To paint the refrigerator by own hands

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  • Reasons for painting the refrigerator at home
  • Required inventory for successful painting
  • What color paint the refrigerator at home?
  • How to paint the refrigerator by yourself?

To paint the refrigerator with your own hands is quite realistic. Why not? After all, this will require quite a bit of your work and effort, but the subject of a technique much needed in any home will look different. Information on how to do everything correctly and not spoil the coverage of a household appliance in the process, you will find in this article.

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Causes of painting the refrigerator at home

There are many reasons for bringing changes to the appearance of the refrigerator:

  • It often happens that the unit is still functioning without complaints, and you have made repairs and this white color does not fit into the color rangekitchen. If the rest of household appliances( microwave, kettle, etc.) has small dimensions and does not strike the eye, the refrigerator can not hide anywhere.
  • Sometimes a well-functioning technique acquires a non-commodity appearance, as scratches, scrapes from thorough cleaning, rusting areas appear during use. But there is no money for a new refrigerator, and there is no need to throw out the equipment in good condition. Exit - update the appearance of the refrigerator.
  • Maybe you have an interesting design idea? The interior of the kitchen has become creative and fashionable, and the traditional white refrigerator, like the "thorn" in the eye, is knocked out of context. Then, such an option as painting the device, really seems like an excellent way out of the situation.

Important! It's even possible to try out your artistic talent on the old working technique. Not so it is a pity, if at once it does not turn out - it is possible to wipe and paint anew. So there are a lot of reasons why we can paint the refrigerator.

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Necessary tools for successful painting

The choice of tools directly depends on what kind of paint for the refrigerator from the outside you will use. First, let's list what you need in any case.

Paint protective film or a stack of newspapers

Such items are necessary in order to close all surfaces that paint splashes can get on. Newspapers, of course, are a more budget option, but they can shift in the process of your work, and the spots will stay somewhere. But the use of a special protective film is a more reliable method, which will completely protect the walls, floor and furniture from contamination.

Important! Some manufacturers release a protective film with a sticky strip on one edge, which facilitates the process of fixing it in the right places.

Respirator and gloves

Gloves are needed in any case to protect the skin of hands from exposure to paint and solvent. But the respirator in case of staining the refrigerator with acrylic paints is not needed. But, if you paint with a spray or enamel in the form of a spray, then you can not do without it. Small sprays necessarily fall into the respiratory system, and from the toxic odor you need to be protected.

Painting Scotch

This item is needed to close those non-removable parts of the refrigerator that can not be painted( logo, handles, sealing rubber on the door).

Important! Usual adhesive tape should not be used, as there will be traces of glue that are difficult to remove later.

Fine-grained sandpaper

It is needed in order to sand the surface to remove the old layer of enamel.


This liquid is needed for degreasing the surface and removing paint stains.

Important! Will suit acetone, White spirit or other similar means.

Cleaning tools

Hot water basin, rags, sponges, brushes, "antifire" - all this is necessary to clean the outer and inner surfaces of the refrigerator from old traces of grease, soot and other contaminants.


If your fridge is "worn-out" and has deep scratches on its surface, then you will also need a quick-setting putty. She will need to repair all the holes and cracks before painting.

Other tools

And then the choice of the tool depends on the type of paint:

  • If you decide to paint with automotive nitro-enamel, then you will not need anything else.
  • If you chose acrylic paint, then you need a narrow roller and a brush 3-5 cm wide to paint hard-to-reach places.
  • For epoxy( polyurethane) paint, you will need the same tools.
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What color paint the refrigerator at home?

There are a lot of paint types in stores, but not all of them are suitable for painting a household appliance. So than to paint the refrigerator outside?

  • If you want to make everything perfect, you can find a special paint for home appliances, for example, the company New Ton. This - alkyd enamel for the restoration of household appliances, mostly white.
  • If you have artistic talents and know how to draw, then it's worth trying something on the refrigerator using paint for graffiti, for example the brand Montana. These are bright nitrocells with high-quality pigments, having a wide range of shades. They are suitable for all surfaces.
  • Ideally the refrigerator will recolor in any color automotive nitro-enamel. It is easy to work with: it is stable, strong, it falls flat and dries quickly. A big disadvantage is its toxicity and the mass of splashes on adjacent surfaces.
  • Polyurethane epoxy paint is captivating because it is the most resistant of all. But it is two-component, difficult to apply, and very expensive. So the choice is purely "for the lover."
  • Acrylic paint is probably the most optimal option. It is sufficiently resistant to external influences, has a wide range of shades and is absolutely non-toxic, does not emit unpleasant odors. Yes, and the spray during staining will be much less.

Important! To fix the result and an additional effect, you can buy a varnish( glossy, matte or even with a shimmer).

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How to paint the refrigerator by yourself?

The process of painting the refrigerator does not take much time. You will spend more time with the preparation.


  1. Disconnect the machine from the mains and remove all drawers, shelves, in general, all internal stuffing.
  2. If you can put the refrigerator on the street - do it. So you will clean and clean later.

Important! It is especially recommended to paint the refrigerator in the open air for those who are going to use automotive nitro-enamel, since it is toxic and has a strong unpleasant smell.

  1. The next stage of preparation for painting is washing. Armed with sponges, a basin with hot water, a brush and household chemicals, which copes well with old fat and soot.

Important! To wash it is necessary carefully, differently - a layer of paint can unevenly lay down.

  1. Unscrew the handle from the door if it is removable. If not - then seal it and other details( inscriptions, sealing rubber) with paint tape so that you do not wash the paint off them later.
  2. Now arm yourself with a fine-grained emery( you can grinder) and sand the surface. Especially pay attention to those places where there is rust, clean them to clean metal.

Important! Some experts recommend using a chemical wash, apply it, and then remove a layer of old paint with a spatula.

  1. If there are deep scratches, then seal them with a quick-setting putty, let it dry thoroughly.
  2. Clean and degrease the surface. If the paint manufacturer recommends first priming - do it, although this procedure is not necessary. Also, there is no great need to apply fire-fighting and anti-corrosion agents.
  3. Now proceed to the painting itself. First try the color on an inconspicuous patch. Then paint the side that is facing the wall, to get used to and "fill" the hand. And then proceed to the processing of the front side.

Important! The rear wall of the refrigerator is not recommended for painting.

  1. If you paint in several layers, give them the opportunity to dry thoroughly.
  2. At the end, if desired, fix the result with a layer of varnish. It will give shine and make the surface more resistant to external influences.

Paint application features:

  • Spray paints are applied easily and quickly. The balloon should be kept at a distance of 30 cm from the surface to be painted. Movements should be smooth. Drive from the right to the left without stopping in one place. Then we get a uniform thin layer. If necessary, apply 1-2 layers more( one layer dries about 30 minutes).

Important! Usually one bottle is enough for 2 layers for a refrigerator with a height of 170 cm.

  • Acrylic paint should be applied with a roller, also from the left to the right with a thin layer. Move in a direction from top to bottom, evenly, without jerks. Difficult to paint places with a brush. After the first layer is applied, allow the surface to dry thoroughly. To do this, leave the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After this, a second layer can be applied.
  • With the help of stencils or paint tape you can decorate the refrigerator with stripes, patterns, geometric patterns. That is, you can make a designer interior element out of ordinary household appliances. And if you have the skills of working with an airbrush, then you can draw at least a landscape, even a still life. It all depends on your skills, preferences and tastes.

Important! Similarly, you can paint the inside of the refrigerator. The tool and the paint for the refrigerator inside are the same, only painting inside is more uncomfortable.

As you can see, to paint the refrigerator with your own hands does not need to learn a lot of information, and the process itself does not take much time. Using useful recommendations from this article, you can breathe new life into the refrigerator household appliance and update, thus, the kitchen interior.