How to store olive oil after opening the container?

It is difficult to underestimate the culinary properties and benefits of vegetable oil from olives, because it contains a whole arsenal of vitamins and microelements necessary to maintain the health of the human body. But you can only count on them if you know how to store olive oil correctly, otherwise all the benefits quickly disappear and even turn into harm. A fairly expensive product spoils relatively quickly. Despite the fact that manufacturers usually declare a two-year shelf life of the product, experts recommend using the ingredient within 9 months after release.

Important points to consider when storing oil from olive oil

When purchasing olive oil for home use, it is recommended to give preference to a small container. After opening the package, the product should be used within 3-4 weeks. The best option is to buy a composition that was poured no later than six months ago.

Even during such a short period, olive oil must be stored under special conditions:

  1. Light and air must be blocked, otherwise the component will show a rancid taste as a result of rapid oxidation of the components.
  2. Store olive oil only in cool conditions, but not in the refrigerator. In favorable conditions in quality oil, white flakes will appear after a while - these are hardened fats. They quickly disappear if the container is left for a short time at room temperature.

Tip: Contrary to popular belief, storing the product in a refrigerator is not a priority option. The composition can be left in the warmest place of installation - the door, but no more than a couple of weeks. After this, the product will begin irreversible processes, leading to the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste in food.

  1. Freezing the product is strictly prohibited, it does not save useful components. Reuse the composition after frying is also not recommended.

If the month has passed and the oil is still there, you do not need to throw it away. Although it lost most of its positive properties, it can be used as a substitute for a sunflower analogue in the cooking process.

An ideal place to store olive oil is a cabinet with opaque doors in the kitchen. Do not use shelves in the immediate vicinity of the cooker. It is convenient, but negatively affects the flavor and aromatic properties of the product. If all the cabinets are transparent, then the bottle of oil can be wrapped with foil. In extreme cases, you will have to switch to products in bottles of dark glass. If initially the oil was in a large container, then as the composition is used, it is recommended to pour it into a smaller container. This will reduce the harmful effects of air to a minimum.

Features of the approach to storage of the product in glass and tin packing

Quality olive oil can not be sold in plastic bottles. In a similar container, a cheap analogue of the product mixed with sunflower oil is usually bottled. Harm he does not bring, but it is not worth the wait. Traditionally fragrant dressing is sold in the glass. If it is also dark, then you can not worry about the quality of the composition.

Recently, more and more often there is a product spread on tin cans. It is more suitable for professional use, for example, for restaurants. Transport and storage of olive oil in tin cans is very convenient and safe, but before starting to use the liquid still have to be poured over clean and dried glass containers. The shelf life in this case does not change, as well as the storage conditions.

It is important to remember that if the oil was originally in the glass, then it must be opened and used for two years. If in the tin - then no later than one year after the spill.

Immediately after purchasing the product and before using it, you need to take a sample. Quality oil slightly bitter, leaves no aftertaste, smells very gently and pleasantly. If the fresh composition initially notes notes of rancidity or persistent aftertaste, it is better to refuse this ingredient.