- Who decides this?
- Finishing requirements
- Materials
- Paper
- Vinyl and non-woven
- Liquid wallpaper
- Glass-based coating
- Textile
- Exotic wallpaper
- Wall-papers
- What color of wallpaper to choose for a children's room?
- Let's talk about the age of the
Baby - the most amazing place in the house. Here every day magic is created: a new person grows and develops, wonderful worlds are created, unusual transformations take place. Therefore, the design of the room should be approached with special attention and, of course, with love. And the health, mood, and development of your baby depends largely on the condition of the walls. How to choose a wallpaper for a children's room? Let's think together.
to the contents ↑Who decides this?
If the child is still very small, parents decide everything for him - how to cover the walls, what furniture to put, what toys will live in the crib, and which ones - on the shelf. But if the kid has already learned to speak, such an important issue as repairing the room, will have to be discussed with him. Otherwise, your efforts may be in vain.
But regardless of whether you could find out the opinion of the future occupant of the nursery or not, you still have to buy repair materials.
Important! When registering a child, age characteristics must be taken into account. Of course, the room in which a two-year-old is living should be different from that of the senior preschooler and, especially, the student. Years and a half you can not think about the fact that boys and girls have different tasks and interests in this world, but as soon as the child starts to wonder who he is, you will also have to take this into account.
to content ↑Finishing requirements for
There are several criteria that must be taken into account:
- age and sex of the child;
- security requirements;
- Sanitary Requirements;
- possibility to create a favorable microclimate;
- influence on mood and psychological state;
- aesthetic preferences.
Materials used in the arrangement of your child's room must be safe and environmentally friendly. That is, you need wallpaper for the children's room:
- enabling the walls to "breathe";
- not disintegrating with time on harmful substances;
- does not accumulate dust and dirt.
There is an abundance of wallpaper in building stores. A variety of materials, colors and drawings - just your eyes are scattered. Unfortunately, not all this splendor is suitable for decorating a room where a child will live. Choose wallpaper for the children's room is not too difficult. Some knowledge about this kind of decoration and about the features of materials can help in this.
On sale you can find wallpapers:
- paper;
- vinyl;
- are non-woven;
- textile;
- liquid;
- on a glass base;
- cork, bamboo and other exotic materials;
- Wall Mural.
The wall covering can be washable and water-resistant. This can be identified by marking:
- Wave - the material carries wet cleaning, but it must be done carefully.
- Two waves - walls can be safely wiped with a wet rag.
- Three waves - stand the washing vacuum cleaner. The combination of waves and combs can be brushed.
- Hammer - Do not be afraid of blows.
- Crossed fire - the coating is not flammable.
Important! On the label you can also see the inscription "RAL 479" and the corresponding icon. Means such marking that the material is made of environmentally friendly components, it does not contain toxic or radioactive substances, stabilizers and heavy metals.
to the table of contents ↑Paper
Paper is the most suitable material for finishing a room where a child of nursery or preschool age lives. Advantages of paper wallpapers is that they:
- are environmentally friendly;
- allow walls to "breathe", that is, there is no risk that the room will have high humidity;
- are safe;
- are cheap;
- variety of shades, patterns and textures;
- can be easily and quickly pasted.
Important! The disadvantages are fragility and the fact that such a coating does not tolerate water. But for a child the durable wallpaper is not needed - after a few years the baby will grow up, the environment will still have to be changed. In addition, on the walls, pasted with paper, a child can draw as much as he likes, because the paper is very easy to re-paste.
to content ↑Vinyl and non-woven
Vinyl wallpapers are made on paper or non-woven basis, on which PVC film is applied. They are good in that they do not accumulate dust, they can be washed, including using detergents. In addition, this material with proper care is quite long.
Important! It is ideal for the kitchen, but for the nursery - not very. PVC film practically does not let air in, that is, it will be rather difficult to create an optimal microclimate.
The same flaw is in non-woven wallpaper. Another drawback - a relatively small selection of shades and patterns. However, such a coating can be painted, and several times, and paint to your liking. But still the walls, upholstered with vinyl or non-woven, are not suitable for the baby, but rather for the teenager.
to the table of contents ↑Liquid wallpaper
Perfect material if you are selecting wallpapers for a children's room. Undoubted advantages:
- is easy and convenient to clean, besides, they do not collect dust;
- can be repainted many times;
- are not flammable;
- does not decompose into harmful substances;
- is leaking air.
Important! The disadvantages can be attributed to the fact that under such a coating will ideally align the wall. But this minus is more than compensated by numerous pluses.
to the table of contents ↑Glass-based coating
Glass wall-papers are now very popular, but they are rarely used for children's rooms. Glass panels are perfectly cleaned, made from materials that do not break, but they do not let the air in.
to content ↑Textile
Wallpaper fabric is very effective and can turn any room into a real palace. However, they are not suitable for the nursery, mainly because they accumulate dust and do not give in to cleaning.
Important! They can decorate the room of a young man or a teenage girl, but for pre-school children and even younger schoolchildren this material is not suitable.
to the contents ↑Exotic wallpaper
Walls can be decorated with exotic materials. More often on sale it is possible to meet panels from a stopper and a bamboo. In principle, for children this material is suitable:
- allows the walls to "breathe";
- does not release harmful substances;
- is washed.
Important! Cork panels have another very important advantage. They give excellent noise insulation, so for a mischief 5-8 years this is a very suitable material. Neighbors just will not come complaining that your apartment is constantly "worn by elephants" and always something falls. And you will be sure that your fidgeting will not hear scandals and improper words.
to the table of contents ↑Wall-papers
They give the interior a special charm, can visually expand the room and for a moment transfer the owner and guests to the jungle, to the north pole or to the medieval city.
Important! In adult rooms, such wallpapers are often found, but in the nursery they should be used cautiously. They are more suitable for a schoolboy than for a baby.
to Contents ↑What color of wallpaper to choose for a children's room?
Psychologists have long noticed that color has a very strong effect on mood. Therefore, you should avoid overly bright screaming tones, as well as drawings that can cause aggression. And, of course, wallpaper for the children's room should be like you and the child.
Important! In the nursery should be happy and calm. It does not necessarily have to paint all the walls in one color. Just the opposite. If your child has grown at least to the younger group of the kindergarten, you will have to think about zoning, and the zones are easiest to create with the help of different coloring of the walls.
There are general considerations as to which color of wallpaper to choose for the children's room:
- is preferable to pastel colors;
- drawing on the walls should be interesting;
- should avoid cold shades.
Important! Traditions that in the girls' rooms everything should be pink, and boys - blue, follow is not necessary. So, of course, you can act if two different-sex children live in the room to somehow designate their personal spaces. But for boys and girls alike:
- is light green;
- ashy;
- beige;
- light brown;
- peach;
- the color of the sea;
- many other shades.
But white walls are unlikely to look good.
to the contents ↑Let's talk about the age of
For each age - its space. This is what psychologists advise. This approach greatly facilitates the choice, because you will know in advance which pictures and materials are right for you, and what better not to look at.
Baby nest
If the occupant of the room is not yet two years old, feel free to choose wallpaper for the children's room with a bright large pattern. A large geometric pattern will be just perfect.
Important! A toddler at this age attracts all the big and bright, small items are generally unworthy of his attention. If you do not find wallpaper with a suitable pattern - better make the walls monophonic, and paint the color spots or cut out of colored paper and place wherever possible, when the baby is awake.
Space for the younger preschooler
Child from two to five large picture on the walls is no longer suitable. The walls are better made monochrome, and in warm colors, and on them you can hang pictures with your favorite book characters or characters of interesting films, didactic panels and your own drawings of the owner of the room.
Important! Solid walls can be decorated with homemade large appliqués. But we must remember that the hero in the picture should not be more than a child.
Researcher's room
The senior preschool age is a time of awareness of one's abilities and interests. At the same time, the child is restless, loves to make noise, constantly inventing something. Walls are a part of this world, and this part usually suffers most. The young artist creates his masterpieces on them, but for some reason his parents do not like it, especially if fresh pictures are on expensive textile wallpaper.
There is a very simple way out. Abandon the velvet panels and cover the walls with paper, you can paint it. Or at least part of the wall. The owner of the room will be able to draw on such walls as much as his heart desires, without fear that his mother will have to call an ambulance.
Important! The room is best divided into zones, not only in terms of activities, but also vertically:
- is higher than the child's growth - beautiful clean walls with spectacular pattern;
- and wherever he can reach, let him do with the walls that he wants.
Only in the house you always need to have some stock of wallpaper to glue over already spoiled. Paper - an ideal material for finishing the home of an older preschooler.
All the neighbors visit
In the 6-7 years in the life of the child, serious changes occur. He goes to school, begins to study music or English, even at some point is on the street without adults. His circle of acquaintances widens. Prepare for the fact that the whole company of new friends will be at your house, in the same nursery that you just covered with expensive wallpaper.
The company is unlikely to behave quietly. Children will play, draw, somersault, fight, put up - in general, do everything that children are supposed to do at this age. Accordingly - to hope that there will be an ideal order in the room, it is not necessary.
Therefore, the simplest option - okleit the most vulnerable part of the room with wallpaper for painting:
- Preferred bright colors, but the picture is better to abstain. Your child's head is already bursting with the abundance of new knowledge, unnecessary irritants to him to anything.
- And in the "business zone" where the child does the lessons, you can paste the wallpaper in a vertical strip.
Almost a teenager
The rooms of boys and girls 9-11 years old are very different. And even if your different-sex children lived before in the same room, somewhere at this age they better settle. Prepare yourself for the fact that the inhabitant or the inhabitant of the room themselves will want to actively participate in the arrangement of their home, because this is their personal space.
Children of this age tend to the strength of their world and are very reluctant to allow something to change. Therefore, it is better to choose wallpaper for the children's room, which will last long enough. About what color and pattern to choose, it is better to ask the owner:
- For a young lady of this age, there are already silk, and velor, and glass panels.
- The future pilot or polar researcher needs a situation in which you can make something, without fear of ruining the walls hopelessly. Vinyl wallpaper will be just right.
Now you know everything that is necessary, in order to pick up wallpaper for the children's room. Listen to the opinion of your child, do not ignore his interests, and then by joint efforts you will be able to get the result that satisfies the general wishes.