- Reasons for the appearance of fleas
- Why do fleas survive in the house?
- How to overcome the attack?
- Popular ways of
Many people now do not even suspect that fleas can appear in the house, our world is so high-tech. But suddenly they come from nowhere, and now you go with bites, you torment yourself with the question: "How?" And are looking for a powerful, reliable remedy for fleas.
The destruction of fleas is not an easy task, especially for those who face such a problem for the first time. How can you get rid of fleas if they appear in an apartment or a house where they regularly clean and wash, where no one walks with a week of mud on the body, where it is usually quite clean? These parasites live usually in places where people live without a fixed place of residence and stray animals. What did they forget in your house?
In this article, you will learn how to create fleas in the house, due to what survive and what effective means of fleas will help to forget about this problem forever.
to the contents ↑The reasons for the appearance of fleas
There are not many of them, but there are some that amaze with their absurdity and impossibility. However, as practice has shown, anything can happen in life, even fleas. They can take care of your shelter in the following ways:
- You can bring larvae on the sole of shoes. This rarely happens, but it happens.
- If you are visited by rodents in the house - mice, rats. In this case it is desirable to search not only a remedy for fleas.
- They have neighbors, they are quite capable of migrating to you.
- There are pets in the house. Even if they do not go outside. Fleas skip through the balconies and windows of residential buildings and, if your home beast simply likes to breathe fresh air from the window - it can easily catch fleas. And if you walk your dog or cat at least twice a day, you do not need to look for other reasons: they brought your pets from the street. Even one exit from the door is often enough to allow the animal to catch these bloodsuckers.
Important! Maybe you think that fleas can only be in animals. And they bite you. In fact, fleas are different - bed, earth, basement. These are the most common species, but in reality there are many more. So do not be surprised if in your apartment where pets do not live, these parasites suddenly appeared. And it's not about your cleanliness.
to the contents ↑Due to what fleas survive in the house?
It would seem, well, flew into your house, bite a couple of times, let them skate to themselves further. No, they got accustomed and feel quite comfortable, and you were puzzled by the search for funds from fleas. Why?
The first thing you should pay attention to is the humidity in the room. If you live in climatic conditions, where there is high humidity, then it is likely that your apartment is also wet. Parasites like moisture and heat.
Important! It is noticed that in air-conditioned premises fleas are not planted. And where the cellar is close, the probability of flea survival is significantly increased.
Household items and their purity
The second factor in which they remain to live is carpet and fabric coverings, a lot of accessories from wool and fur, knitted items and when clothes are constantly scattered over the room and the bed is not refueled. Fleas love a mess, this is for them an ideal habitat. It is possible that the complete destruction of fleas in the apartment will only happen thanks to good cleaning.
The third factor is the presence of pets. While the animal does not die, sorry for the extreme, the fleas will live on it. Or until you bring them out.
Important! Fleas are carriers of infections and harmful bacteria. If they appeared in the house, do not leave the situation unsolved - find an effective remedy for fleas and immediately deal with them. Otherwise, serious health problems may occur.
to the contents ↑How to overcome the attack?
To begin with, you need to determine what type of fleas you have in your home. If you do not have animals in your house, it's probably bed, basement or earthen fleas. You need to pick up that anti-flea remedy that fits your situation. However, there are several options for fighting parasites, where you can apply a mix of different drugs.
General cleaning
Before applying the drugs for fleas, you need to clean up:
- All that was not lying on the ground - clothes, shoes, - in the laundry.
- Sofas, floors, nooks - thoroughly vacuum.
- From bedding, take off the bed linen and wash it.
- While you are cleaning, do not cover the new one.
- Remove all the things you use - combs, bottles, jars and so on.
- A pet, if there is one, is locked up on the balcony. Or somewhere else, where you can lock up.
- Wash all surfaces using specially designed means for fleas in the apartment.
Important! Usually in the composition of the means from these insects there are pyrethrins and pyrethroids. You can use one of the following drugs:
- "Tetriks."Expensive means of Dutch manufacture. You need to dilute the entire contents of the bottle in 8 liters of water and wash this solution with an apartment.
- "Bolfo".A remedy for fleas in animals, which is also ideal for wet cleaning. First, sprinkle them in the places of flea accumulation, and then add to water and do a wet cleaning.
Handling a pet
Before you lock the beast and start cleaning in the house, pour a flea remedy on the withers. Then - after harvesting you will get an animal with already fewer living parasites on the body. Immediately take him to the bathroom to bathe, but before bathing, carefully comb the animal's hair directly in the bathroom - the extracted fleas can be washed off immediately with water.
Important! When bathing, apply the appropriate shampoo from fleas: cat - for cats, dog - for dogs. In a week, put the dog's collar on the fleas.
Directly baiting
Now you can apply the strongest means against fleas and conduct pest control. It is necessary that all households leave the apartment, taking with them a clean domestic pet. In our time there are enough companies dealing with baiting insects and rodents - you can go there. If you want to save money, do the procedure yourself. This is a necessary measure, if you have fleas, avoid, delay it is not desirable.
The most common anti-flea remedy is "Dichlophos":
- Treat it all inside the home with closed windows, especially focus on corners, plinths, all hard-to-reach and dark places.
- It is advisable, of course, to move furniture away.
- Then leave the room, together with your home, wait about 5-6 hours.
- After disinsection, it is necessary to carefully ventilate the room and wash the apartment once more, knock out carpets.
Important! Such a remedy for fleas as "Dichlorvos" has one drawback - an unpleasant smell. If this smell is too unpleasant for you, you can buy cans of "Raptor", "Raid", other famous manufacturers. These funds smell nice, but cost an order of magnitude more.
to content ↑Folk ways of
Once upon a time fleas were almost in every house, even the nobles and nobles, so there are folk remedies for fleas in the house. In the villages, in the city, ordinary people poisoned parasites with sharp smells, some of these ways were not disdained by the higher worlds.
Important! Disposed of parasites with clothing and linen made of silk, according to which fleas can not jump. They also had the habit of clinging pieces of rabbit fur on clothes so that the insects would accumulate there - then the skins would be sent to the oven.
People have been fighting this evil for many years and the experience has accumulated abound. In addition to using odors, there are several other good recommendations. Below are the most famous folk remedies for fleas in the apartment.
Long ago, the smell of citrus, mint or eucalyptus, as well as wormwood, repelled fleas and other parasites. Wormwood and citrus simply lay out on the apartment where the insects have settled, and the grass needs to be crushed, processed by them in a place in the accumulation of fleas.Important! To enhance the effect, eucalyptus or mint can be brewed. When washing things that have been flea attacked, apply this decoction to the rinse.
The most effective means against fleas are salt and soda:
- Option 1. You can prepare a solution of soda-salt-water in equal proportions, spray it with an apartment. After - using a vacuum cleaner to collect the deposits of salt and soda on furniture, carpets, wash furniture, tear out carpets.
- Option 2. Lay out a bunch of soda / salt in corners, pour over furniture, inside sofas, beds and where your pet lives and sleeps. In time, fleas will go away.
You need to understand that folk remedies for fleas are good for prevention and when you only have a mild invasion of parasites. If there are many of them and they are everywhere, only chemistry will help. You can not be afraid to use what is written above - all means are harmless or little toxic. They do not carry danger to humans and animals. Only if overdo it, you can get intoxication.