- Useful advices
- How to wash the green hair from the skin?
- Facial cleansing
- How to wash the green hair from the hair?
- How to remove stains after chickenpox in children?
Almost everyone in the medicine cabinet has such a universal antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent, like green. Especially if the family has small children, because it is she who comes to the rescue when the child gets another abrasion or is sick with chickenpox. This tool is well known and tested by time. But there is one essential drawback for the zelenka - it leaves behind bright green traces. And there is a panic thought, than to wash the green from the skin of hands, feet, face, sofa, table and pet, not in time fell on the arm. So how to wash the green hair off the skin quickly?
to the contents ↑Useful tips
To ensure that your attempts to remove greens from the skin have been successful, follow these recommendations:
- If you spilled a greenie or just stained it with handy items, do not panic. Remove it from objects and skin as soon as possible. If the composition is absorbed deeply, removing it will be even more difficult.
- Do not use strong cleansing agents to treat skin. Maybe they will remove traces of green, but you run the risk of earning an allergy or something else.
- For children, choose not aggressive means - the smaller the child, the more sparing the means should be.
- Cautiously handle the skin.
- Even if you need to clean the green quickly, do not try it at once, trying all the different and different methods. Treat green spots at short intervals.
- Use only proven methods, do not buy advertising for questionable drugs.
- Regardless of the method of removing greenery, the skin after all procedures should be washed with water and spread with a nutritious cream.
How to wash the green from the skin?
There are several proven ways. And, all means, than to wash green from a skin of hands, the face and other parts of a body, you unequivocally will find at home.
Household soap
Zelenka does not harm the skin, but creates aesthetic problems, so you want to get rid of it as soon as possible. It is better to react immediately, then it will be easier to wash it off. Fresh greens can be washed with household soap:
- It is necessary to dissolve a little soap in water, beat until foam forms and apply this foam to the stain.
- Leave for 2-3 minutes.
- Then rub the skin with a washcloth and rinse underwater.
- If necessary - these manipulations can be repeated several times.
Alcohol and lemon
Well removes traces of greenery alcohol in combination with fresh lemon juice:
- Mix alcohol or vodka with lemon juice in a proportion of 5 to 1.
- Soak in a solution of cotton wool, rub the soiled areas.
- If the dirt does not go away at once, then put the cotton pad to the place for a few seconds.
Important! Try not to rub very hard, otherwise - it can cause irritation on the skin. Long-term exposure to alcohol-containing substances and lemon juice is also unacceptable, since both can cause an allergic reaction. And both of the products greatly overdry the skin.
In such an uneasy business, the usual baking soda can not be harmed:
- Add baking soda to the water before forming gruel.
- Apply this slurry to problem areas, rub in a circular motion for a few seconds.
- Rinse the soda with water.
- If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
Hydrogen peroxide
If you have sensitive skin, prone to allergic reactions, it is better to take advantage of hydrogen peroxide. Maybe it's not as effective as alcohol, but more sparing.
Important! Despite the versatility of peroxide, its excessive exposure can cause chemical skin burns, so act neatly and be vigilant to the reaction.
Chlorine bleach
This is a very aggressive method, and it should be resorted to in the extreme case:
- Dilute the preparation with the chlorine content of water in a ratio of 1 to 1.
- Take the cotton swab and dab in this solution.
- Quickly wipe the stain, then rinse off with water as quickly as possible.
- To neutralize chlorine residues, treat these areas with a swab dipped in vinegar.
Important! Chlorine substances should never be used on the face, maximum - hands and feet.
Tonic for the face
This is another gentle way, if you need to remove the green from the skin of hands or face. Rub the skin with tonic several times a day. It does not help immediately, but gradually the stain starts to turn pale, and then disappears.
Lacquer Remover This is not the safest method and is certainly not suitable for young children or people with very sensitive skin. Apply a little of the formulation on the tampon, wipe the problem areas.
Important! To protect yourself, it is better to take the drug on a no-acetone basis.
You can try to remove traces of greens with toothpaste. This method is best used if the hands are injured. Put on the fingers a toothpaste and leave for 2-5 minutes, and then - rinse with water.
Wipes for office equipment
They remove traces of greenery due to the alcohol that is included in their composition. You just rub the dirt.
Important! Can be used for any parts of the body, except the face.
to the contents ↑Facial cleansing
How to wash the green hair from the skin of the face? Only the most delicate methods are suitable here. To cleanse your face, you can use cosmetic products - soft scrub, fat cream, coconut oil or some other oil.
The principle of use for all variants is the same:
- Apply the selected product on your face with a thick layer.
- After a couple of minutes, remove the cotton wool residue, wash.
How to wash the green hair from the hair?
Immediately remove such contamination from the hair will not work. It will take several days to process the stained strand. Than it is possible to process hair? To do this, the following tools are suitable:
- vodka and lemon juice in the proportion of 1 to 1;
- solution of laundry soap;
- kefir, heated in a water bath;
- any oil.
In one of these tools, you need to moisten a cotton pad or a piece of gauze and wrap the soiled curl. After 3-5 minutes rinse with water.
to Contents ↑How to remove stains after chickenpox in children?
There are several gentle ways to remove traces of green that will not harm the tender baby skin:
- Apply baby cream on green areas and leave for 15 minutes. After this, take the child to the bath and bathe using shampoo and baby soap.
- Grind the ascorbic tablet to a powdery state and dissolve in a small amount of water. With this solution, wipe the skin of the baby. After treatment, rinse the baby under the shower.
- If the child does not have allergies to citrus, you can gently rub the stains on the hands, feet and body of lemon juice.
Important! It is possible to cleanse the baby's skin only after recovery, when the rash is gone.
If you did not immediately get rid of the traces of greenery, do not worry, after a couple of days they will leave.