Dishwasher with own hands

  • Types of products
  • Rinse aid recipe for a dishwasher with your own hands
  • Care of the
  • How to make a dishwasher for yourself?- The simplest recipes
  • Dishwasher tablets
  • Gel recipe for the dishwasher

In our age of technological progress, almost every house has such an assistant in the kitchen as a dishwasher. Agree, this is a very convenient invention that brings peace to every family, since now there is no need to set a watch on the kitchen and argue until the headache, who will wash the dishes today. But with the advent of the dishwasher, the question arises as to how to wash the dishes to prolong the life of the magic unit and whether it is possible to make the dishwasher's remedy by oneself, so as not to spend money on far from safe chemistry.

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Types of

If to generalize, detergents for dishwashers are represented by three main groups.

Powder detergents

They are the most affordable. If you buy large packages, then the powder will last for a long time, because for one cycle it takes an average of 25-30 grams, and at a price is cheaper.

Important! As a minus, you can indicate that:

  • powder can scratch the walls of dishes;
  • when placed in a compartment the powder can wake up.

Recently, concentrated and slightly abrasive powders have appeared, they even include a dispenser so that you can not miss with the amount of powder.

Gel cleansers

Gels soften water, do not oxidize metals. They are often released in the form of balls, which are laid in the car compartment. In addition, it is believed that the gels are the safest for the "health" of the unit.


For one cycle there is one tablet. They occupy the first place in the ranking of detergents. But at the same time, they are the most expensive of all means - when using them, you have to turn on the machine for a full cycle, so that they can completely dissolve. But, despite this, their feedback is the best.

Important! Now there are tablets with dosing strips, so that they can be "adjusted" for different amounts of dishes. Tablets are produced in single-layered, multi-layered, and the most convenient option is three in one. Three-layer tablet, which includes washing, rinsing and emollient.

Those housewives who chose the option without a rinse aid, but they want to see their dishes without divorce and white spots, must acquire a liquid conditioner. It prevents the formation of droplets, forming a thin film on the dishes.

Important! Such means for the dishwasher are completely harmless, besides completely washed off for a rinse cycle. But if you do not completely trust them or have allergies in your family, experts advise you to run an additional rinse program, which is in every technique of a self-respecting manufacturer.

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Rinse aid for the dishwasher with your own hands

The rinse aid for the dishwasher can be made by hand.

Option 1

The easiest option is apple cider vinegar. Fill it in the compartment, and everything is ready.

The main thing is the proportions: for 6 sets of dishes comes 1 tablespoon of 9% apple cider vinegar.

Option 2

This recipe includes essential oil, lemon juice and a wiper. The ratio is:

  • 5 parts of lemon juice;
  • 2 parts essential oil;
  • one part wiper.

Important! For 8 sets of dishes comes 1 tablespoon of the mixture.

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Maintenance of the

To keep your dishwasher safe for you for a long time and do not bother you, you need to ensure that it is thoroughly cleaned:

  • It is better to pre-soak the dirty dishes beforehand, rinse the remaining food under running water.
  • Periodically it is necessary to clean internal parts of scale. Then your "assistant" will serve you long.

When choosing detergents, you need to consider what kind of dishes you will wash them:

  • For capricious dishes, for example, crystal, silverware, faience, you need to choose special means for the dishwasher. Well, and under this dish, you need to choose the appropriate settings in the machine: a cycle with a minimum temperature and a minimum wash time.
  • Do not wash the dishes on which there is a sign indicating the manual washing of dishes.
  • Do not clean the appliance containing wooden handles, wooden cutting boards, copper or pewter.

Important! A lot of discussions are caused by washing children's dishes. Well, here it's up to you. There are no contraindications on this issue, and you can equally well wash your baby's dishes in both the car and manually.

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How to make a dishwasher for yourself?- The simplest recipes of

If you do not trust detergent manufacturers and want to be sure that your dishwashing detergent is safe, then you need to refer to the recipes of our grandmothers. Maybe they did not have dishwashers, but the experience in the manufacture of a safe dishwashing detergent.

Recipe 1

The simplest recipe for a detergent tablet is very simple: baking soda, borax, salt and lemon. This dishwashing machine is prepared with its own hands as follows:

  1. Soda, salt and borax are thoroughly mixed and lemon juice is added slowly.
  2. This thick mixture is laid out on the molds and left to dry completely.

Important! Such tablets are good because:

  • is cheap;
  • can be sure of their safety.

However, how well this pill will wash dishes is another matter. We check in practice.

Recipe 2

If you look closely at the composition of the tablet, we will see that there are usual surfactants, salts, phosphates, enzymes, defoamer, perfume, soda. Everything, except soda, is a part of the usual powder for washing machines, as it actually has the same function - to remove dirt, proteins and fats.

So - if you take a washing powder and add soda to it, you get a dishwasher for your own hands.

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Tablets for the dishwasher

As we have already mentioned, it is the tablets, for convenience of use, that are in greater demand than other variations in detergent products. For the manufacture of such a dishwasher for their own hands, there are also recipes.

Recipe 1

The composition includes washing powder and soda, in a proportion of 7: 3.Common water is used as a binder.

We prepare the dishwasher detergent with our own hands:

  1. Soda with powder mix.
  2. Add water to get a thick mass.
  3. Then this mass is laid out in the molds - that's how your imagination tells you.
  4. Let's leave it all frozen.

Important! Keep in mind that the molds should not be large, otherwise - your tablet will not fit into the compartment in the dishwasher.

Recipe 2

This tablet for the dishwasher includes:

  • powder for children - 8 parts;
  • soda - 1.8 parts;Detergent for dishware - 0.2 parts.

Important! Children's powder for this dishwashing detergent is used with its own hands due to the fact that it is less aggressive. But its disadvantage is that it works at a temperature of up to 40 degrees, that is, in a dishwasher you will have to set a cycle with a small temperature.

The cooking process is the same as in the first case.

Is it worth it to use self-made tools?

And now we'll see whether the homemade tablets are good for washing dishes or we are wasting our time. We experience in practice and get the following result:

  • The first tablet washed the dishes tolerably, but worse than the cheapest tablet - not all places were washed well. Most likely, this was due to a strong defoamer in a detergent powder.
  • The second composition proved to be better, because it included a dishwashing detergent, although in a small amount.

Important! There is a natural question: is it worth puzzling at all with self-made means or is it easier to buy ready-made products? Let's consider such an important factor as price.

Based on the minimum price of ready-made industrial pills and the costs for those dishwasher detergents that can be prepared manually according to the above recipes, the savings are about 80%.

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Gel recipe for the dishwasher

In some older models of dishwashers, tablets are not provided for in the program at all. Here you have to use either powders or gels. Consider the recipe for a universal gel, which is easy to prepare with your own hands.


  • 1 liter of water;
  • 50 grams of soap;
  • 45 grams of soda ash( do not confuse with food);
  • Essential oils.


  1. Bring water to a boil, add soapy shavings and mix thoroughly.
  2. Add soda ash and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  3. When the mixture cools down add essential oils, you can even add a few drops of blue ink even to enhance whiteness.

Everything, the universal gel is ready.

Important! It can be used for washing as well as for washing dishes. For convenience, it can be poured into a bottle or canister. If you use it for manual washing or dishwashing, the gel does not dry your hands manually, which, in combination with its penny value, will please any mistress. Using it in the dishwasher gives good results, the dishes are clean and odorless.

So, let's sum up. Dishwasher means with their own hands is much cheaper, it's safe, you can change the proportions and composition according to your needs. But it takes time to prepare it and it will not look as beautiful as the factory version. But if it does not frighten you, then you have successful experiments!