- The main stages of facial care in the spring
- Home cosmetics
- Useful advices:
During the long winter we get tired of frost, cold and snow, we are looking forward to the most beautiful time of the year - spring. It's so nice to change heavy clothes for a lighter and elegant, to put a face in the spring sunny face, to rejoice in joy and enjoy the bright colors of nature. In this period, along with nature, you want to blossom, but after the winter winds, temperature drops and lack of vitamins, the body requires enhanced protection and recovery. That is why facial skin care in the spring should be especially gentle and balanced
After winter, the protective layer of the skin becomes thinner, it looks dull, gray, the dry skin becomes rough, and the fatty skin becomes inflamed. Active spring sun makes more visible wrinkles and freckles appearing. To meet the spring rays fully armed, we will consider in more detail all the stages of face care and make a full spring diet for skin tissues.
to the table of contents ↑The main stages of face care in the spring
The spring period, like any other season, requires regular and proper skin care from us. The process itself consists of 4 stages:
- Cleaning.
- Humidification.
- Power.
- Protection.
For each of these procedures you can choose not only more suitable for the price and effect on your skin remedies, but also ways of leaving.
Stage # 1.Skin cleansing
The first stage is the most important process, especially in the spring, this is due to the fact that after winter colds, depleted dry, rough skin tissues must be cleaned of the layer of dead cells. Only after the cleansing procedure, you can proceed to the next stages of facial skin care in the spring.
To return the skin velvety and smoothness will help such ways of influence.
Deep cleansing of the epidermis
Caring for the skin in the spring, select the means for deep cleaning in accordance with the type of your skin and its condition. In beauty salons or a cosmetic clinic, there are two types of purification:
- Ultrasound. Includes grinding of the skin and is performed for surface cleansing.
- Mechanical. It is aimed at deeper action, removes subcutaneous gums and acne.
At home you can do:
- Peeling. Helps to restore the skin by removing the dead cells and the contents of skin pores. Peeling can be different: most often resort to a procedure using fruit acids. The duration of this procedure is 20 minutes. After peeling, the skin is covered with a cream with a high coefficient of protection. We recommend peeling before the active sun( until mid-March).
- Scrub. To avoid injury to the skin, carefully select the scrubs. Holders of normal or dry skin can apply the scrub only after applying a moisturizing and nourishing mask. Ideally, it should look like this: a nutritious mask in the evening - cleansing in the morning. To establish the correct face care in the spring, you should not use the scrub more than 2 times a week.
- Gommage is a procedure for removing the top layer of the skin in order to improve the structure and appearance of the tissues. This is one of the types of peeling, but since gommage does not contain solid particles, it treats the skin much more carefully, without exposing it to mechanical action. Purification occurs due to the chemical active substances( fruit acids) that make up the product. Ideal for this facial treatment in the spring for thin, sensitive, dry, fading skin. Frequency of application: with combined and oily skin - up to 3 times a week, with normal and dry - no more than 1-2 times a week.
Important! All procedures for cleansing the upper layer of the skin lead to the initiation of restorative intracellular tissue processes. With dry skin, exfoliation is recommended twice a month, and for normal combined and fat, weekly.
Cleansing in the morning and before going to bed
To wash better with boiled water or cooked broths and infusions of herbs. Prepare infusions or decoctions of mint, chamomile, parsley. Ice cubes prepared from decoctions can also be used. Rub face to face massage lines.
In the morning, in skin care, turn on and toning. Tonics should not contain alcohol. In the evening, make sure to remove makeup, to cleanse your face, use cosmetics that exclude alcohol.
For dry skin users, we recommend cosmetic milk for cleansing, and after each interaction with water apply a nourishing cream. If the skin is combined, then for cleansing use gels or creams for washing.
Important! The cleansing phase in the spring should be particularly delicate, since any skin, even fatty, is very sensitive during this period. Therefore, give preference to natural, non-aggressive cosmetic products. Well-established home cosmetics, which we will discuss below.
Stage number 2.Moistening
A dense winter cream is changed to light moisturizing cosmetics. These products should be in the form of a gel, contain fruit acids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Together with industrial creams, include in the spring facial skin care and home-made masks.
Important! Moisturizing cream for dry skin should be made on an oil base, and for a greasy - on the water.
Stage # 3.Power
At this stage, we recommend using home-made vegetable, fruit, fermented milk, honey masks for the face. With the regular use of such cosmetics, facial skin will quickly replenish with nutrients and be restored from the inside.
Important! Such masks are applied in the evening, after a deep cleansing of the skin, in order to maximize the permeability and concentration of nutrients in the skin.
For the skin to shine in the daytime, at night it needs peace and good nutrition. Therefore, when choosing a night cream, be sure to study its composition and applicability to a particular type of skin. For example:
- night cream for dry skin should contain vegetable oils: almonds, apricots, avocados, jojoba;
- for oily skin, night cream should contain a minimum of fats, so it is better to use a gel-based cosmetic product that includes soothing ingredients such as calendula, bisabolol, and allantonin.
- for normal skin, select a liquid moisturizer.
Stage # 4.Restoration and protection of skin tissues
The first autumn rays of the sun can cause cracks in the skin, rashes, so for the face care in the spring, use cosmetic products containing nicotine and ascorbic acid, vitamin C. And to protect the delicate face from the effects of ultraviolet light,having high sun filters with an index of at least 25.
Important! If the "sun marks" have already settled on your face, then to wipe the skin use home cosmetics, made with cucumber, birch, lemon juice. Then in a short time you will get rid of unwanted pigmentation on the face.
Protection and restoration of skin includes not only external moisturizing and nourishing tissues, but also restoring the whole body from the inside. It is achieved by a balanced diet, as well as a proper drinking regime. In the diet must include:
- more fresh vegetables and fruits;
- greens, nuts;
- sour-milk products and natural vegetable oils.
In the spring it is desirable to take a vitamin-mineral complex, while do not get carried away with sweet, fatty and flour products.
Important! Adhere to the drinking regime: try to drink during the day at least 2 liters of liquid, preferably water, compotes. Only in this way you will be able to establish proper skin care in the spring and improve your body as a whole.
to the contents ↑Home cosmetics
To date, the store range of cosmetics is full of variety, but, unfortunately, not all the means of industrial production consist of only natural ingredients. Therefore, in the spring for particularly sensitive skin, facial care is best done with home cosmetics, consisting of proven products safe for a gentle, unprotected skin. We offer you some effective and simple recipes.
Exfoliating Vitamin Mask
- 20 ml of olive oil.
- ½ pulp of grapefruit.
Method of preparation and use:
- Ingredients whisk together with a blender before forming gruel.
- Apply a mask to the face.
- Leave the mask on for 15 minutes.
- Wash off with plenty of water at room temperature.
Gommage for dry and sensitive skin
- Sour cream.
- Kefir.
Use products in equal proportions, the fatter the better.
How to use:
- Sour cream and kefir whisk until smooth.
- Apply evenly on face.
- Allow mask to dry.
- Massaging movements, rinse gommage from the skin.
Mask for oily skin type
- Oat flakes( 2 tbsp.).
- White cosmetic clay - 10 g.
- Chamomile flowers - 10 g.
- Hydrogen peroxide solution in the ratio 1: 3.
How to use:
- Oat flakes, crush into large crumbs.
- Mix chopped flakes with clay and chamomile.
- Prepare a dry mixture with a hydrogen peroxide solution.
- Stir until the consistency of thick sour cream.
- Apply the prepared mask to your face.
- Leave the mask for 10 minutes.
- With massaging movements, rinse the product off the skin.
Whitening face mask
- Lemon - ½ fruit pulp.
- Potato starch - 2 tbsp.l.
Mix the ingredients and apply the mask to the skin. After 10 minutes, rinse the product and moisten the face with cream.
Mask for whitening freckles and nourishing skin
- Banana - ½.
- Fresh milk - 1 tbsp.l.
- Lemon juice - 4 drops.
Cut the halves of a banana and mix with a tablespoon of milk. Add 4 drops of lemon juice to the mixture. Apply the mask to the face and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with boiled water.
Important! To fight with freckles fit: juice of parsley, lemon juice, as well as a mask made from egg white, lemon, cucumber and carrot juice. You can prepare a decoction of parsley( pour 1 bundle of boiling water, and after 30 minutes drain), and then several times a day, rub your face with ice cubes from broth or chilled broth.
Nourishing mask
- Fatty cottage cheese - 2 tbsp.l.
- Milk - 2 tbsp.l.
- Honey - 1 tsp.
Combine the cottage cheese with warm milk. Add liquid honey to the mixture. Apply the composition on face, and after 20 minutes wash with warm filtered or boiled water.
Universal Nourishing Mask
- Olive oil.
- Honey
- Lemon juice.
- Ground oatmeal.
- The prepared ingredients are mixed until a paste-like consistency is formed.
- Apply the mask for 15 minutes on the skin.
- Wash off with warm, filtered water.
Mask for inflamed and problem skin
- Spinach leaves - 1 tbsp.l.
- Egg white.
Grind the fox spinach and stir it with the beaten egg whites. Apply the mask on the face and leave for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water.
Nettle masks
Nettle is used not only to strengthen and grow hair. In the spring it is necessary to cook soup and make masks. Nettle is a good multivitamin product, as it contains ascorbic acid 2 times more than lemon and black currant. In addition, such a valuable herb contains vitamins: K, E, B and trace elements: magnesium, copper, calcium, iron and others.
To carry out facial skin care in spring with nettle, choose one of the following methods:
- Mask No. 1.Fresh leaves of nettle rub into gruel and mix with liquid honey. Apply the mask for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
- Mask # 2.Shredded nettle leaves pour warm milk, let it brew for 20 minutes and add: for dry skin - half of the mixed yolk, for oily skin - protein. Mix everything and apply the mask for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Useful tips:
- To prevent the appearance of freckles, get used to the sun gradually, starting from 15 minutes. From the bright spring sun, cover your face with an umbrella or a wide-brimmed hat.
- To prevent the appearance of freckles every day, drink ½ cup of freshly squeezed, sweetened cabbage juice. If you do not want to squeeze the juice, then eat on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening 2-3 st.l.sauerkraut( or drink cabbage brine).
- Prevents the appearance of freckles alternation of dairy products with cabbage: in the morning drink ⅓ Art.juice of sour cabbage, and in the evening - a glass of milk or kefir.
- If you suffer from the appearance of freckles after winter, then in the spring and summer you will not benefit from peeling, because after the procedure the skin becomes sensitive to sunlight, which means that the opposite effect is possible - stains will become larger.
- To revitalize the skin, do wipes with ice cubes prepared from mineral water in the morning. The procedure should not be long, do not wipe the face after wiping with a towel, but pat dry.
- Pay attention to the skin around the eyes. To remove bags and swelling under the eyes, make compresses from tea bags.
- To protect your eyes from premature wrinkles and the delicate skin around your eyes from pigmentation, wear sunglasses as soon as bright spring sun rays appear.
- The best cosmetologist is a dream. Sweet and prolonged sleep will decorate better than the most exquisite make-up.
- Do not forget about the restoring and rejuvenating properties of the bath. Russian sauna on firewood is the most ancient folk remedy for cleansing and restoring the body.
- Cleansing, nourishment and hydration are necessary procedures not only for the face, but also for the whole body. Skin care should be complex. Pay special attention to toning ingredients in cosmetics.
- Spring is the time for toning and moisturizing baths. Add a few drops of essence or orange oil, grapefruit to a warm bath. If you like to practice different means, use the recipe of Cleopatra's bath: add to the bath 1-1,5 l of fatty milk and 2-3 st.l.honey. After taking a bath, rinse the body with cool water. The skin will become smooth and velvety.
- Be sure to pay attention to the coarse skin of elbows, heels, and also the state of your hands. Use the aforementioned home cosmetics for the whole body.
We hope that the tips and recipes from this article will help you look in the spring of a young, rested, beautiful, full energy. Spring mood for you!