How to clean a crystal vase from a white raid?

  • Crystal Care Features
  • Crystal Cleaning at Home
  • Than to wash crystals so that it shines and looks like new?
  • How do I clean the crystal with gilding?
  • How do I clean a crystal chandelier at home?
  • Useful advices:

How to clean a crystal vase from white plaque, it will be useful to know all the housewives. After all, probably, in each house there is some object from crystal. In the old days, glasses, vases, chandeliers, salad bowls from this glass meant prosperity and luxury. And today, crystal is an ornament of any festive table.

The items from crystal are not only very fragile, but also require special careful care. In order to preserve the attractive shine of the vase, the elegance and magnificence of the crystal chandelier and other items from this material need to be known specifically than to wash the crystal so that it shines. In the shops of household chemicals you can find special liquids and aerosols for cleaning such items, but you can successfully do without them. In this article we will tell you how to clean crystal dishes at home economically and qualitatively, having spent a minimum amount of time on it.

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Features of Crystal Care

Regardless of the chosen means, which you decided to perform crystal clearing, you should know the basics of how to wash the crystal to shine:

  • To prevent additional dust from emerging, wipe the surface with a dry clean rag.
  • Use warm water for washing. In cold or hot water, utensils can burst or fade.
  • Before cleaning, the bottom of the container in which the process will occur is covered with foam rubber or a soft cloth to avoid scratching or breaking the object.
  • For the washing of dishes from this brittle material, means with abrasive components are not suitable. These substances can scratch the glass.
  • If you wear rings, they should be removed, or put on cotton gloves to protect the material from scratches.
  • Clean the surface with a clean, lint-free cloth.
  • Glasses and glasses on the legs should be kept during the process behind the bottom.

Important! After the items have been cleaned, wipe them dry with a paper towel or a soft cloth. Do not leave glasses to dry. As a result, there will be a divorce, and the washing process will have to start anew.

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Cleaning the crystal at home

Before cleaning the crystal vase against white coating or other stains, determine the degree of contamination of the object. Proceeding from this, choose the method of cleaning the damaged areas.

You may need the following items:

  • Hand protection gloves.
  • Microfiber cloths and woolen cloth to grate crystal.
  • Paper towels to wipe off the remnants of the remedy.
  • Detergent or liquid for cleaning glasses "Mr. Muscle".
  • Alcohol or ammonia.
  • Vinegar.
  • Sea salt.
  • Sink.
  • Fresh potatoes.

All these components can be found in the household. If something does not, buy it in the store where this product is sold. With their help, you can easily clean crystal glasses, vases and salad bowls from the divorce from water, dust, plaque, remains of drinks and food, restore the attractive sparkling look of your dishes.

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Than to wash the crystal so that it shone and looked like new?

Wash the inventory of this glass is not difficult. The main thing - to choose the right method and means for cleaning the surface. Carefully read the recommendations, prepare the tool and get to work. Following the sequence of actions, you can easily and quickly cope with cleaning.

Soapy solution

This is the simplest way to clean up dirt, such as stains on glasses, or to clean a crystal vase from white plaque.

How to use:

  1. Pour a little detergent into warm water.
  2. Stir well until bubbles form.
  3. Wash glasses and glasses in soapy water.
  4. Rinse the remaining foam with clean, cool water.
  5. Use a woolen cloth to polish the objects.


If you have chalk at home, use it to clean the surface of the glass. Chalk is an excellent option for cleaning the crystal from non-persistent stains and to restore gloss. To implement this method, you still need to have a blue eye.

How to use:

  1. Prepare soapy water in warm water and rinse with visible dirt.
  2. Mix in a shallow container of 2 tablespoons of chalk, a quarter teaspoon of bluegrass and 2 tablespoons of water.

Important! Before mixing the chalk, it should be ground to a powder.

  1. Mix well the product and apply to the glass.
  2. Do not apply special efforts, wipe the contaminated areas.
  3. Rinse with clean water and wipe dry with a flannel cloth.


Perhaps every housewife in the kitchen cupboard has a little starch. With its help, you can remove stains from dust on the crystal and clean the crystal vase from white plaque at home.

How to use:

  1. Take a soft cloth and apply a little starch on it. Soak the object in clean water.
  2. Rub the soils with starch until the dirt disappears.
  3. Rinse off the remaining white powder in cold water.
  4. Wipe the dishes dry.
  5. If necessary, polish with a woolen cloth.

Vinegar and salt

If the dirt on the dishes is stronger than the settling of ordinary dust, you will have to use more effective ways how to wash the crystal dishes to shine. In this case, you will need vinegar and salt.

How to use:

  1. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar and half a glass of salt to a liter of warm water.
  2. Stir the ingredients thoroughly until the salt dissolves completely.
  3. Leave the glasses in the liquid for a few minutes.
  4. Wash objects with cold water.
  5. Wipe the dishes dry with a soft cloth.
  6. Brush products with alcohol - to do this, apply a small amount of alcohol on a napkin and wipe the glass.

Sea salt and vinegar

Do you often receive flowers or do you bring plants from the country? Putting them in a sparkling crystal vase, the bouquet will look even more beautiful. But over time, a greenish or brown sediment from the flowers forms on the bottom of the vase. Than to wash crystal ware to shine? You will need sea salt. It not only has a beneficial effect on the skin of a person, but also will serve as an excellent tool for cleaning crystal.

How to use:

  1. Mix sea salt and vinegar in a small container.
  2. Pour the resulting liquid into the vase and leave it for a few minutes.
  3. Pour out liquid and rinse with warm water.
  4. Shine the crystal. To do this, dilute in a liter of water 2 tablespoons of vinegar and rinse in the prepared liquid clean dishes.
  5. Polish the object with a woolen cloth.


Potatoes will help to wash the crystal dishes to shine without much effort on your part.

Option number 1

After the feast must necessarily have to wash dishes. With each time on the edges of crystal salad bowls, the remains of fat are getting washed away. In the future, salad leaves lose their luster and become dull and unattractive. To clean the container of such persistent impurities, apply the following composition when washing:

  1. Boil a little potatoes.
  2. In a separate container, drain the liquid from the potatoes and leave to cool it to a warm state.
  3. Put the salad bowl in the potato water.
  4. Leave for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Remove the crystal object and rinse the remaining potato broth in cold water.
  6. Dry the equipment with a soft cloth.
  7. If necessary, gloss with ammonia. To do this, mix alcohol and water in a 3: 1 ratio.
  8. Lower the object into the remedy for 5 minutes.
  9. Wipe the product with a woolen cloth.

Variant No. 2

If in your sideboard crystal dishes are only for beauty, then from time it also loses its shine and acquires a yellow shade. To remove such a defect, use one more method, like washing crystal, to shine with the help of potatoes:

  1. Peel the potatoes from the peel and cut into small pieces or grate them.
  2. Collect the potato paste on the contaminated area and rub it lightly.
  3. For best effect, leave for a few minutes.
  4. In warm water add a small amount of blue and rinse the dishes in it.
  5. Dry the object with a dry, lint-free cloth.
  6. In addition, shine by wiping the product with alcohol or vinegar.

Baking soda

A sticky coating on the crystal faces is a separate story. It can occur both on stale dishes and on unwashed in time after a feast. How to wash the crystal so that it shines in this case? Use an indispensable universal tool for cleaning not only kitchen pans. Cleansing the crystal in this way, he again begins to glitter solemnly.

How to use:

  1. Depending on the number of dishes to be cleaned, make the necessary amount of soda solution.

Important! To prepare the solution, do not pour a large amount of soda, from its excess crystal can darken.

  1. For a few hours leave the dishes in it to dissolve the traces of wine and juice.

Important! Do not rub the glasses with soda, afterwards scratches may appear on the surface.

  1. Wash away any remaining liquid in warm water with vinegar.
  2. Wipe the crystal with a paper towel.
  3. Shine goblets with alcohol, vinegar or ammonia.
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How to clean the crystal with gilding?

There are many kinds of crystal dishes. To diversify the assortment, as a decorative product from such glass manufacturers can additionally decorate with gilded elements. Do not know how to wash glassware to shine and not to wipe the gilding? To do this, we again need vinegar. It not only perfectly cleans the surface of dirt and dust, but also saves gilding on the product.

Cleaning steps:

  1. Before starting the main cleaning, soak the dishes in warm water.
  2. Clean the product with a soft cloth.

Important! During the cleaning of dishes, the gilded areas should not be processed.

  1. In warm water add vinegar in the proportion: for 1 liter of water 1 tablespoon of vinegar.
  2. Thoroughly rinse the crystal dishes in the liquid.
  3. Wipe the equipment dry with a cotton cloth.

Important! You can not use funds with aggressive ingredients to wash the crystal, so as not to erase the drawing or gilding.

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How do I clean a crystal chandelier at home?

Crystal chandelier looks beautiful and majestic indoors. Therefore, a large number of people do not dare to change it for conventional glass lamps. But to wash such a chandelier is not an easy task, but it needs to be done quite often. All the dust and dirt very quickly settles on the surface of the crystal, which leads to the loss of its former beauty and brilliance. How to clean a crystal chandelier in the home, we will talk further, offering you the most simple and effective methods.

How to wash a chandelier with fixed parts

The most difficult thing is to wash the crystal chandelier to shine, if the design is not disassembled. In this case, proceed in this way.

Remove the dust from the chandelier:

  1. If there is dust on the chandelier elements, you can remove it using the Go Duster brush.
  2. Sufficiently light movements, so that the suspension or other elements do not touch each other, brush off the dust from the chandelier.

Important! If the hanging elements start knocking against each other, they can crack or break.

  1. Fluted chandelier parts, clean dust with a paint brush.

If the elements of the chandelier can not be removed, then the wet cleaning will have to be carried out by weight.

Professional aerosols

You can purchase a special tool for the care of crystal products in the hardware store. With the help of such tools, without effort, you can remove simple dirt from the chandelier.

Cleaning steps:

  1. Place the oilcloth under the chandelier so that the remnants of the product do not get on the carpet.
  2. Apply a lot of aerosol to the surface of the chandelier.
  3. Liquid, draining down, will remove all impurities from the elements.
  4. Wipe the chandelier with a clean rag.

Home remedies

If there is no special spray, and there is no time to go shopping, prepare one of the means, the recipe of which was described earlier.

Cleaning steps:

  1. Wet a lint-free cloth in a suitable cleaning agent.
  2. Gently wipe each element of the chandelier, starting from the top pieces moving down.
  3. To give extra shine to the details, wipe them with alcohol, vinegar or ammonia.

How to remove dust from a chandelier with removable parts?

It is much easier to clean the chandelier if it has parts that can be removed.

Cleaning steps:

  1. Removable chandelier parts are thoroughly washed in soapy water.
  2. In a container of clean water, add a little vinegar and rinse the suspension.
  3. Wipe each part with a soft cloth.
  4. To add extra shine to the crystal elements, wipe them with a damp cloth moistened with alcohol.
  5. Hang the suspension back.

Important! To get rid of the appearance of stains or fingerprints, wash the chandelier in cotton gloves.

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Useful advices:

  • Do not use hot water to wash crystal objects. From this temperature, the products will fade and they will have microcracks.
  • Do not use abrasive or cleaning agents on fragile glass.
  • For better cleaning, purchase special products for the care of crystal.
  • Do not clean objects from crystal with soap - it will create a film on the surface.
  • Removable chandelier elements with metal parts do not stay in water for long periods of time so that corrosion does not occur.
  • After contact with liquid, wipe the objects with a towel dry.
  • To prevent dust from sticking to the glass, treat objects with antistatic glass sprays.
  • You should keep crystal dishes, which you rarely use, separately from each other.
  • After completing the washing process, do not stack items one by one - they may crack.
  • When heated, the glass can crack, so do not use salad bowls and plates from this glass for hot or cold food.
  • The composition of the crystal is a small amount of lead, so it is strictly forbidden to use it in the oven or microwave oven.

Now you know the most simple and effective ways how to wash crystal. Using the recommendations and recipes given in this article, the cleaning process does not take much time and effort, and the result of the work done will bring pleasure from the acquisition of crystal of impeccable purity and original brilliance.