- Advantages and obvious advantages of cyclone type vacuum cleaners
- Weaknesses of innovative technology and their impact on product functionality
- Rules for choosing a vacuum cleaner with a cyclone filter
Today it is difficult to imagine the cleaning process without a powerful and high-quality vacuum cleaner. Despite the fact that for several years the cyclone filter in household appliances remains at the leading positions, it is necessary to evaluate all its advantages and disadvantages even before the purchase. In addition, you need to understand the technical features of such units, compare them with traditional devices equipped with garbage bags, and solutions with aquafilter.
The first vacuum cleaners in which such a filter was built had many flaws and were not popular. Only continuous improvement of technology has allowed to reach developers of the highest technological level. True, modern models still have significant drawbacks.
The principle of operation of cyclonic devices is easily explained from the point of view of physical processes. The body contains two impressive bulbs through which air flows. They move in a spiral at the maximum speed. It is thanks to the artificial creation of vortices that it is possible to separate dirt particles, which settle on a special filter and then are removed. Today, some manufacturers offer models with two filters, capable of collecting not only large, but also the smallest particles of dust. Their absorbing capacity is about 97%.

cyclone vacuum cleaner filter Advantages and obvious advantages of the cyclone type
In today's cyclone vacuum cleaner, developers have tried to take into account all previous mistakes. Thanks to numerous tests, innovative models have the following advantages over their analogues:
- Stable power ratings. The cyclone filter is designed in such a way that even when the collector is filled with dust, the dust suction capacity remains at the initial level. The already absorbed dirt does not create any barriers for subsequent work.
- Ease of operation. For most consumers, the main advantages of the vacuum cleaner are that there is no need to undergo complex cleaning procedures after cleaning. Do not wash the containers, change the bags, even throw away the dust collected at one time is not necessary.
- No pronounced noise effect. Unlike other models, this technique does not need to work on the verge of overload, which is usually the cause of loud operation of the units.
- Ease of control of absorbed particles. It is not in every vacuum cleaner that you can find a valuable item accidentally caught in the pipe after cleaning. In the case where a cyclone is used, you do not even have to dig in a pile of dirt, the part simply settles on the filter.
Tip: The advantages of individual models can be more numerous. To find them you need to carefully read the technological characteristics of the device, the features of its filters, a set of additional properties and auxiliary functions. True, you will have to pay a lot more for this.
Weaknesses of the innovative technology and their impact on the functionality of the
product Unfortunately, there are no ideal devices for cleaning up yet. Even such a convenient and functional cyclone filter, and the device designed on its basis, has a number of shortcomings. If you know about them in advance and prepare for the operational features, the disadvantages will not seem so significant.
- With the collection of very thin, light, practically weightless particles there can be difficulties. Such a vacuum cleaner is not suited for cleaning fluff, hair, threads, animal hair.
- In the process of creating internal vortices, the device starts creating and storing static electricity. After a while, it begins to spread to the body. Getting a strike like this is not dangerous to health, but rather sensitive and unpleasant.
- The speed of the machine has a direct impact on the quality of suction. If it suddenly falls sharply( this happens when the curtains or upholstery is sucked in), the artificial vortex is destroyed, the garbage no longer holds back and filters the filter. After eliminating the problem, the vacuum cleaner needs time to recruit.
- The device will work well only if there is a stable airflow. The power regulator is not available for such models.
- Specific sounds during cleaning. If medium or massive dense particles get into the plastic container, they beat against the walls, leading to a very noticeable rumble.
- The disadvantage of the plastic housing. Particles of dirt, passing through containers, scratch the plastic surface. Over time, the walls of the body are covered with such a dense network of scratches that become cloudy. Because of this it can be difficult to understand the state of the filter.
- Power costs. For a powerful absorption requires a large amount of energy, so with regular and high-quality processing of even a small area, the utility bill can grow.

The dust collector of the cyclone vacuum cleaner
Manufacturers are trying to deal with the listed disadvantages of cyclone models, but so far unsuccessfully. Consumers have to either take these moments, or choose more suitable for their queries analogs.
Rules for choosing a vacuum cleaner with a cyclone filter
Given the variety of modern models of vacuum cleaners in which a cyclone filter is installed, the process of selecting a suitable instrument can create many difficulties. In this case, it is recommended to pay attention to the following:
- Power. Trying to save on electricity, some consumers do not purchase the most energy-intensive models, but as a result they remain unhappy with the suction power indicators. By the way, the last indicator manufacturers do not always point out, or they try to hit customers with data, giving the maximum figures. This should be closely monitored. If the suction power is not indicated at all, it is worth paying attention to models consuming from 1800 to 2000 W.
- The volume of the dust collection container. The golden mean depends on the number of rooms in the apartment and their area. It should be noted that in a vacuum cleaner with a small dust collector is not so much weight, it is compact and convenient to use, but when cleaning a large space it will often be emptied. Overall models do not require frequent cleaning, but can unpleasantly surprise with their impressive weight.
- Additional filters are optional, but welcome. Devices in which only the base filter is installed will return some dust to the atmosphere. The best option will be a product with HEPA filters that can reduce emissions to a minimum.
- Optional accessories. The standard set usually includes 3 to 6 nozzles. These are devices for cleaning carpets, furniture and hard-to-reach places. The presence of such devices significantly facilitates the cleaning process.
- Additional options. An individual moment based on the habits of specific people. For some, it is important to have wheels and material from which they are made, for others - the existence of the function of rewinding the cord when the device approaches the outlet.

One of the models of the
cyclone vacuum cleaner. When choosing a suitable vacuum cleaner with a cyclone filter, there can be no minor details, it is from the individual parts that the overall impression of the model is based. Sometimes it is the optional option that causes dissatisfaction with a powerful and functional product. Not the least role is played by the country of manufacture of the vacuum cleaner, the name of the manufacturer. Traditionally, the most high-quality devices are models from Europe and the USA.