- A little safety equipment
- Cleaning the microwave at home - 5 best ways
- Smart tips
- How to wash the microwave with household chemicals?
- Water bath for cleaning the microwave oven from grease and carbon deposits
In the modern pace of life it is difficult to imagine your life without a microwave. And it's true, choking on a cold omelet, late for work, not everyone wants. And it's good that there are microwave ovens that help save our time. But we all perfectly understand that any microwave oven will eventually get dirty. There is already another problem, which is also related to time - how to clean the microwave at home in? .We will discuss the fastest way in this article. But at the same time, let's not hurry and we'll sort everything out in order.
to the contents ↑A little bit of safety equipment
Yes, you did not hear it. Now we are talking about safety, namely:
- First of all, you need to understand that a microwave oven is an electrical appliance, which must be disconnected before cleaning.
- When cleaning the microwave oven, use the minimum amount of water, again, because of safety considerations.
- Even if you are full of confidence that the dirt has got inside - do not take in head to disassemble the device yourself, and collect, too.
- It is also necessary to stop the use of aggressive household chemicals. Such ideas can lead to a breakdown of household appliances.
Cleaning the microwave at home - the 5 best ways to
Cleaning the microwave oven can be done at home, and even make it effective! No, this is not a rally - just follow the detailed instructions. We resort to domestic tricks and will use only what we have at hand.
We will list below the 5 most popular ways of cleaning the oven with the help of improvised tools:
- Using citrus;
- Citric acid;
- Vinegar;
- Soda;
- Household soap.
Method 1
The first method is quite versatile, as it will help not only with the main task, but also eliminate all the unpleasant odors that always accompany contamination:
- Take the citrus, place it in a plate, fill it with water and put it in our device,maximum power.
- Then, somewhere in 5-20 minutes( depending on the model of the microwave oven) again we recall the safety technique: having disconnected the microwave from the mains, take a sponge and a dry rag.
- Get rid of the softened dirt and wipe everything from the inside dry.
Important! If you are a citrus lover, do not rush to get rid of the peel, because you can replace the fruit with cut pieces of peel, which will add to your technique a pleasant aroma and relieve the unpleasant.
Method 2
Also, you can repeat absolutely everything on the first item, replacing the plate with citrus on a saucer with a solution of citric acid. Aroma does not attach such a method, but it will not cause an unpleasant smell due to this.
Method 3
Look at the previous two paragraphs. Now the main role is vinegar. It is advisable to have a well-ventilated room or extractor if you decide to clean the microwave with vinegar. Yes, he copes with pollution is also not bad, but it will not be easy to get rid of the "fragrance".
Method 4
We make a solution of soda( a glass of water + a tablespoon of soda) and repeat the familiar actions described above.
Method 5
Let's show the creative and take the laundry soap, lather them a soft rag, wipe everything from inside, and leave for a while. After that, get rid of dirt, thoroughly clean the microwave oven from soap, otherwise - we will be content with the smell of organic burning when working with the device.
Each of these 5 ways will help you clean the microwave at home in 5 minutes, so that it shines like new. Great? Of course, great!
to the table of contents ↑Smart tips
What can we do to clean the microwave less, but to look cleaner at the same time? There are some tips in this regard:
- Get a special plastic cover, which will cover the food. If there is no possibility to purchase it in the near future, then you can use a lid of glass.
- If you did not start using the previous advice and the food still "exploded" - it's worth immediately removing the food particles from the walls. Such forethought will diminish your work for the future.
- To get rid of annoying unpleasant odor inside the microwave oven it is possible with the help of tablets of activated carbon, coffee beans or half a lemon. It's enough to leave them inside for the night.
Important! Watch for the cleanliness of household appliances, because a thick layer of dirt can lead to a short circuit.
to the contents ↑How to wash the microwave with household chemicals?
Do not forget that in the courtyard of the 21st century, and the lack of special cleaners would be strange. Here everything is simple too. With a soft cloth, apply evenly on the walls, wait a bit, remove everything from the walls and ventilate.
There are many tools for fighting pollution inside the furnace, here are some of them:
- Feed Back;
- HG;
- Top House;
- Bon;
- Dec;
- Meine Liebe "Antiguer".
Important! Virtually every tool has a detailed instruction for use, which describes all the nuances of use. Any of the proposed list is effective in combating fat. The composition and features of each product are separately indicated on the websites of sellers and manufacturers.
to the contents ↑Water bath for cleaning the microwave oven from grease and sludge
I would like to pay special attention to the "water bath".In this case, the cleaning of the dirt occurs by softening the fats with condensate, and it happens this way:
- Take half a liter of water, placed in a container that is put into the oven.
- Turn on the device for 10-15 minutes( at maximum power).
- We wait for another 5 minutes after switching off, so that the condensate gets down to business.
- Wipe all the disgraces with a napkin or a soft rag.
Everything simple? And how. But if you follow all these simple rules, then you can extend the life of your device and make it easier in timeself. Use one or all of the following in the proposed ways to clean the microwave inside quickly and efficiently as necessary.