How to get rid of midges in flowers - special and folk remedies


  • Why do the blueflies in the flowers grow
  • Types of pests and what plants they like
  • Folk remedies
  • Special tools
  • Prevention

Before starting to grow a house plant, the owner needs to learn how to get rid of the midges in flowers if they appear. Especially this information is needed by those who have already encountered a problem. Home flowers require careful care, almost like pets. Let's find out what to do if there are gnats in the flowers and how to prevent it.

Why the blueflies are planted in flowers

There are several reasons why blueflies are planted in flowers for several reasons. If you understand them immediately, you can quickly eliminate the problem without resorting to highly effective chemical poisoning, which harm not only the plant, but also the person. It will be enough to have a couple of procedures with folk remedies, and in light cases you can just bypass the elimination of favorable factors for the life of insects. A number of reasons why pests are planted on indoor flowers:

  1. The soil in the pot is waterlogged. In the heat of the hostess, it may seem that the flower needs increased watering. However, this only harms the plant. If too much water it, the excess moisture will accumulate in the ground and provoke the appearance of small flies.
  2. Poor drainage leads to soil sodding.
  3. The plants are planted too tightly, or the pots are cramped. The air must circulate well around the plants.
  4. Moist air at a temperature above 20 degrees creates a favorable environment for insects.
  5. In the room where the plants stand, the window is constantly open. If there is no mosquito net, the flies can freely fly into the premises and live in new territories.
  6. Pests may appear because of poor quality soil. By ignorance you can buy undefined soil. If the processes of decay are not completed in the earth and there are traces of deciduous foliage, it becomes a good breeding ground for pests.

Types of pests, and which plants they like

How to detect mosquito? Flying parasites can be seen with the naked eye. Shake the pot: flies must fly apart. If this does not happen, investigate the soil. In order to detect eggs and larvae, pour water into the pot about 1 cm above the ground. After a while they should float up.

Tip! Once you have noticed this creature, start fighting with it, find the reasons for its appearance, even if the pest flies alone. Do not delay until the moment when due to rotting roots will have to throw away a favorite flower.

What is dangerous about midges? Settling in an apartment, they lay larvae right in the containers, in which flowers grow. These larvae will feed on the roots of your plants. Flowers will slowly fade, irreversible decay processes begin.

There are two types of midges:

  • white, or crochets;
  • is black, or scyarids.

White gnats in indoor flowers live on the surface of the earth or at the bottom of the pot. Their size varies from 0.2 to 1 mm. Parasites are predominantly white, brown and yellow in color. They are easy to detect because of their high activity: they constantly jump and move. Appears such flies, most often in the early spring or winter, when the moisture from the soil evaporates slowly. You need to remove parasites as soon as possible, otherwise you will not notice how the root system and the aboveground part of the plant will be harmed.

The second type of midges is black. Their body is 4 cm long and decorated with a mustache. These creations are known for their intrusiveness: they constantly circulate above the plant and generally throughout the house, continually getting into the dishes with food. For humans, they are not dangerous, but plants need to be saved from their negative influence. The syarids affect the root system, making the soil airtight. The appearance of black midges may be associated with undefined soil or fertilizers according to folk recipes.

Parasites do not survive on all kinds of domestic plants. For white flies, soft leaves of begonia or fuchsia are attractive. Dense leaves are interested in black flies. They are planted in violets, ficuses, azaleas.

Folk remedies

The folk remedies will help to get rid of midges in flower pots. Most of these items and materials are always at hand, and they are inexpensive. The remedies are equally effective against both white and black flies.

  1. Weak solution of potassium permanganate. A pinch of substance is dissolved in 2 liters of water, so that it hardly turns pink. The solution is sprayed with diseased plants. If you pour them too concentrated means, then you can burn the root system, so be careful.
  2. Garlic. Cut a few teeth in half and spread them around the flowerpot. You can press them directly into the ground. Another option: prepare the garlic solution. To do this, grind 3 garlic heads with a blender and pour a liter of water. Let the product last 4 days. Now you can strain the solution, water the soil and lightly spray the plants.
  3. Moses will scare off the orange peel. Just put it in the ground.
  4. Effective against pest - soap solution 1: 5.Take the laundry soap.
  5. How to remove Simuli with matches?4 matches stick to the ground with a sulfur head down and pour a flower. In a day, pull out the matches. If sulfur dissolves, repeat the procedure. The method destroys both larvae and adults.
  6. Wood ash is a 2 in 1 agent. If you sprinkle the ground with it, the midges will disappear immediately. Additional benefit - ash well fertilizes the soil.
  7. Helps against chickens from chalk from cockroaches. Rub it on the grater and sprinkle the soil. They can paint a pot - give vent to fantasy!
  8. The young plant can be gently removed from the pot and rinsed with its roots. Then put it in a fresh and safe soil.
  9. Larvae can be destroyed by low temperature. In winter, the infected soil is simply carried out into the street.
  10. To catch adults, hang adhesive tapes near the flowers.

Special tools

What if the folk remedies did not help? I'll have to turn to specialized products. However, be careful: in large quantities, chemical agents can damage plants and yourself. Read the instructions before using.

The magazine "Miss Purity" recommends the following products:

  1. Dichlorvos will help to get rid of flower midge. A universal remedy against pesky insects. Suits Raptor , Raid .
  2. Granules "Mukhoed" - a drug designed to solve the problem of flies.
  3. You can remove the pest with the help of solutions "Fitoverm", "Agravertin", "Aktellik", "Bazudin", "Grom-2", etc. Each solution has specific instructions for use: the amount of water, the temperature of the liquid and others. After using a chemical, the plant is not recommended to water for three days.

Important! Do not forget about personal safety: carry out treatment in protective gloves, a respirator, glasses. Do not inhale chemical preparations.


How to get rid of the reoccurrence of flower midges? Follow the preventive rules, and then you do not have to uninvite the inhabitants again.

  1. Moss in flower pots will not get hold of if you moderate the plant. In the cold season, water is required less. However, with the onset of summer, do not overdo it. Moisture must be completely absorbed into the soil, not stagnate in it, forming a nutrient medium for pests. How to determine that it's time to water the plant? Touch the ground, if it is wet, then it is worth to wait with watering. But also do not allow the drying of the soil, when it forms cracks.
  2. From midges in the apartment will save a good drainage. Flowers will not suffer from a lack of moisture, while it will not stagnate in the pot.
  3. Soil must be well supplied with oxygen. To do this, regularly loosen the soil in the flowerpots. This measure will prevent rotting of the ground and the appearance of midges in the apartment.

Moss in the land of indoor plants need to create adverse conditions, and then they will quickly leave your house. You have to start fighting with parasites as soon as you notice them. Do not make flowers out of flowers for bothersome flies. It is enough to give the plants a full-fledged care: watering, loosening the soil and fertilizing.