- How to wash down jackets in dry cleaners
- Cleaning the down jacket at home
- Wet cleaning
- Dry cleaning the down jacket at home
- Local cleaning
- Cleaning the fur collar
- Down jacket - wash houses or dry cleaners
- How to store the down jacket?
- Useful advices:
Down jackets are gaining popularity among the population, because it is comfortable, warm and practical outerwear. But when it comes time to ask the question: "How do I clean the down jacket?", Here there are some difficulties. This thing requires careful and quivering care. About how to clean the down jacket and will be discussed in this article.
to the contents ↑How to wash down jackets in dry cleaners
Cleaning the down jacket in dry cleaners is a simple and time-saving way to return your jacket an attractive appearance. Today, dry cleaners are equipped with the most modern equipment, which are suitable for cleaning almost all types of clothing. Such a system allows in delicate mode not only to rid your thing of dirt and unwanted effects, but also to improve its appearance.
Important! The most popular and new technology is a cleaning called "aquaclean" - a method of "wet cleaning", replacing the previously common cleaning with a dry method. In this method, gentle detergents are used. It should be noted that the funds in aquaclean do not cause allergies.
Wip down coats in dry cleaning in two stages: the first is cleaning itself, the second is drying. The peculiarities of each of these processes are as follows:
- In the first stage, a special air conditioner is always used, which does not allow fluff to get stuck and turn into lumps.
- The second stage is divided into 2 sub-stages:
- , the thing is first dried in a drum, in which the top layers of clothing dry quickly, which prevents streaks on the fabric;
- during the second sub-stage the thing is hung on brackets in a vertical, suspended form, where it already dries completely.
You only need to pick up a thing at the appointed time and wear it again, or hang it in the closet until next winter.
to the table of contents ↑Cleaning the down jacket at home
If for some reason you can not turn your clothes into dry cleaners or you simply do not want to do this, you will definitely need knowledge on how to clean the down jacket at home. This process requires care and accuracy, because after doing something wrong, you can forever ruin the thing.
Define cleaning method
Than to clean the down jacket you will prompt the material and fill, from which the thing is made. Also important is the type of pollution. These three factors will help with the highest accuracy to choose the method that is right for you. So, if your jacket consists of:
- Of nylon or polyester fabric with feather-and-feather filling, then in this version it is advisable to use both dry cleaning and wet( machine or manual washing).
- Teflon coating or membrane - machine washing is prohibited for such materials. When cleaning such products, it is also not recommended to use conventional powders and bleaches, only special detergents and hand washing.
To remove local spots, it is better not to wash the entire product, but simply dispense with removing the stain.
Important! Pay attention to the product label, all the necessary information, as a rule, is placed there. It lists the recommended cleaning method and methods that are strictly prohibited.
to Contents ↑Wet Cleaning
Before you start washing, you need to know the basic rules of how to clean the down jacket at home using this method. If you decide to wash your winter clothes in the car - remember:
- To erase a thing it is necessary only in delicate mode at a temperature of water no more than 30 degrees. Temperature above this mark can damage the original state of your jacket, can also sit down or shed.
- When choosing detergents, give preference to liquid, specialized products. When buying a cleaner, pay attention to the instructions for its use and read the list of products for which this product is intended.
- Do not use when washing powder. They are poorly washed from the tissue and clog the micropores, not leaving the proper air permeability of the tissue.
- It is strictly forbidden to soak down-feather products.
- Check for foreign objects in the pockets of the down jacket. Close all locks and buttons, otherwise - the thing can be deformed. Turn it to the wrong side.
- Unfasten the strap, hood and all other removable items.
- Inspect the product, most soiled areas such as sleeves, collar and others - wash with your hands, using a regular soft brush and soap.
- Use special balls for washing so that the fluff does not fall off. They must be put in the car together with the jacket. If you do not have such balls, you can use balls for tennis.
- Rinse the down jacket in a delicate mode, and change the water several times to rinse out all the detergent. This will help get rid of the soapy stains on your product.
- It is necessary to press the jacket at the lowest rpm.
- To dry a thing, place it on a special grate. Periodically straighten the thing - sleeves, collar, back. Beat the fluff and shake the jacket. Dry the down jacket on the shoulders is not recommended, there is a high probability that the fluff from the shoulders will go down your product.
Important! Drying down jacket near all kinds of heaters is strictly prohibited!
to the contents ↑Dry cleaning of the down jacket at home
Some models of down jackets do not tolerate wet cleaning. For such things, the method of dry cleaning is suitable. To put in order such things is offered in two ways.
Method 1
- Hang the down jacket on your hangers.
- Dilute the shampoo with water until foamy.
- Use a soft sponge to apply foam to the soiled areas, usually cuffs and collar.
- Gently rub these places to remove dirt.
- Remove the solution from the thing with a damp sponge.
Method 2
You can go to the hardware store and purchase there a special set for dry cleaning. Many do not know how to clean down jackets with this kit. It's simple:
- Powder, included in the kit, fill in the washing machine and put down there.
- Select the spin or drying mode.
- Follow the instructions on the packaging.
Important! This method will help you easily bring a "feeling" thing without washing and soaking.
to the contents ↑Local cleaning
If there is a stain on your down jacket, and you have not yet planned to clean the product completely - do not despair, do not necessarily wash it all. You can clean the down jacket only at the point of contamination. There are several ways of how to locally clean the down jacket with improvised means.
Method 1
You can clean the greasy collar of the down jacket using the following action algorithm:
- Take 1 tbsp.ammonia, 100 ml of water and a dishwashing detergent.
- Mix these ingredients until a thick foam forms.
- Apply foam to the soiled areas and rub them lightly.
- Rinse the treated area with water and immediately dry it with a well-absorbent cloth.
Method 2
For this method, mix ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in the same proportions. Dampen the tampon in the resulting solution and wipe the contaminated areas, wiping the remnants of the mixture dry.
Method 3
Also, in order to clean the down jacket can use the windshield wiper. It is desirable that he was in an aerosol can. For cleaning:
- Apply aerosol to stains.
- Leave for about a minute.
- Wipe clean with a cloth or sponge.
- Repeat the procedure 3-4 times.
Method 4
This method is suitable for cleaning your jacket from greasy stains.
- Take the refined gasoline.
- Apply it to a cotton swab.
- Treat the contamination site.
- Apply the absorbent substance to the treated area and rub it in - it must absorb the fat.
- Whisk the substance off contamination.
- Repeat the steps until you get the effect.
Important! Before you wash and clean your down jacket by any means, check it first on the underside of your jacket to determine immediately if you will not ruin your thing once and for all.
to the contents ↑Fur collar cleaning
Almost every female and every other men's down jacket has a fur collar. Like the jacket itself, over time, it becomes dirty and unattractive and also needs cleaning. To clear the fur you need to know whether it is artificial or natural, it depends on how to clean it.
Artificial fur
This type of fur can be washed in water using a liquid detergent. It is enough to rinse it in such water and leave to dry. A bit damp fur is recommended to comb the comb.
Natural fur
It is more difficult to clean natural fur than artificial fur. There are several cleaning options:
- Wipe the fur with a cotton wool soaked in vinegar.
- You can also use a soft sponge soaked in a light detergent. In this case, you should not allow a strong wet furs.
- It is recommended to rub rabbit or beaver fur over white paper with a warm iron. Fat must be absorbed into the paper, and thus the fur is cleared. To iron it is necessary in the direction of the villi.
Important! Take care that the edge of your jacket is not eaten by a mole. To do this: to where you store your thing, put pills against these insects, or use special sprays.
to the contents ↑Down jacket - to wash houses or dry cleaners
Above we considered how to clean the down jacket in different ways. And almost in front of every hostess there was a question "Laundry or Dry Cleaning?" Decide how to answer exactly you. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
Advantages of
- Dry cleaning: saving time and effort, professional cleaning, improving the appearance of the product, guaranteed result.
- Home cleaning: saving money, the result and consequences depend only on you.
Disadvantages of
- Dry Cleaning: payment for services, there were times that after a dry cleaning thing returned to the owners of the spoiled, shortens the period of use of the thing.
- Home cleaning: a lot of time, a non-guaranteed result, a chance to spoil a thing.
How to store the down jacket?
Such a thing as a down jacket requires not only the correct method of cleaning, but also the correct storage. Observe the following recommendations:
- Do not keep the down jacket dirty. Leaving it in this form, you run the risk of never getting contaminated.
- Before you hang the down jacket in the closet - dry it in the fresh air. Suitable sunny day, only to dry your thing should be in the shade.
- Store the down jacket in a dry cool room in the closet - carefully hung on the shoulders. Zip up all the fasteners.
- Do not use covers when storing.
Useful advices:
- If your down jacket is light color, it is better to resort to washing, local cleaning will leave the stains on the fabric.
- Particular attention during the procedure should be paid to the area of pockets, cuffs, clasps and collar. Usually the biggest pollution is formed here.
- It is forbidden to clean the down jacket with aggressive detergents. They can damage the fabric.
- When cleaning the spot locally, it is necessary to clean the edges from the edges to the center - this will reduce the chance of a stain.
- Try to execute the entire procedure as quickly as possible. Prepare all the necessary materials in advance.
- When cleaning by any means - the last step, wash the area with warm water.
- If there are still stains on the fabric, they can be removed with a soap solution and a soft sponge.
Following our recommendations, you can save time and money on expensive dry cleaners and prolong the life of your jacket. And knowing these rules in advance, you can easily choose the one that does not require very careful care when buying a down jacket. Look after your down jacket correctly, and more than one winter it will please you with its warmth.