Folk remedies for moths: how to get rid of it by domestic means


  • Naphthalene
  • Citrus Fruit
  • Soap
  • Lavender
  • Plants
  • Cold and Heat
  • Christmas Tree Mole
  • Tips
  • Fighting the grain moth
  • Conclusion

Although there are a lot of high-tech ways with which you can get rid of pesky insects, all the charm of folkmeans of moth lies in their simplicity and environmental friendliness. All the side effects of chemicals are difficult, if not impossible, to study, and what harm can be from lavender or orange peel? It's clear that there is not any. Home remedies are directed mainly at scaring off insects, and not at their destruction, and do not contain potentially dangerous substances for humans.


An effective way to scare off the moth of the house was considered to be naphthalene. However, now scientists believe that this material is carcinogenic, that is, it can lead to the development of cancer. Therefore, its use has practically disappeared, especially since there are many successfully operating alternative means.

Citrus Fruits

Crusts of oranges or any other citrus fruit effectively repel adult insects and prevent them from laying eggs. However, if somewhere in the food or things the larvae have already been put off, eliminating the zest will not help. In the cabinets, fresh crusts of fruit should be laid out and replaced when they dry up and lose their smell.


A well-known laundry soap is very effective against both adult insects and moth larvae and caterpillars. However, it has a strong strong odor that eventually absorbs into things lying or hanging in the closet. Accordingly, this tool is hardly suitable for repelling moths from dresses. Instead of household soap, you can use any other that has a strong and at the same time pleasant smell for people.


Has a pleasant smell, and at the same time no less effective lavender. It is applied in dried form or in the form of oil. The oil is placed in open containers, and the dried flowers are laid out in things in porous tissue pouches. Not only lavender, but also cloves, mint, rosemary, ginseng, horse chestnut and other fragrant smelling plants can be used. It is important to check periodically whether the smell of sachets with herbs has disappeared, and replace them in a timely manner. The clothes can also be sprinkled with a decoction of lavender, but you do not need to use oil for this, because the stain remains of this remedy.

In the form of oils, extracts from citrus, eucalyptus, cloves are also used.


Sometimes, for a reliable protection against insects, it is enough to start a suitable plant at home. Very effectively prevent the appearance of moths and other insects in the geranium bushes. Sweet tobacco is also used as a living potted plant, but the smoking one is laid out in perforated bags inside the furniture.

Cold and Heat

Insects are pretty fastidious about temperature conditions. Washing clothes at high temperatures, airing it under direct sunlight on a hot day or, conversely, in a good frost - excellent means to get rid of the already begun in the clothes of moths.

Fir tree against moths

The branches of coniferous trees also function effectively. For example, if the Christmas tree or its branches were used for the New Year at home, then after the holidays it is not necessary to throw out the plant, you can break it into smaller fragments, arrange it in cabinets and use it as a means against moths.

Tips for

  • Insects are not very tightly attached to clothing, so their essential can often be easily chicken, shaking the thing. Accordingly, on the clothes that often get out of the cabinets and put on, the insects just do not have time to start.
  • Mole attracts the smell of sweat, musters, so before you remove the off-season stuff far into the closet, they must be washed at home or dry cleaned. For storage of blankets, bedspreads and blankets it is better to use hermetic polyethylene covers with a zipper.
  • Wadded disks soaked in essential oils can be spread out in pockets of clothing, wrapped in hats, etc.
  • An effective way of prevention is to wipe cupboards with soapy water with the addition of essential oil or vinegar.
  • To get rid of moths in dry rooms, it will be useful to put horse chestnuts on the shelves of cabinets. In conditions of high humidity, this should not be done, because they will quickly mold.
  • You can leave in the closets and a sharp perfume, for example with a bored smell.
  • It is useful to add ordinary or apple cider vinegar to the house cleaning water.

Fighting the grain moth

To prevent the appearance of grain moths in the products, you should monitor the cleanliness and order of the kitchen furniture, promptly removing crumbs and other debris without leaving packages with flour or cereals open. Open the croup better to pour into a container with tightly closed lids.

Cleaning is recommended every couple of months. It is necessary to regularly ventilate, and at high humidity also to dry household cabinets. Do not remove the damp dishes in them.

Means of fighting moth in the kitchen - cut slices of garlic or hot pepper. You can leave bags of aromatic spices open or peppercorns spread out, their scent repels the moth well.

It will be easier to remove the grain moth of the house than the clothes, and the scale of damage from the damaged fur coat and the unsuitable cereal packaging is not comparable. But from any pests you still need to get rid of.


Choosing a way to fight the moth, remember what the insect is afraid of. It does not tolerate any sharp smells. Therefore, any object with a strong flavor can help scare off pests. It is easier to prevent the appearance of insects, than to try to get rid of them later.


Although all listed folk remedies are generally safe for humans, one can not exclude cases of individual intolerance of a particular product.