- Plant diseases and pests
- Pest preparations
- Plant disease preparations
- Folk remedies for pests and diseases
- Useful advices:
Everyone who seeks to improve their land, make it noble and beautiful, starts growing different crops -ornamental flowers, fruit trees, shrubs, vegetables and even make out such a simple, at first glance, lawn. Simultaneously with the selection of suitable crops for a particular area, one must buy and timely use preparations from pests in the garden. Otherwise, all the forces, time will be wasted, the harvest will be smaller and smaller by the year, and the beauty of the vegetation itself will be far from the aesthetic requirements.
to the contents ↑Diseases and pests of garden plants
To date, biologists have classified very many diseases of different cultures, and even more - pests that undermine the health of vegetation. All of them listed in one list is quite difficult, and there is no need for it, since each individual species or group of crops is more susceptible to attacks of some insects and rodents, while they are completely resistant to others. Proceeding from these features, modern manufacturers develop various preparations from garden pests, which in each case are very effective, can significantly reduce the risk of damage to greenery in the area and loss of harvest.
Important! The main condition, the observance of which provides a 100% result - the exact adherence to the dosage, the method, the frequency of processing.
Some of the most common varieties of damage to useful crops can be identified. These include:
- black, brown, purple, peptic ulcer;
- rust;
- gray mold;
- septoriosis;
- curl;
- cancer;
- bacterial burn;
- late blight;
- powdery mildew;Milk shine
- .
Important! Each of these diseases has its own signs, which you need to know when growing a culture.
The most malignant insects, from which are permanently present in the sale of funds from pests of the garden, are:
- aphids;
- caterpillar;
- flies;
- bedbugs;
- weevils;
- Colorado beetles;
- leaflets;
- pliers;
- thrips;
- whitefly;
- the bear;
- wireworm.
Important! Not less damage to green plantations and rodents cause - to get rid of them, special tools are used from pests of the garden.
We should not forget about weed grasses, which due to the high rate of reproduction, development can flood and completely displace useful crops from the site. The fight with them should also be organized correctly, without ignoring the appearance on the ennobled territory.
to the table of contents ↑Pest preparations
Among all the incredibly wide range of products from pests of the garden, it is possible to single out concrete preparations that differ in enviable demand of professional agronomists and private garden owners. Based on their popularity, we can conclude that they are in fact very effective, allow you to spend a minimum of money, time, effort, while getting the expected result, relative safety for crops and soil.
This list includes:
- Sparkle. Presented in the sale in several variations, each of which allows you to get rid of a particular group of pests. At the heart of each model are biological substances that are absolutely harmless to humans, as well as cultural vegetation. It is present on the market in the form of powder, liquid, concentrate for solution preparation.
- Akarin or Agravertin. Highly effective against garden pests, which has a directed effect on aphids, thrips, Colorado beetle and mites.
- Actellik. This drug against pests of the garden allows you to completely forget about the existence of various insects on tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, as well as to carry out preventive work on scraped soils.
- Antiklesch. A solution of direct action on such a category of insects as mites. It is used on trees, bushes - grapes, apple, pear.
- Carbophos. One of the means that makes it possible to prevent the emergence of leaf-eating insects, as well as to ensure the good development of valuable crops, regardless of the scale of cultivation.
- Medtox. This drug from pests of the garden affects such groups of insects as ants, onion and cabbage flies, wireworms, bears and weevils. Due to the complex action, the necessity of using several means is significantly reduced. As a result, the soil is cleaner and more fertile, and the garden, the garden is cleaner and gives a more abundant harvest.
- Phytoverm. It is used not only in open territories, but also in private houses and apartments when growing decorative flowers. Serves as an obstacle from the pernicious influence of thrips, aphids, ticks.
- Fufanon. This is one of a kind of complex remedy for garden pests, the use of which is possible on fruit, berry, vegetable plants.
- Enterobacterin. Another highly effective preparation against garden pests of complex action. Suitable for treatment with the purpose of getting rid of and preventing the emergence of a number of insects. According to the instructions, it helps more than 50 different types of insects.
Important! Depending on what objectives are pursued, what is planned to be planted on the site and to what extent, complex means are selected for processing all greenery or the means for pests of the directed garden.
to content ↑Plant disease preparations
When the first signs of a disease appear, as well as in case of prior knowledge of the susceptibility of a culture to a particular pathological process, suitable medications are selected as a remedy or preventative.
Important! The time of application, the dosage and the frequency of treatment depend on the purpose for which the application is planned to be applied.
The most well-proven such tools in the fight against diseases of trees and shrubs:
- Bordeaux fluid - helps from fruit rot, scab, anthracnose, gray rot, late blight and several other diseases.
- Garden var - is applicable in case of mechanical damage to vegetation or for burns.
- Copper and iron vitriol - it is recommended to use almost all types of damage to cultivated plants. Equally effective for fungi, and for brown spots, scab.
- Copper-soap emulsion and calcined soda-save gardeners if powdery mildew often appears.
- HOM is a preparation against pests of the garden, the effect of which extends to late blight, powdery mildew and spotting.
Important! From the weeds are most often used such drugs as "Ground Bio" and "Roundal".
to content ↑Folk Remedies for Pests and Diseases
Folk remedies can be an excellent alternative to modern chemistry. Many of the methods are tested for centuries and performed well even within the agricultural industry.
Among the most popular can be noted such methods of combating diseases and pests of the garden:
- Salt solution( 10% concentration) - acts on all pests, clearing the garden of caterpillars, aphids, spider mite. In order to obtain the result, it is only necessary to spray the crops before the beginning of the growing season.
- Onion peel - it can be spread on the surface of the soil, and prepare a decoction of water in a proportion of 1: 2.
- Bottle of tomatoes - it also prepares a solution. The amount of ingredients is 0,4 kg of crushed bots per 10 liters of water.
Important! Both onions and tomatoes scare off mites and aphids.
- Decoction of peppers - used to repel caterpillars. On 100 shredded vegetation, about 2 liters of liquid are needed. The broth is sprayed only in the diluted form - about 50 g per 10 liters of pure water.
Useful advices:
- In order not to create favorable conditions for the development of diseases and pests, perform the thinning of cultures in a timely manner.
- Keep track of the quality of the soil, correcting it for a certain type of plant.
- Follow the crop rotation rules for a more abundant crop every year.
- All work on the treatment of preventive drugs and preparations from pests, spend in the evening - after sunset.
- Be sure to adhere to the specified dosage and handling regulations. So you will protect your garden and garden from damage.
- Any work on the garden, even with absolutely harmless biologics, is carried out in personal protective equipment - gloves, respirators.
Now you know that there are a lot of drugs from the pests of the garden and all of them are more or less effective. Choose the right funds for you, based on the green design of your land allotment and enjoy the beauty of your home territory without spending a lot of time looking after it.