For a long time, Denis Klyaver was in the Tea for Two group. Thanks to his participation in the team, he quickly gained popularity and became a sought-after vocalist. Success brought not only recognition, but also financial stability: the artist was able to acquire a large plot and build a luxurious house for himself and his family. In an interview, Denis said that he had long dreamed of a big cottage, because he likes to meet friends and have barbecues. The new house has everything you need for a comfortable life: Denis and his wife have thought through the entire interior and created a space suitable for all their needs.
Read in the article
- 1 Cottage outside the city
- 2 Interior solutions in a country house
- 3 Life before the dream house
Cottage outside the city
The peculiarity of the interior is the use of many wooden inserts and details - some rooms in the house are completely lined with wood. Interestingly, the artist's video called "When you get big, son" was filmed in this house, and in the video you can see a lot of interior solutions. Denis Klyaver also posts photos from the house on his blog. Denis's family is very friendly, children from previous marriages often come to visit, and several cats and dogs live in the house, with whom the youngest son, Daniel, loves to play.

Interior solutions in a country house
When the couple had a child, most of the rooms were refurbished in such a way that it was convenient for the son to move from one to another.
The house is very light due to the presence of large windows with thin frames. And the main color scheme is a combination of light shades: beige, light brown, aquamarine.
To divide the room into zones, a beautiful sofa was used, it is installed in the center of the "arch" and visually divides the main living area from the kitchen. Also in the cottage there is a spacious gym and a music room for working on compositions.

Log walls are beautiful on their own, they do not require final finishing. The natural color of the walls adds coziness to the interior and is an excellent decorative detail that does not require any additions. The interior is designed in neutral, calm shades, in eco and classic style with hints of rustic Provence.
In the children's room, the walls are also made of wood without additional finishing and coating. This is an ideal solution, because the child grows up in an environmentally friendly environment and suffers less from allergies.

One of the advantages of a plot near the house is that there is a lot of space that can be equipped according to one's own taste and preferences. The territory in the yard is large enough and allows you to place everything that Denis Klyaver wanted to see on his site: a recreation and barbecue area, a play area for a child, as well as beautiful beds.
In summer, the site looks beautiful and well-groomed, and the residents of the house can spend a lot of time outdoors, enjoying the fresh air. Flowers bloom on the beds. They are so beautiful that no additional decorations are required, just keep an eye on the garden and water it on time.
Not far from the main area of the site is a huge garage, and it was installed for a reason. Denis is fond of collecting vintage cars, and, of course, he needs a place to store them.

Life before the dream house
Denis Klyaver did not always have beautiful and luxurious housing. The singer was born in the family of the famous actor Ilya Oleinikov and his wife, in St. Petersburg. Despite the fact that the father was very popular, the family was sorely lacking money and the parents could not afford to buy more comfortable housing. The apartment in which Denis lived was so small that the family could hardly fit in it. The living area was only 8 square meters. m.
In order not to huddle with his parents in close quarters, the future singer often visited his grandparents, and from the age of 14 he began to work, touring with his father as a keyboard player. Denis was able to buy his own spacious housing only after he gained popularity by performing in the Tea for Two group. For a long time, the artist continued to live in St. Petersburg, but later decided to settle down in Moscow, because much more convenient to get to different concert venues and meet other musicians in the studios sound recordings.

Difficulties in life did not prevent Denis and did not force him to give up, but, on the contrary, helped him to work more actively to independently earn the life of your dreams and create a comfortable environment for families. Denis does not seek to lead a secretive lifestyle and is happy to invite TV journalists who run programs about home improvement and interiors.

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