- Where to start?
- Tool kit
- Clothing
- Furniture
- Remove the tile from the floor
- The tile is planted on the adhesive
- If you need to remove several tiles
- If the walls are of plasterboard
Tiles are perhaps the most popular material for finishing the bathroom. It serves for a long time, it is easy to wash, and a large assortment of collections in building stores allows you to create interesting and unique interiors. But sometimes the tile beats, falls off the wall, and even the most effective interior can get bored, I want to change it - for example, make a picture above the bathroom with merry dolphins or palm trees. It would be nice to remove the old tile, with minimal damage to the premises. About how to remove the tiles in the bathroom from the wall or off the floor, we will discuss this article.
to the contents ↑Where to start?
Any business is controversial, if to it as it is necessary to be prepared. Before removing the tile from the wall or floor, carefully examine it. Pay special attention to how the tile is fixed:
- for cement;
- on the adhesive.
Important! Cement mortar is usually used for flooring. However, sometimes they put tiles on walls. In this case, there is practically no chance to remove it partially( for example, under the picture) - all the tiles will have to be removed. But if the tile is planted on the glue - here, as they say, there are interesting options.
If the tile is seated on the glue, investigate how it is fastened:
- is greased with glue completely;
- is partially smeared( in the middle or in the corners).
Important! This is done simply. It is necessary to knock on the tile in several places. If there are voids( the sound becomes more sonorous) - the tile is partially smeared, and your task is greatly facilitated.
to the contents ↑toolkit The next stage of preparation is to find the necessary tools. Depending on which solution the tile is installed on and how it is fixed, you will need:
- perforator;
- bit-bit for perforator;
- drill:
- thin drill;
- hammer;
- chisel;
- knife or spatula;
- sponge.
Removing tiles is a very noisy business and in any case dirty. Of course, if the tile is planted on the glue, noise and dust will be less. But it is necessary to conduct such work during the day, in order to avoid trouble with neighbors. Prepare the necessary clothes - you need a shirt with long sleeves, long pants and something on your head.
Important! Since working with a tile, especially planted on cement, creates a lot of dust - work better in safety glasses and a respirator.
to the table of contents ↑Furniture
Furniture in the bathroom is usually a bit, but there can be a washing machine, a locker and a table. For such furniture, a coating that is easy to wash is usually applied. But it's better to take out of the room what is possible, but something that can not be covered with PVC foil.
to the contents ↑Remove the tile from the floor
The tile on the floor is usually planted on cement, and this is the most difficult option. It is almost impossible to remove such a tile, it will have to be repulsed. This usually suffers and the surface to which tiles are attached, so get ready for a thorough repair.
To repel the tile from the floor, you need:
- punch;
- chisel;
- hammer.
What to do:
- Choose a detail of the current decor, which is fixed worse than others. Maybe it tends to fall off without your participation, or it has crashed.
- Kill it with a chisel and a hammer. If you can insert a chisel under the tile even a centimeter - consider that you are lucky. If not, beat as it fights.
Important! Your job is to free up space so that you can use the puncher.
- Remove the remaining elements by placing a special nozzle on the puncher. The perforator should be kept at a slight angle to the surface of the tile.
- Of course, after removing the tiles on the floor will remain pieces of tile and cement. They also have to be beaten, but already with a chisel and a hammer.
The tile is planted on the adhesive
If during your research it turned out that the tile is planted on the glue, to answer the question of how to carefully remove the tile from the wall is much easier. Especially if the back of the tile was glued with glue not completely, but partially. You have a great chance to save the old tile. The most useful tools in this case are:
- knife;
- chisel;
- spatula;
- sponge.
The first stage of the
Before starting to remove the tile( whether you need to remove all tile or only part of it), you need to soften the adhesive layer. It is made simply:
- Wet sponge with warm water.
- Moisten the seams between the tiles, as well as the tiles themselves.
- Wait for half an hour-hour.
Important! When the grout between the seams becomes soft, it is removed. A hammer and a puncher in this case will not help, but a sharp knife or spatula will be very useful. Grout just pick out from the seams. Under the action of water, the adhesive layer becomes more elastic, so that it will be easier to cope with it.
The second stage of
After you have removed the grout, the actual tile removal begins. For this you need again a knife or a chisel and a hammer.
Option 1:
- Insert the chisel between the tile and the wall surface.
- Strongly, but gently tap on the handle with a hammer, trying to pull the element of tile to yourself.
Important! Usually the tiles are removed quite easily. The advantage of this method is that the tile almost always remains intact.
Option 2
There is another way how to remove the tile from the wall without damaging it. To do this, you need 2 pieces of rigid steel wire:
- Make 2 hooks from the wire.
- Enter the hooks between the decor element and the wall.
- Gently pull the hooks toward you.
Important! This is the most gentle method of removing tiles. It is very suitable not only to remove all the tiles from the wall, but also for partial removal.
to the contents ↑If you need to remove several tiles
How to remove the old tiles from the bathroom walls, if only a small area needs to be replaced? In this case, the main task is not to preserve the tiles that you are removing, but the edges of the neighboring parts. You need:
- drill;
- thin drill;
- marker;
- ruler;
- chisel;
- hammer.
What to do:
- Prepare the preparatory work in the same way as for removing all the tiles, that is, moisten the seams and remove the grout.
- Then, on the tiles you want to remove, draw the diagonals.
- Drill a hole at the intersection of the diagonals.
- Make the same holes in the corners. This will loosen the glue layer, even if it has been applied to the entire surface.
- The tile itself can be removed in any convenient way - a chisel and a hammer or with the help of hooks.
If the walls of the drywall
Sometimes tiles are faced with partitions made of plasterboard. This is not a very good, but cheap option. Such a wall can serve for a long time, but there comes a time when it needs to be repaired, and first of all - to remove the tile. Especially difficult option, when you want to keep both the tile and drywall, which is soft enough and easily cut.
The procedure in this case is the same as when removing tiles from a stone wall, only act carefully. As a rule, partitions are made of moisture-resistant plasterboard, so it's hardly worth worrying that it will get wet when you grout the grout and the glue layer. So moisten the seams and remove the grout. But tearing the tile better with the help of hooks is a more gentle method.
Than it is not necessary to use:
- a perforator;
- by the Bulgarian;
- with a drill.
Important! If you are just going to tile the plasterboard with tiles - apply a thick layer of putty under the tiles. This will make your life much easier with the next repair.
We hope you managed to remove the old tiles in the bathroom from both the wall and the floor. So - now open space for your imagination and you can easily engage in the embodiment of a new design idea.