- What can I paint?
- Can I paint the wallpaper if it's torn?
- What do you need?
- How to paint a paper wallpaper?
- Types of paints
- Preparing the wall
- Preparing the paint
- Applying the paint
Sealing the room with wallpaper - the occupation is not so complicated, but it takes time. We need to remove the old cover, put the wall in order - in general, it will take at least three days, or even a week, but I want to manage quickly. There is a way out! Time to repair will be much less if you cover the walls with paint directly on the paper. How to paint old wallpaper? This will be discussed in our article.
to the contents ↑What can I paint?
The answer to the question, whether it is possible to paint wallpaper, depends on what the walls are glued to. To change the color of the walls in this way it is possible, if on them:
- paper;
- non-woven fabric;
- silk plaster.
Important! There are special wallpaper for painting - with them there are no problems, they are designed for this. Magnificently colored fleece, while you can paint both the wallpaper and the wall below them. Silk plaster can be removed, and with the help of another dye and all kinds of additives get a new color and texture, and then again cover it with walls.
There are coatings that can not be painted in the usual way:
- textile panels;
- fiberglass wallpaper.
In these cases, other technologies are used.
Important! As for vinyl-based coating, it is more difficult to paint than glue. The easiest way is to apply the paint to the paper.
to the contents ↑Can I paint the wallpaper if it is torn?
Very important question: when does it make sense to paint paper wallpaper? Paper is a fairly cheap material, however, it has a number of unpleasant properties:
- fades;
- is covered with stains that do not rub well;
- breaks;
- if the repair is not done very well, it separates from the walls without your participation.
If the wallpaper is well held, but faded - they can be dyed. As well as in the case when spots appeared on the wall - greasy, from a felt pen, etc.
Important! Do not worry that they will appear on a new coating, you will still ground the wall.
Ragged wallpaper can also be covered with paint, but it all depends on how serious the damage is. If it's just scratches, cuts or behind small pieces, you can safely go to the store for paint. But if the coating was badly glued and departs by itself, it's easier and cheaper to replace it.
to the contents ↑What do you need?
Having received a positive answer to the question whether it is possible to paint ordinary wallpaper with paint, think that you will need:
- paint;
- primer;
- painting tape;
- roller;
- narrow and wide brushes;
- several meters of polyethylene film.
Primer, paint tape, film:
- The primer will provide better adhesion of the paint to the surface. In addition, the paper has the property of absorbing moisture, and water, in turn, dissolves the glue. So without water-repellent soil all your works will go wrong - the newly painted sheets will be splendidly separated from the wall.
- Paint tape is necessary to protect the skirting board and other parts that should not get drips. You can buy it at any construction store.
- Take care not to spoil floors and furniture that can not be carried. They should be covered with a plastic wrap( for example, for greenhouses).
Brushes and rollers
And why brushes of different widths? It's very simple - you have to paint over the corners and the places next to the sockets or switches. In a word, one can not do without a single brush or a roller.
You can find on sale several types of rollers with different length of pile. What to choose to paint old wallpaper - depends on the quality of the coating on the walls:
- if they are smooth, the pile should be short;
- if the invoice is long.
How to paint the paper wallpaper?
It is very important to choose the right paint. The first rule, which should be guided - it should be for interior decoration of premises, and not for facades.
Important! It is not necessary to apply oil paints for the room - of course, once the premises were finished exclusively by them, but simply because there were no others.
Surface quality
Now you can see on the shelves of paint, giving different types of surface:
- glossy;
- semi-glossy;
- satin;
- matte;
- half-matched.
Important! Which option to choose - depends on the purpose of the room, lighting and sizes:
- For a large living room or bedroom with large windows matte walls are more suitable.
- It is better to paint a small kitchenette with glossy paint - it will seem bigger and lighter.
Performance characteristics
When choosing a finishing material to paint old wallpaper, it is necessary to focus on its other qualities:
- Resistance to light. If the paint burns out badly, you will have to do some fresh repairs soon enough. So try to choose one that does not change color too quickly under the influence of sunlight.
- Resistance to mechanical impact. The less sensitive the coating is to mechanical influences, the better. In principle, all interior paints give a solid surface, which is difficult to scratch, but do not forget to consult the consultant.
- Transparency. Pay special attention to such a characteristic as transparency. The paint, which is already covered with walls, should not shine through a new layer, otherwise - you risk getting walls of the wrong shade you want.
- Environmentally friendly. Finishing materials, which form the internal premises of apartments or houses, should not emit harmful substances. It is desirable that they do not react with the environment at all.
- Water resistance. Resistance to moisture is important so that the surfaces can be washed without heavy consequences for them.
- Drying time. From the time of complete drying it depends on how quickly you can make repairs.
Types of paints
Paints, which can be painted on paper wallpapers, come in different bases:
- alkyd;
- aquatic;
- latex.
Alkyd Paints
Alkydic compositions fit well on paper and form a protective film that allows washing the walls with any detergent. The undoubted advantages include the fact that the composition always has antifungal supplements and antiseptics.
However, they have some very significant drawbacks that make such a paint more suitable for fiberglass than for paper walls:
- the walls do not "breathe";
- the texture of the wallpaper is lost;
- serve only about five years;
- contain toxic substances;
- is on.
Important! Alkyd dyes are mainly used for non-residential premises, where, in addition, there is little danger of ignition.
Water-based and latex-based paints
Is it possible to paint paper wallpaper with water-based paint? You can and even need to, if you decide to take up this occupation. At water-emulsion, in addition to the low price, there is still a lot of useful properties:
- does not smell;
- dries quickly;
- does not contain harmful substances, respectively - does not emit them when the coating is destroyed;
- is not sensitive to mechanical influences;
- transmits air;
- does not react with the environment.
Important! Because water-based paints let in air, the fungus does not settle on paper. Surfaces finished with such material are easy to clean, and, it is usually not necessary to use aggressive detergents.
Types of water-based paints
There are two types of water-based paints:
- acrylic on latex;
- acrylic on a water basis.
For fit-out of living quarters, both are suitable.
Latex formulations do not allow paper to get wet and fall off the walls. You can wash them with any detergent. You can paint both smooth and textured surfaces, and the texture is preserved.
Latex based acrylic paints are the most popular type of finishing materials. They perfectly protect the paper coating from mechanical influences, perfectly preserve the relief.
A lot of positive properties and acrylic paints on a water basis:
- does not smell;
- very quickly dry;
- passes air;
- does not form streaks during work.
What to give preference?
When choosing a particular composition, it is necessary to take into account the surface appearance:
- Acrylic water-based paints are more suitable for non-woven surfaces.
- For paper it is better to choose latex.
Important! An important condition for the popularity of these colors is the low price. They do not contain expensive solvents, which makes such materials available to most.
In addition, the choice of such colors in stores is quite wide, and if desired, you can order any suitable shade, or even make it yourself, taking a white water-based paint and the corresponding color. This allows you to get original color solutions.
to the contents ↑Preparing the wall
Before painting the usual wallpaper, you need to put the wall in order. The procedure is quite ordinary, and, perhaps, even easier than preparing for pasting new wallpapers:
- First thing is to take out of the room all the furniture you can take out.
- The one that remained, move away from the walls, cover with a plastic wrap.
- Remove any dust from the wallpaper in any suitable way, best of all with a vacuum cleaner, but with a soft cloth.
- If possible, get rid of stains - they, of course, will go under the paint, but it is better if the surface is as homogeneous as possible.
- Glue the skirting board with a paint tape - you can do with a wide tape, but it's not very convenient.
- If somewhere the pieces of wallpaper have moved away from the walls, glue them or remove them.
- If it stuck not very smoothly - sand the place with sandpaper with a fine fraction.
Important! You need to remove not only the dust, but also the web, if it is.
After the walls are prepared, it is necessary to apply the primer. This is a fairly simple procedure, familiar to everyone who has ever been engaged in repairs. Compositions can be different.
For the coloring of paper wallpaper, suitable, for example, primer based on PVA.The water-based paint falls on it just perfectly. The most important thing is to let the wall dry completely. In this case, to start work a little later than planned - it is much more useful than hurry. You need to wait at least 24 hours.
Important! When applying soil, the room must be completely closed, it is impossible to ventilate the room until the composition dries completely.
to the contents ↑We prepare the paint
Each instruction manual is attached to each bank, and it is best to read it carefully. But there are several general considerations that need to be considered:
- The paint must be mixed until the mass becomes homogeneous.
- Kohler is best added not by yourself, but ask to do it as a consultant in a construction shop.
Important! Do not forget to keep the check: if there is not enough paint, you can always go to the same outlet and order the exact same composition on the code on the check.
to the contents ↑Apply the paint
Well, everything is ready, you can proceed to the final stage - directly painting old wallpaper.
Important! If you do not have a lot of experience in painting, try painting the sections of the walls first where the cabinets and the sofa will stand - when you put everything in its place, these pieces will not be visible, and you can practice.
But it's better to follow this procedure:
- Begin painting on top, with large horizontal strokes going in one direction.
- Apply the paint evenly, without spaces, evenly.
- After the entire surface is painted, paint the corners, the areas adjacent to the skirting board - it's more convenient to use a thin brush.
- Wait 3-4 hours.
- Apply one more coat.
Important! To check how you accomplished your task, carefully examine the wall, bringing to it a bright lamp. If the surface is smooth, without divorces, drops and places where the old coating comes through - everything is in order. If there are defects, paint over them or overlay another layer.
We were convinced that it is not only possible to paint old wallpaper, but sometimes it is also very profitable? Then proceed to update the design of the room you need, because now you know how to do it simply and qualitatively.