Storing toys is a big concern for parents. And the problem is not even where to store them, but also how to harmoniously place a myriad of toys in the vastness of a modest children's room. Original hand-made boxes will help to cope with the clutter. They can be made from scrap materials or from old things that have been gathering dust in the pantry for a long time.
- Old suitcase
- Large boxes
- Old baskets
- Grandma's chest
- Chipboard
Old suitcase

With the help of an old suitcase, you can not only build a new storage for children's toys, but also add originality to the interior.
To begin with, you should attach legs to the suitcase, so it will be much more convenient for the child to put his things in it or look for them. Next, cover the product with a dense, bright fabric or use the decoupage technique to create volumetric patterns.
Large boxes

It is better to choose non-corrugated boxes from under household appliances, since, first of all, they must be durable.
Carefully cut off the lid, which can be thrown away as unnecessary. Cut holes at the top of the side walls to replace the handles. Tape the inside of the box with tape, especially the joints and corners.
To make the box look attractive, the inside can be pasted over with old wallpaper, but to decorate the outside, use thick wrapping paper or scrapbooking paper. For gluing, use PVA glue, while applying it directly to the box.
The final touch is the design of the edges and cuts of the pens with strips of paper to match the box.
Old baskets

Old wicker baskets with handles will decorate any interior; in addition, they can be used for storing children's construction sets and soft toys. Plastic baskets are also suitable, which can be painted in any color, and then placed in the nursery.
Grandma's chest

First, carefully sand the inside of the chest so that no burrs remain on the boards, and then cover the product with a colorless varnish. Paint and decorate the outside in the same style as the children's room, and then also cover it with a colorless varnish.
The box is ready, just wait until the paint and varnish are completely dry.

Toy storage boxes can be assembled from chipboard sheets. In this case, it is important to process the plates in such a way that they do not have burrs on which the child can get hurt.
Paint the finished crate with bright acrylic on the inside and outside. For convenience, attach furniture wheels to the bottom.
Everyone can make original containers for storing children's trinkets. At the same time, it is important to remember that they will be intended primarily for children, therefore they should be light, stable and bright.