- What is it?
- Advantages of liquid wallpaper
- Disadvantages of
- What do manufacturers offer?
- With or without pigment?
- Which wallpaper to choose?
- Wall Preparation
- Where to use liquid wallpaper?
- How to remove liquid wallpaper?
Liquid wallpaper is a relatively new finishing material. They have one more name - silk plaster. This decoration looks good both in the apartment and in the office. If you successfully choose a liquid wallpaper, the application technology will seem pretty simple. About how to apply silk plaster, we will discuss this article.
to the contents ↑What is it?
Liquid wallpaper is obtained if silk and cellulose fibers are added to a certain kind of plaster. Instead of silk, cotton is sometimes used. These are the main components, but in order for the surface to look more impressive, make compounds with pigments and fillers. As the last they use:
- granules;
- sequins( shredded foil or mica);
- cotton spools;
- small wood shavings.
Important! In the formulation, substances that can prolong the life of the material are often added:
- antiseptic additives;
- antifungal drugs.
The basis is the most common glue CMC, which is now used for gluing roll wallpaper. If we talk about how to apply liquid wallpaper in the home, the technology has much in common with plaster or putty work.
to content ↑Advantages of liquid wallpaper
Why has silk plaster so quickly become an extremely popular type of decoration? There are many reasons for this:
- safety for health;
- hygroscopicity;
- environmental friendliness;
- antistatic properties;
- hypoallergenicity;
- good refractory qualities;
- excellent thermal insulation properties;
- possibility to make a high-quality soundproofing;
- coating can be applied to any plane;
- no seams, as when pasting conventional wallpaper;
- silk plaster does not burn;
- surface feels silky and very pleasant to the touch;
- extremely diverse colors;
- diverse invoice;
- efficiency.
Important! Liquid wallpaper is made from environmentally friendly materials. As for fire safety, silk plaster not only does not burn, but prevents the spread of fire, if there is an inflammation.
Let's dwell on a few more details in more detail.
Protection against noise and dust
With this coating you can turn your apartment into a real corner of peace and quiet, and this is especially important in monolithic and block houses, where on the first floor you hear what is happening in the apartment on the fifth.
The material does not absorb dust, since it has good antistatic properties. Accordingly - does not cause and allergies.
Space for fantasy
The technology of applying this finish allows you to beautifully decorate any part of the room, including all sorts of arches, ledges and figured panels. Ordinary roll-up wallpaper almost anyone can not stick it neatly where there are such details.
Important! It should be noted that liquid wallpaper is simply indispensable for finishing a new house: the inevitable "shrinkage" of buildings is not terrible for them.
The assortment, which offer the attention of buyers of building stores, allows you to choose suitable wallpaper for the premises, decorated in any style.
Important! On the wall it is very easy to print stencils, painting or rolling, so if you have a penchant for artistic creativity, such material will suit you just perfectly.
Persistence and durability
Here it is worth noting a few nuances not only regarding the technology of applying liquid wallpaper, but also the storage features:
- These wallpapers last very long, moreover, they have retained an attractive appearance for many years.
- If any of the fragments are damaged, you will not need to re-do repairs in the entire room. It is enough to cover the necessary area.
- Do not worry about the fact that it will be different from other surfaces. These wallpapers do not fade.
- You do not have to buy new packaging. If after repair you have some amount of material left, it can be frozen to use later.
Important! The mixture removed from the walls can be used for a second time.
to content ↑Disadvantages of
There are not many of the disadvantages of silk plasters, but they are there and it is better to know about them in advance:
- It is not necessary to cover a surface prone to corrosion with liquid wallpaper - corrosion will only intensify.
- The wallpaper is pretty dirty.
- The coating can be rubbed off when in contact with hard furniture.
- Silk plaster does not like water.
- Repair will cost a bit more than using a roll wallpaper.
- The walls dry for a long time.
Important! To the surface, covered with liquid wallpaper, less contaminated, it is additionally covered with varnish. But this will be a successful exit only if it is not very important for you, skip your wallpaper pairs or not.
Grab the
pads To prevent silk plaster from rubbing and scratching, it's better to make decorative pads on the areas where it touches objects. Wash the walls with this coating is not recommended. But low moisture resistance, at the same time, allows you to use the material again - it can be soaked.
Price and savings
The price for liquid wallpaper is slightly higher than for some types of rolls. But this is more than compensated by the fact that there are no cuttings left, and also the possibility to save the leftovers.
Important! As for the time, it will be possible to live in the room not earlier than two or three days after the coating is applied.
to the contents ↑What do manufacturers offer?
In construction shops you will find several types of liquid wallpaper:
- silk;
- cellulose;
- silk-cellulose.
This material is made on the basis of silk fiber. This is the most durable and effective wallpaper. They perfectly tolerate temperature changes and are completely insensitive to ultraviolet radiation. They serve for a long time, but they are more expensive than others.
They are comparatively cheap, but at the same time they have a lower quality than silk ones. A great material for those who want to quickly and cheaply make cosmetic repairs and are not particularly interested in how many these wallpapers will be.
A sensible compromise between silk and cellulose. A successful combination of price and quality has made this class the most popular. These wallpapers are durable, relatively good attitude to temperature changes, do not fade.
to content ↑With or without pigment?
Working with liquid wallpaper with your own hands becomes a real pleasure, if with the preparation of the material will be as little as possible fuss. On the degree of readiness liquid wallpaper is divided into two types:
- ready-mixed with pigment;
- white mixtures in which you need to add everything else.
Let's look at the nuances:
- The first option is much more convenient. The mixture is sufficiently diluted with water according to the instructions, and it is possible to work. Buyers mostly prefer this kind of material, because it is suitable even for those who make repairs for the first time in their life.
- To successfully work with the second type of mix, you already need to have some skills. Modest fans of this option is not suitable, because it is very difficult to guess the color saturation. But professionals prefer this kind.
Important! On sale you can find basic professional mixtures, in which there is only glue and white cellulose. The master himself adds pellets, glitters, mother-of-pearl, or even gold or silver threads.
to the contents ↑Which wallpaper to choose?
Liquid wallpaper is very different for the price, and it depends not only on the kind, but also on the manufacturer:
- The cheapest products in Russia are quality materials that meet all sanitary requirements. But their assortment is small.
- Turkey offers clients a rather large selection of such materials - both silk, and cellulose or mixed. In the Turkish line there are wallpapers for people who are not rich and thrifty, and silk plaster of extra class.
- Dear, but very high quality wallpapers are offered to customers from different countries by French companies. To date, these are the best materials of this kind. Among the French wallpapers there are both white and colored with a variety of fillings.
Preparation of walls
Wall finishing with liquid wallpaper by hands starts with surface preparation. To process walls( or a ceiling) it is necessary very carefully, not missing even the smallest roughnesses.
Important! Strengthen the weak spots with ordinary plaster, otherwise - pretty soon the liquid wallpaper will go cracked.
There are some requirements for the surface on which the wallpaper will be applied:
- it should not be too hygroscopic;
- it should not be colored;
- color should be white or similar to the basic tone of the wallpaper.
Application technology
Surface treatment differs little from that which is carried out during the pasting with usual wallpaper:
- Remove the old wallpaper so that there are no fragments left anywhere.
- Seal large cracks( small ones can be filled with liquid wallpaper).
- Strip the irregularities with a sandpaper.
- Remove metal elements - the pipes should be wall-fixed, remove screws and screws altogether.
- If metal elements can not be removed, paint them with a white oil paint.
- Apply a primer to make the surface more durable and less hygroscopic.
- You can make skeleton walls, but it will cost a lot.
Important! For very smooth surfaces it is better to use a concentrated soil with quartz or marble dust.
Additional nuances:
- You can not put liquid wallpaper on an old finish in any case. First, they will not hold, and secondly, pieces of paper will be clearly visible. The surface of the wall must be uniform.
- If there is a natural slope, which usually happens in old buildings, nothing to do is not necessary. But it's better to get rid of cracks. Small, of course, can be covered with wallpaper, but this will slightly increase the consumption of material.
- Metal elements will interfere with operation. In addition, some metals rust, and liquid wallpaper only increases this their property. The primer is best used in plaster, it should be applied in at least two layers, and preferably in three.
- Wait three hours before applying the next layer. Above the ground, it is useful to apply white water-based paint.
Cooking wallpaper
Liquid wallpaper sold in plastic bags. They can be completely ready for use. You just need to read the instructions on the package, open the bag and dilute its contents with water in some large container. It is necessary to break all the clumps, and mix the contents of the pelvis or bucket until the mass becomes homogeneous and similar in consistence to liquid sour cream.
How much mixture should I make?
So much to be enough for either one wall or the whole room.
Important! Usually 6 square meters of the area takes 6 kg of solution. It's okay if you prepare too much mixture - it will not go away, it can be used in a few weeks.
However, it is possible that you will open the package and find there are several packages:
- with a cellulose base;
- with glue in powder form;
- with decorative elements.
In this case, too, there should be no complications, but it is necessary to follow a certain order:
- Shake the package well.
- Pour decorative elements into a large container( 7-8 l).
- Pour them with clean water at a temperature of 25-30 C and stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
- Add the base and stir also.
- Add the glue and mix until the mass is uniform, without any clots or lumps.
- Allow the mixture to infuse for as long as indicated in the instructions( usually 6 to 12 hours).
- Mix the ingredients immediately before use.
Important! Mix the base with hands rather than tear the fibers, but you can also use a construction mixer.
Cooking tools
Tools for applying liquid wallpaper can be bought at any construction store. You need:
- grater( metal or plastic);
- atomizer;
- trowel;
- spatula.
Drawing wallpaper
After preparing the wall, material and tools, you can start applying wallpaper:
- If the wallpaper is multicolored, apply them to spots in different areas.
- Smear edges so that there are no joints.
- Adjust fiber directions.
- Apply wallpaper of other colors to free areas and spread the edges too.
Important! The room should be well ventilated and the optimum humidity maintained.
Single-color wallpaper should be applied immediately to the whole wall without taking long breaks:
- Fill the spatula or hands with a small "patch", as when working with multi-color silk plaster.
- Align it with a grater, giving the fibers a certain direction.
- Gradually expand the site.
- Align by adjusting the position of the fibers( they can be located in the same direction across the entire wall or in different).
- Fill the entire wall, level the wallpaper with a grater in the direction from the corners to the center of the wall.
- Allow the finish to dry.
- If desired, coat the surface with a clear acrylic lacquer.
Important! With strong pressure, the wallpaper is losing shape. If you do not press in at all, the layer will turn out to be thick and uneven, so it's important to determine the golden mean. The thickness of the coating should be from 2 to 3 mm.
to the contents ↑Where to use liquid wallpaper?
Since such a finish does not like water very much, it should be used with caution near sources. As for the materials on which such a coating is applied, they can be very different:
- concrete;
- brick;
- drywall;
- wooden surface.
Important! On concrete or brick, a gypsum primer is applied, otherwise - the dyes from the wallpaper "leave" into the wall, and the color will be lighter than planned. For weak and crumbling concrete walls, strengthening soil is more suitable. In the old house, strengthening soil is necessary in any case.
Gypsum plasterboard partitions
Drywall is best painted with water-based paint. To stick wallpaper directly on the wall is not worth it, because on the surface there are almost certainly white stripes.
Important! Self-tapping screws, which fix the partition, paint with oil paint - white or in the tone of the wallpaper, joints - zashpaklyayte.
Wood and plywood
On wood or plywood, silk plaster lays perfectly. But first you need to check whether the wall itself is well fixed and whether it is deformed. It is better if the septum is thick enough. Prime the wall, paint with water-based paint( oil and oil will do), and only then apply wallpaper.
Is it acceptable to have liquid wallpaper in the bathroom and in the kitchen?
Despite the fact that the wallpaper does not tolerate moisture, stick them in the bathroom or in the kitchen, you can still:
- Prepare the wall to avoid unevenness.
- Place where there were leaks, paint over with white oil paint.
- Apply liquid wallpaper in 2-3 layers.
- Allow the walls to dry for 2-3 days.
- Coat the surface with a colorless waterproof varnish.
Important! Try to use materials from one manufacturer during the repair.
Wallpapers on the ceiling
And why not? This original design will give the room a very elegant look! You can make the ceiling monophonic, or you can paint a plafond like in a palace:
- Remove whitewash and other unnecessary elements.
- Remove the chandelier.
- Turn off the electricity.
- Align the surface and primer.
- Apply wallpaper.
How to remove liquid wallpaper?
Silk plaster serves for a long time, but sometimes it has to be cleaned. It is quite easy to do this. It is not necessary to remove the layer completely - you can only remove it from the site where the wallpaper is damaged:
- Fill the spray gun with clean water.
- Drink plenty of the necessary area.
- When the surface becomes soft, clean the wallpaper with a knife or sharp spatula.
- Fold pieces in a bucket or a basin.
- Add warm water.
- Stir the mixture to the consistency of liquid sour cream and apply it to the wall.
In this article you learned all the necessary information about liquid wallpaper - from the technology of application and selection of material, to the way decor of different surfaces and rooms in the house. We hope you could easily find such plaster and realized a unique design in your home.