- Fur cleaning methods
- Folk cleansers for fur
- Household cleaning chemicals for fur
- Rules for care of things made of fur
- Useful advices
Fur products will never lose their relevance, but since fur is used usually for outerwear, it is moreall subject to all kinds of pollution. If you decide not to use the dry cleaning services, but to wash the product yourself, you need to know what kind of fur cleaning tool to use in your case. To clean the fur at home, you can use both improvised and professional tools, the main thing is that the fur cleanser effectively cope with the problem and does not affect the skin basis badly. What means for cleaning fur exist and how to use them, we'll tell you in this article.
to the table of contents ↑Methods of cleaning the fur
Methods of cleaning the fur can be divided into 2 groups:
- Dry mechanical. Such processing is used in the event that on the surface of the fur there are stuck together places, wipes, felting formations, lumps, nodules. In this situation, a metal brush or comb is used, the teeth of which are wrapped with cotton and moistened with a cleaning solution, as well as abrasive substances with which fur is poured. Mechanical cleaning is rather superficial and is aimed at eliminating accumulated dust in hairs, combing and smoothing fur.
- Chemical. This method - a deeper and more effective cleaning, but somewhat risky, as it requires compliance with certain rules in the process and patience. In this form of cleaning, not only dry means and brushes are used, but also wet treatment using household and folk remedies, including solutions, gasoline, turpentine.
Important! In order to find out how much furs are contaminated and what type of treatment is required, perform the following process: take the hairdryer, direct the air jet against the pile direction. If the hairs do not return to their original position - this means that your intervention is required. Depending on the complexity of the contamination, select the appropriate fur cleanser and the preferred method, or combine both methods to obtain the best possible result.
to content ↑Folk cleansers for fur
Choosing a fur cleanser is an important step. No one wants because of the misuse of the cleaning person to lose an expensive item. People's means are usually given a greater preference than specialized ones, because they:
- are optimal in price and quality;
- available;
- are easy to use;
- have a small risk of harm when used;
- is an environmentally friendly product.
If you also adhere to this trend, take note of those folk remedies that are suitable for cleaning fur:
- A wet sheet and punch is the easiest and most effective way to remove dust from a fur thing. Place the wet material on a flat surface, put the product on its face, knock it out with small tapping.
- Wheat or rye bran is an affordable option. Bran is well absorbed by the smell and dust. Heat the product in a frying pan until almost hot, distribute the product. Leave until completely cooled. The hot bran turns fat and dirt. After this, carefully shake out the fur and clean with a brush.
- Hot river sand - the cleaning system is the same as with the above material, but this option is not very popular, because sand is not always at hand and is often badly shaken from the undercoat.
- Shampoo for cats - this tool is very popular. It is suitable for cleaning all types of fur. The application of this method positively affects the condition of the pile and does not harm the basis. Shampoo diluted in water, shake until a steep foam formed, apply to dirty areas with a brush or sponge, rub the mixture into the fur, wipe with a damp cloth.
- Potato starch, talc, chalk, semolina - copes well with fresh greasy stains, perfectly absorbs dirt, and refreshes and cleans products made of white fur. The application procedure is very simple - spread the substance over the surface, rub it with your hands and brush it off.
- Hydrogen Peroxide - flawlessly removes yellow spots from white things, especially suitable for fox pelts. Wet a cotton swab in the product, wipe the problem areas, you can not wash it off.
- Washing for dishes - another useful tool for cleaning fur. Concentrate dissolves dirt and grease, but long flushing is required, which can damage the skin base. In warm water, dilute a small amount of the agent, place the solution in a spray bottle. Spray on problem areas. Use a brush to clean the fur, and then rinse with a damp cloth.
- Vinegar - often used for most types of stains in the form of mixtures and solutions. Perfectly refreshing, gives shine, but leaves a steady smell. Take in equal parts vinegar, alcohol( you can 2 parts of vodka) and water. Dampen the foam sponge in the solution, rinse the pile. Wipe off immediately with a clean cloth.
- Ammonium alcohol is a popular remedy, often used in solutions for removing a variety of contaminants. It will help quickly remove complex stains from fur, but has a strong specific odor and is toxic.
- Petrol - usually used for hard stains, both in pure form and in the form of mixtures. A rather unsafe chemical element, when used requires compliance with certain rules of personal and fire safety. After contact with gasoline, the cleaned thing should be well ventilated outdoors.
Household cleaning chemicals for fur
Special fur cleansers are also in demand, especially for those who want to get results as quickly as possible and ready to spend money on it. To ensure that your expectations are fully met, when choosing such products, be sure to take into account the recommendations of professionals and consumer feedback, so that the costs are not empty. Such means for cleaning of fur have proved to be very good:
- INSAF is an excellent solution in correct fur care. It allows you to keep fresh, so that the product does not lose its beautiful appearance. Suitable for all types of nap. Clears the fur and protects from the appearance of new dirt, does not let the undercoat fall off, protects against moths, acts as well as antistatic.
- LIVAL LICKER KONZ - a universal tool for cleaning and restoring the color of leather, fur and textiles. After use, the pile becomes soft and silky.
- Spray for fur FUR FRESH SALAMANDER Professional - well tinted pouring places and gives shine. Since this aerosol has a pungent odor and is toxic, use it only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
- TERRE DE SOMMIERES POWDER( powder-stain remover) is a relatively inexpensive product, but perfectly removes greasy and oily stains.
- ULTRA FINISH MILK - Means for cleaning furs of Italian production. Gives the pile a beautiful silky, improves shine, does not glue the hairs.
- OZZ Aerosol from moth - periodic preventive maintenance by this means will protect your product from further formation of larvae. Has a pleasant lemon smell.
Rules for the care of things from fur
To avoid spoiling the thing and quickly restore its attractiveness, follow these recommendations while processing the pile:
- Place the object to be cleaned so that it is convenient for you to carry out the process.
- Any product you choose is a must-try at an inconspicuous place.
- To avoid deformation of the skin, do not wet strongly, otherwise it will coarsen after drying, become brittle, and fur will lose its beautiful appearance.
- Use aggressive tools carefully.
- Do not rub the fur too much, as you can ruin the pile.
- Long-hair fur brush along the course of the hairs, short-haired against the pile.
- After drying, be sure to shake the product well and comb thoroughly.
Useful advices
- To make fur things less dirty and rubbed, store them in a linen bag.
- To avoid moths, ventilate the product more often outdoors and use special insect control agents.
- To avoid stalling the fur, periodically comb it in different directions.
- Remember that fresh dirt is easier to remove than old ones.
Now you have a complete idea of what and how you can clean the fur, what means to clean the fur is better, and which is cheaper. Use these tips and caring for your favorite clothes will not be a problem for you.