- Method No. 1 Washing and disinfection
- Method No. 2 Steaming, boiling
- Method No. 3 Use of
- dusting No.4 Aerosol treatment
- Treatment of lice
- Useful advice
No one is immune from lice entering the house. These parasites can appear after a walk in nature or a child's trip to a children's camp, and even after a regular visit to the guests. To combat lice, you can use pharmaceuticals, as well as grandmother's means, but after achieving success in a long and painstaking struggle against parasites, the question arises: how to treat an apartment from lice?
First of all, it is necessary to carry out careful processing of things, since not having done it in time, you can again encounter these parasites and the entire exhausting process of their destruction will begin from the very beginning. Begin treatment from lice with disinfection of household items. We offer the following methods.
Method # 1 Washing and disinfection
Before you treat the apartment against lice, wash at 60 ° C pajamas, bedding, hats, scarves, sweaters, hair bands, sofa covers. With linen from cotton, you will not have problems, and those things that can not be washed at high temperature are disinfected with a soap-kerosene emulsion( 1: 1): put the things in the prepared solution for 20 minutes.
Can be used in the fight against parasites and a freezer: put things in bags and place in the freezer for a day.
Important! For disinfection, you can soak laundry in 2% emulsion soap or 10% solution of lysol. Proceed from the proportion of 1 kg of laundry to 4 liters of liquid.
to the contents ↑Method No. 2 Steaming, boiling
It is advisable to boil the laundry for 15 minutes in a 2% solution of sodium carbonate - this treatment against lice will be very effective. Hanging items on the balcony and let the direct sunlight disinfect things for a whole week.
After the due date, with a hot iron iron all the clothes, not missing a single wrinkle - this will prevent the possibility of the appearance of parasites.
It is also necessary to disinfect all hygiene items: immerse all combs and combs for a few minutes in boiling water, as lice can hide between the bristles.
Important! It is possible to process all things in the steam-coaline chamber, but this method is not available to everyone.
to content ↑Method No. 3 Use of
dust This way of how to treat an apartment against lice is also very effective. Calculate the average amount of 20 g for 2 kg of laundry.
For treatment, soak the laundry for 30 minutes in a 0.15% emulsion of carbophos. After drying, dry things in the open air.
Important! After such treatment from lice things can not be ironed, because when exposed to high temperatures the drug decomposes.
Cushions, mattresses, blankets and outer clothing can also be treated with dust, following the rules:
- Treat lice after the lice on both sides.
- Pay special attention to the inner surfaces of the object, as well as folds and seams.
- To evenly distribute dust in things, we recommend hitting them several times with a stick.
- Fold all processed into one heap and leave for 3 hours.
- If processed things are not needed for instant use, then store them in bags, up to the need, without removing dust.
Important! Take into account the only drawback of such treatment from lice, which is that the tissues can have a characteristic specific smell, not quite pleasant for you and others.
to content ↑Method No.4 Aerosol treatment
Treat necessary household items and wardrobe using aerosols, fold them and place them in rubberized bags or any suitable tightly closed container, as necessary, remove them. Soft items: mattresses, blankets, clothes, which are directly used by people, treat with a hot iron.
Toys that children can use also need to be processed. Collect all toys in a plastic bag and tightly seal it. Lice without food will die in 3 days. For complete certainty - do not use toys after treatment with lice for a week. If possible, after a week, wash them with special means.
Important! If at least 1 member of the family was sick with pediculosis, then it is necessary to carry out the processing of the things of all family members who were in close contact with the patient.
to content ↑Treatment of lice on premises
Treatment of an apartment against lice does not take much time, but it is the only way to kill insects, especially in the case of lice. Use modern means in the fight against lice, which will provide you with 100% extermination of parasites. These include:
- MediFox and MediFox-super. These drugs are allowed for the processing of clothing, bed linen and bed linen. They can be used for disinfection of premises;
- Spray Pax, preparations Paraplus, A-PAR.They are produced in a convenient form, safe, do not cause side effects, complications. It can also be used for processing clothes, mattresses, blankets. The preparations do not leave stains on the tissues and, when used, do not require the subsequent washing of the processed things;
Important! The above funds are used both for treatment and for disinfection of premises and things.
After the disease is defeated, treat all the rooms of lice:
- Carefully vacuum everything.
- Put the bag of collected rubbish in a bag and discard.
- Treat all boxes and cabinets with vinegar.
- Disinfect carpets, sofas, bedspreads, armchairs with water vapor.
Useful advice
To spend less time, strength, entrust the work on disinfection of premises to professionals. Experienced professionals with skill will handle all the rooms and will not cause harm - neither to people, nor to domestic animals. They know how to destroy lice without a trace, using the safest drugs, and will provide you with a 100% chance of exterminating parasites.
To the problem of pediculosis and the question of how to treat an apartment from lice, you no longer worried, carry out preventive maintenance, and also observe basic hygienic measures.