- How are fabric flowers created?
- Fabrication of flowers from tissues with their own hands
Today, without special skills and experience, you can turn even the most boring dress into an original and bright outfit for a party, because there are a lot of ideas, video lessons and master classes for making various decorative elements by your own hands. To stand out from the crowd, you can decorate the dress with a contrasting flower. And if you want to become the most extraordinary bride, then add to your wedding along bright decorations from ribbons. Today we will learn how to make a flower of cloth with our own hands for a dress - both voluminous, small and multi-layered, so that with its help you could attract everyone's attention, make your image more feminine and romantic.
to the contents ↑How are fabric flowers created?
In fact, there is nothing complicated, the main thing is to preliminarily study each stage, then not to rework all the work again. A flower from a fabric on a dress can be made in several steps.
If you still can not find a ready-made pattern, then you can draw it yourself using a pencil and ruler. You can also use the most common compasses and draw with it a circle, which will be a pattern for creating petals. You can even take measurements from a real flower.
First, the most beautiful flower in your opinion, carefully understands the petals. Then each of them is outlined on the cardboard and the workpieces are cut out at the edges.
Important! To cut on a fabric these elements are necessary on an oblique. And use a ballpoint pen to circulate the pattern so that there are no traces left after cutting.
Material selection
In principle, you can make a flower from any fabric, for example:
- silk;
- organza;
- chiffon;
- atlas;
- velvet;
- flax;
- crepe de cine.
Important! It is better to give preference to natural materials, as they stretch well and can easily be corrugated. Synthetics do not possess such properties and quickly overheats quickly, because of which the flowers can be deformed.
Paint of petals
As a rule, this procedure is used if it is necessary to achieve a similarity with the present plant by 100%.For this purpose, the following are better suited:
- confectionery and aniline dyes;
- photocomposition and gouache.
Important! Dye fabric can be completely or separately each petal. First, the pieces of cloth are soaked in water and then spread out on a glass surface. Then, using a brush, paint is applied to the product.
Preparation of fabric
In order to keep your flower well in the future, select a slightly starched material or treat it with gelatin. To make such a solution is very simple:
- It is necessary to dilute two spoons of gelatin in a glass of cold water.
- Allow it to swell, and then warm it in a water bath.
In a hot solution it is necessary to lower the fabric and squeeze, and then dry and iron with an iron.
Shaping the form
To make the petals become curved, use two basic techniques:
- In the first case, the outlines of the petals are burned using a lighter or a candle.
- The second method involves the use of bullets. This is a special tool that needs to be heated and to give the product the desired shape. Curling is a special knife, that is, a crochet. And it turns out convex thanks to the heel.
Making pestles and stamens
It's thanks to the stamens that the flowers look like real ones. And they can be made from a thread, which must first be impregnated in a solution of gelatin or starch, as well as paint.
You can make a pestle by wrapping a wire with paper and painting the cotton balls in the right color.
Flower core manufacturer
Decorating the middle of the plant can be done with a button, beads and even cotton. You can glue them to the right place with PVA glue, which does not leave marks on the fabric.
to the table of contents ↑Fabrication of flowers from fabrics by your own hands
And now let's see in practice how to make a flower on a dress with your own hands. Master-class as a guide can be downloaded from any site of this kind or view it online. We will be training on the simplest examples in order to thoroughly study this process.
Flower with a lace center
To create a beautiful flower, first you need a small shred of dense material of bright colors. Now follow the instructions:
- Cut a few circles of the required diameter.
- Fold in each element several times.
- Fix the received petals with a conventional seam along the bottom edge.
- Assemble all the parts in one piece.
- A piece of knitted border or lace sew on the center of the flower.
- To hide all seams, attach a button on top.
Making a rose with your own hands
Rose is the queen of flowers, a symbol of love and beauty. Therefore, many deciding which flower to make, stop exactly on it:
- For work you will need a pink or red ribbon 35 cm long.
- Then you will need to bend the edges from yourself and gradually fold the rose.
- The base should be secured with a thread, slightly short of the fold.
- From the wrong side you need to sew the end of the tape, fix all the layers.
Everything is simple simple!
Original flower from chiffon and satin
If desired - you can even create a dress from artificial flowers with your own hands. Naturally, for this you need a foundation, that is, a simple, unadorned dress and a large number of decorative elements. These materials are ideal for creating flowers from circles.
Important! It is better to use different tissues at the same time.
Make decorative plants very simple, most importantly - follow all the recommendations:
- Cut at least five circles of different diameters.
- Treat the edges with a cigarette lighter.
- Starting with the largest petal, collect the flower.
- All the layers are knit together with a pin.
- Binding the petals, sew the decor to the dress.
How do I make an astrum myself?
How to make a flower on a cloth dress with your own hands to make it look like a real astra? Easily!
- Take the tape of the desired shade, cut it into strips about 7 cm long in length. That is, how many petals you want to see in your flower, do so much.
- Cut each piece in half with a soldering iron cut at an angle so that you can form the tops of the petals.
- Bottom of them wrap in the opposite direction, edges singe to thereby connect the ends of the tape.
- Cut a circle of thick paper to match the diameter of the flower. On it gradually paste the petals, only you need to start from the very edge, slowly approaching the center.
How to make a convex flower?
Now consider in detail how to make a flower from the fabric on the dress, so that it turns out to be large and convex. Act as follows:
- Take any ball that will match the diameter of your flower. Moreover, the more it will be, the more finished the product will be. Cover it with cellophane.
- Make the petals. Use for this can be any previously discussed technique.
- Use a thread to connect 7 petals to the circle and secure. As a result, you will get a small flower that will need to be attached directly to the center of our ball.
- Between the elements of the first row, insert and glue the petals of the second row.
- Glue in this way in rows of petals to form a three-dimensional flower.
- As soon as everything dries, you can remove the ball and cellophane.
In this article we have told you how to make a flower of cloth with your own hands for a dress. Use these ideas to transform your even the most unpretentious things and look in them more vividly, effectively and attractively.