- Kitchen cabinets: installation features
- Selecting attachments
- Preparing walls
- Preparing tools and materials
- Installation methods
Mounting the kitchen cabinets to the wall is the responsible part of the installation of the headset. Since these furniture elements are located at the eye level, it is important to provide all the nuances so that no mistake or blunder in the calculations does not lead to an impartial appearance. In addition, the load on the lockers is very serious: they store various kitchen utensils, dishes, cans with conservation, etc. Thus, the design is required to withstand the full weight of the items. And of course, do not forget about the overall perception of the kitchen and its interior, where a special role belongs to the furniture around us. Proceeding from all this and we'll figure out how to hang kitchen cabinets on the mounting foam.
to the table of contents ↑Kitchen cabinets: features of the
installation The installation of kitchen cabinets on the wall can not be carried out without accurate calculations, besides, all work must be done carefully. Therefore, a certain sequence of actions is important: the choice of fastenings, the preparation of walls, installation and canopy. As a result of the work done, you will ensure the excellent functionality of the cabinets and the aesthetic appearance of the headset.
Basic rules for
There are several general rules for how to properly hang the kitchen cabinet cabinets:
- Hanging furniture elements should not in any way interfere with the operation of the kitchen hood.
- Before installation, make sure that the lockers do not damage the geometry of the room and its attractiveness.
- Practicality and optimality. The height of the placement of cabinets should be comfortable for all members of the family, so that during the use there are no problems and inconveniences.
- Fasteners must be strong and reliable, as they depend on the safe environment in the kitchen.
Cabinet height - main parameter
Optimal installation of furniture elements depends on such an indicator as the distance from the floor. The main aspect for determining this value is the user's growth, but in fact it is a rather individual parameter. Therefore, there are several universal recommendations as to the height at which the cabinets are to be placed from the floor. So:
- With an increase from 155 to 160 cm, the optimum height is 175 cm.
- With an increase from 160 to 175 cm, this parameter is 185 cm.
- When growing from 175 to 190 cm, it is advisable to place the fastener at a height of 200 cm from the floor level.
Important! You can calculate the height of the hanging, from the distance of the cabinets to the surface of the countertop. The optimum value in this case will be approximately 55-60 cm.
. Regardless of how you perform the calculations, note that the comfortable device makes it possible to get to any shelf in the cabinet without any supports.
Design options
There are only two options how to hang cabinets in the kitchen:
- Place all the elements exactly in one line.
- The location of the lockers at different heights, that is, the multi-level installation.
The choice of this or that option is influenced not only by your personal preferences, but also by several other factors:
- Number of wall cabinets.
- Their dimensions.
- Depth of furniture.
- Design, as well as the presence of decorative details.
- Need to install the backlight.
After you have solved all these nuances, proceed to the next question.
to content ↑Selection of fasteners
Determination of suitable fasteners is primarily due to the material from which the walls are made. Depending on this characteristic, the accessories are selected:
- Wooden wall. On this surface, the lockers are best installed with the help of hardened screws with a secret semicircular head.
- Brick or concrete base. Here it is optimal to use more reliable fasteners: dowels and anchor bolts, strong screws.
- Fastening of the cabinet to the wall of gypsum board. For fixing, screws and anchor bolts that can withstand even quite heavy hanging elements are perfect.
Important! Fasteners are installed not on the sheet of plasterboard, but on the profile of which the frame is made. Another option is to install long, durable bolts in the supporting wall behind the sheet.
In this case, you need to cut a small hole in the GCR, through which you need to drill a concrete base to install the dowel. After that the hole is masked by the cut out area by means of putty.
to the contents ↑Wall preparation
How to hang kitchen cabinets exactly? Without preparation of the surface, a qualitative result will not be obtained, so it is necessary:
- Align the surface of the walls if there are any flaws, mounds and hollows on it. As a result, the plane must be absolutely level.
- If you have corner cabinets in the headset, ensure a perfectly flat angle of 90 degrees.
- Carry out all the necessary electrical work, remove the sockets, put the lamps.
- Cover the walls with a trim, perhaps it will be painting or wallpaper. In any case, you need to do this before you install the furniture.
Preparing tools and materials
To qualitatively make the mounting of kitchen cabinets to the wall, you will need the following tools:
- Hammer. You can replace it with a shock drill.
- Pliers.
- Punching cord for level marking.
- Hammer.
- Measuring tape measure.
- Construction level. And also a hydro level, which helps to determine how to hang even the kitchen cupboards.
Now let's look at the materials that will be needed during the installation:
- The components of the hanging lockers.
- Strong fixings: screws, bolts, dowels.
- Weighing.
- Self-tapping screws and nails are required for joining parts.
- Screws for connecting furniture sections.
- Hinges for doors of cabinets.
- Tires.
After you have prepared everything: the surface of the walls, materials and tools, defined the composition, proceed to the installation methods.
to the contents ↑Installation methods
By and large, there are not so many options how to hang kitchen cabinets on the wall, or rather two: standard and using a mounting rail. Consider each of them in more detail.
Method one - traditional
The standard installation method involves using hinges and various fasteners - bolts, dowels, screws. The sequence of steps consists of the following steps:
- After you have determined the top edge of the installation of the fixtures relative to the floor( or countertop), draw a flat horizontal line along the entire length of the lockers that you will hang.
- Hydraulic level check the correctness of the drawing of the strip. This is justified, since there may be errors due to the unevenness of the floor.
- After checking on this strip, the first point for the fastener hole is marked, which is drilled with a perforator or drill.
- In the hole made, mount the fastener - bolt, screw or other element.
- Now we equip the cabinets with hinges, for which they will be suspended on the fasteners.
Important! The hinges should allow slight horizontal shifts to adjust the hinged structures.
- Suspend the locker, adjust its height with a hydraulic level, and then put the second mark for the fastening point. The cabinet is now removed to the side.
- In a similar way, we make a marking for holes for all hanging elements.
- At the final stage, the lockers are suspended to check whether their upper edges match the traced stripe.
- If everything is fine and smooth, the lockers are connected with each other by screws for furniture.
Important! Pre-drill the corresponding holes in the cabinets, and their location should be at the same height. Otherwise - the aesthetic appearance of furniture will suffer greatly.
- Next, the integrating decorative cornice is mounted, which is mounted by screws to the upper base of the hanging cabinets.
- The finishing touches - the installation of facades, shelves, adjustment of hanging kitchen cabinets, checking the doors and the density of their fit, the absence of gaps and gaps.
The second method - using the
mounting rail This method is more simple and convenient. For him, special tools will be needed:
- Sheds, which are hooks fixed to the side walls of lockers.
Important! The canopy body is attached to the sidewalls, and the hook itself protrudes behind the rear wall of the cabinet by 5 mm.
- Mounting rail. The bar is mounted directly on the wall according to the given height and acts as the base, behind which the hooks of the canopies cling.
Advantages of this method:
- The possibility of self-assembly, while the first option to make markup without help is unlikely to succeed. Mounting on a fixed rail is made much easier and faster.
- Rotating screws allow you to move lockers in different directions - up-down or back-and-forth. This allows you to conveniently adjust the elements and align them.
- Reinforcement of the structure. Break the bar into several parts, secure it separately for each locker to three or more screws.
- With this method, it is possible to carry out the canopy of cabinets even with the lower part of the headset installed, which is unacceptable with standard installation.
Important! This method of installation significantly reduces the time costs and takes no more than three hours.
But the disadvantages of such an installation are:
- First, the high cost of all the details.
- Secondly, there is not enough tight fit to the wall surface.
Where to start the process?
First you need to install awnings on the kitchen cabinets, which occurs according to this scheme:
- Carefully remove the back wall from the lockers, if it is already installed. Or do not fix it until you fix the canopies.
- Attach the sump enclosure to the sidewall of the furniture box so that it contacts the top.
- The hook must be "peeking" out of the locker for 5 mm.
- Fix the canopy by means of two screws to the side wall.
- Similarly, attach the second canopy to the opposite side of the cabinet.
- On the back wall we make openings for hooks. In both upper corners around the edges we cut out rectangles measuring approximately 30 mm wide by 50 mm in height.
- Fix the lid on the cabinet using furniture studs.
So you need to equip all the cabinets that you plan to hang.
Well, let's take a look at the process itself, how to hang kitchen cabinets on a DIN rail:
- After mounting the canopies on all lockers, place the hooks in one position.
Important! The recommended position is average.
- On the wall, apply a marking - a line that will serve as a guide for the upper edges of the cabinets.
- Use the construction level and the pencil to mark the points of attachment of the rail.
- In the marked locations, drill the holes and secure the mounting plate.
- Then, the lockers are hung on the rack, that is, the hooks are hooked to the corresponding grooves in the fastening strip.
- The installation of the hinged kitchen cabinets completes the installation. Furniture elements are aligned with the walls and adjacent lockers, and after the adjustment are fastened together. Conducted actions are identical to the traditional method.
Now you know how to hang cabinets in the kitchen, which is important to consider. You can choose the method of installation at your discretion: perhaps you are comfortable with a more inexpensive and usual method, taking into account someone's help, or more quick and simple, but requiring a sufficient amount for materials.