for a large room.
  • For home. The living area should correspond to the parameters declared in the characteristics of the device.
  • For the car. Since the purpose of the device is purification of air from exhaust, carbon monoxide, the efficiency of the device will depend on the filter.

Important! For each application site, there must also be a suitable power source for the ionizer.

Filter type:

  • Coal( adsorption, deodorizing) - designed to remove various gas impurities and odors. The main component of this filter is activated charcoal.
  • Mechanical - an ordinary fine mesh is designed for pre-cleaning air. A mechanical filter removes large dust particles, as well as animal wool.
  • HEPA filter - detains even the smallest particles. A filter is made of a special porous material, based on fiberglass. Standard HEPA filters can capture up to 90% of all contaminants, and TRUE HERA filters purify air by 98-99%.
  • Electrostatic. Air purification in devices with electrostatic filter takes place according to a new, exclusive photocatalysis technology patented by the Japanese company DAIKIN.In the process of photocatalysis, all harmful impurities do not accumulate, but decompose under the action of ultraviolet radiation to absolutely harmless components. In the process of photocatalysis, air is cleaned of all harmful impurities, including gases and viruses. At the same time, the cleaning efficiency is 500 times higher than in coal filters.
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Useful advices:

  1. The most safe variant of the ionizer is a natural salt lamp that provides natural air ionization and is suitable even for young children.
  2. When using the device, be sure to observe the distance, safe for people( not less than a meter).
  3. Do not install the device with the function of bactericidal irradiation in a "densely populated" office or a rarely ventilated room. Otherwise - people suffering from allergies and asthma will be seriously harmed.
  4. If close to the instrument you feel a specific strong smell of ozone, it means that its concentration is close to the maximum value, and exceeding this level of ozone can lead to poisoning by toxic compounds. Remember that ozone is useful only in small quantities.
  5. Do not leave the device switched on for a long time, especially at night.
  6. When purchasing an ionizer, be sure to check the quality certificate, as well as the availability of test information. Make sure the device meets the conditions of your room.

We hope that in this article we answered the question interesting to you, why an ionizer is needed and what device is necessary for your home, and that the benefits from it are huge - it's unquestionable. Health to you and clean air around!