- Correctly determine the type of skin
- What do the test results say?
- Factors that cause skin dryness:
- Dry skin care at home
- Facial dry scrubs
- Tonics for dry skin care
- Face care masks for dry skin
Do not wear any skin typeand skillfully take care of her. This article will tell you how to exercise proper care for dry skin.
to the contents ↑Correctly determine the skin type
Depending on the secretion of the sebaceous glands, there are 3 main types of skin: oily, dry and combination. In order to determine your type, we suggest making simple tests.
Test 1
Try to push your fingers heavily on different areas of the facial skin:
- if you see the remaining traces, then most likely you are the owner of dry skin of the face, which is less elastic than the other types;
- if you have not found any traces, then your skin is of a greasy type;
- if on some sites after pressing traces remained, and on others they are not at all, then most likely you have a combined skin type.
Test 2
Take a thin napkin or mirror and touch alternately to several areas of the face:
- if there are fatty traces on the paper, then your skin is of a greasy type;
- if no touch marks were found at all - your skin is dry;
- if the trail is noticeable after touching one section, but it is completely absent when touching another site, then your skin is combined.
Test 3
To determine if your skin is sensitive to a sensitive type, take a simple sharp pencil. Draw a line from the forehead to the chin. If the pencil has left a trace, then your skin is sensitive and requires special attention to the selection of means to care for it.
to the contents ↑What do the test results say?
If on passing such simple tests you have determined that your skin type is dry, then the information below will be very useful for you.
So, what is dry skin? This, at first glance, is a beautiful and soft skin that does not cause absolutely any problems in adolescence and up to 25 years. It is always clean, without acne. But with age, due to dryness, wrinkles on the face become more noticeable and clearly pronounced.
Important! The first wrinkles, as a rule, appear in the eyes and lips. If you did not always have such a skin, then you need to know and, if possible, eliminate the factors that contributed to its transformation.
to the table of contents ↑Factors provoking dry skin:
- Heredity. If the dry type of skin was in your mom, grandmother at a young age, then, most likely, he moved to you on a genetic level.
- Diseases of the body. Most often, such problems are provoked by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract or nervous system. To exclude this factor, you need to undergo a medical examination and improve your health.
- Age changes. As a rule, after 30 years, because of irreversible changes, the skin quickly begins to lose moisture. For those who have a fat type, it is, in some way, a gift. But the owner of a less elastic face is very hard. Therefore, you need to be able to properly care for dry skin.
- Weather conditions. Too long exposure to the sun or frost can trigger the "drying out" of the tissues. You also need to be careful with the solarium.
- Dehydration of the body. For normal circulation of moisture, the body needs to constantly eat quality water. A lack of water can directly affect your face.
- Avitaminosis. The lack of vitamins in the body causes loss of moisture. In this case, the skin may become dry.
- Wrong selection of cosmetics for skin care.
Important! If you still have a dry skin, then be you 25, 30, or 45 years old, the rules of caring for her are the same. A healthy way of life and regularity of care for dry skin of the face are the main rules that will make it healthy, and the beauty of your entire appearance is more perfect.
to the table of contents ↑Care for dry skin at home
To properly care for dry skin, you must adhere to a certain periodicity and sequence of procedures. About them further in detail.
Some experts advise to wash the owner of this cover only in the evenings, so that in the morning not wash off the fat layer produced by the skin overnight. Others advise doing this process twice a day, since clean skin absorbs nutrients better - it is not clogged and gives a feeling of freshness. Which option should you prefer - proceed from personal observations of your health and face, but be sure to take into account such rules:
- Wash only with warm or room temperature water. Do not expose dry skin to hot or cold water, as this will make it even drier.
- Flowing water is not of the best quality, it is saturated with chlorine, which negatively affects the condition of our skin. Therefore it is advisable to wash with mineral water without gas, which is useful, in fact, for everyone. Also for washing, filtered, stand-by or cooled boiled water is suitable.
- Ideal for washing decoctions of herbs, which you can easily prepare at home. Here is a simple recipe for herbal decoction: 0.5 tbsp.pharmacy chamomile, 0.5 tbsp.dry currant leaves, 0.5 tbsp.dry dill pour 1 cup of boiling water. Give the broth is infused.
Important! Broths of herbs for morning cleansing are best prepared in the evening. So the grass is better to stick, and the broth will be more saturated and useful. It is also possible to prepare such facial care products with a stock and store in the refrigerator for up to three days. In this case, they should be heated to room temperature before use.
- Great for washing milk. Mixing it in an equal volume with water, you make your skin a soothing mixture that will have a beneficial effect on it when washing.
- For women of an age who have a dry skin type, ice-washing will be perfect. Decoctions for ice are well prepared from sage, chamomile, lime-colored, mint, lemon balm or a combination of these herbs. The proportions for such decoctions should be 1 tbsp.l.herbs for 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse infusion should be at least an hour. Pour the finished broth into the ice mold and place in the freezer. Every morning, use one ice cube instead of washing, rubbing the face for 2-3 minutes.
Important! You can wash your face with soap only once a week. Soap for this is best suited for dairy, baby with herbs, or spermaceous.
Nutrition of the skin
Everyone understands that with one washing, good care for dry skin does not do. After all, it needs to be cleansed more efficiently, nourished and softened. For this you need to buy special funds. Also, you can make some funds at home yourself.
Important! Buy masks, creams, tonics and other facial care products of the same series and brands. On such remedies there must be a note "for dry skin", or "moisturizing".
When choosing a cream, pay attention that it contains moisturizers - hyaluronic acid, milk proteins, vitamins, extracts of wheat, honey, oats, and antioxidants. Not bad, if the cream will also have sun protection factors that will protect the skin from negative ultraviolet exposure.
Correcting your lifestyle:
- Drinking regime. Do not forget about the water. When dry face skin is recommended to drink a day at least 2 liters of quality water.
- Proper nutrition. Food should be balanced and useful. Exclude the maximum spices, spicy dishes, salty foods. Coffee and alcohol do not contribute to the beauty and health of your face.
- The number of visits to the sauna and swimming pools should be minimized.
- Protect your skin from prolonged exposure to frost or sun, in a strong wind.
- Smoking promotes the rapid aging of the body, especially noticeable on the dry skin of the face. Therefore, if you want to look impressive, this habit should be forgotten.
Scrubs for dry facial skin
Scrubs give you the opportunity to do a deeper face cleaning than you can afford every day. But the procedure needs more time, so it is recommended to apply the following recipes once a week.
Recipe 1
You will need: an apple, a banana, honey, cream, semolina. Apply them as follows:
- Rub half the apple on the grater( it is not necessary to peel it) and half the banana.
- Add 2 tbsp.l.cream and 1 tbsp.l.honey.
- Mix well and immediately before applying scrub, add 3 tbsp.l.manki.
- Apply to the face and décolleté area and massage with light movements for 2-3 minutes.
- After the procedure, wash it off with water.
Important! This scrub gently cleans your pores and has a nourishing effect on the skin.
Recipe 2
You will need: sour cream, oat flakes. And they should be used as follows:
- Mix in equal proportions sour cream and oat flakes and apply to the skin of the face.
- Massage for 1-2 minutes.then rinse with water.
Important! This scrub gently cleanses the pores and moisturizes your skin.
Recipe 3
You will need: sour cream, candied honey. Apply them this way:
- Mix 1 tbsp.l.sour cream and 1 tbsp.l.candied honey.
- Stir well to make honey spread evenly with sour cream.
- Apply to face and gently massage for 1 minute.
- Rinse with warm water.
Recipe 4
You will need: coffee grounds, milk or cream to cleanse the skin with such actions:
- Dilute the coffee grounds with milk or cream and apply to the skin.
- Massage for a few minutes and rinse with water.
Important! This mixture gently cleans the pores of your skin .
to content ↑Tonics for the care of dry skin of the face
Many ignore the use of tonic in the care of dry skin, and very vain. It is thanks to them that you can restore the elasticity and firmness of your facial skin. And it is not necessary to take expensive branded liquids, you can safely use cheap home ingredients.
Recipe 1
- 1 tbsp.l. Strawberries crush to a homogeneous mush.
- Add 200 ml of cold boiled water.
- Strain the mixture and add 1 tsp.glycerin.
Important! This tonic will gently cleanse and moisturize your skin.
Recipe 2
Ingredients: elder, lime blossom or chamomile flowers, boiling water. Such a simple composition is used according to the following scheme:
- A handful of any specified dry herb to pour a glass of boiling water.
- Insist under the lid 10 minutes, drain.
Important! Such a tonic will perfectly clean and soothe dry skin. Also this remedy relieves irritation well.
to the table of contents ↑Masks for the care of dry skin of the face
Regular masks are no less important than all of the above-mentioned means in order to establish proper care for dry skin. But for this, it is not necessary to go to an expensive beauty salon. You are quite capable of preparing an effective restoring remedy with your own hands.
Recipe 1
Ingredients: sunflower oil, egg yolk, honey, milk.
Application Instruction:
- Mix 1 tbsp.l.sunflower oil, 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp.honey.
- Apply homogeneous consistency to the face and leave for 20 minutes.
- Rinse with water, half mixed with milk.
Important! This mask perfectly nourishes dry skin and has a rejuvenating effect. Ingredients: cottage cheese, apple.
Instructions for use:
- Finely chop half of the apple and mix with 1 tbsp.l.cottage cheese.
- To consistency is not so thick, you can add a couple drops of vegetable or olive oil.
- Apply the mixture on your face and leave for 15-20 minutes.
- Remove the mask with a cotton pad and wash it off.
Important! This mask has a healing effect on the weather-beaten dry skin and perfectly moisturizes it.
As you can see, home care for dry skin is not an invention - it's all very realistic. You just need to give yourself a little time every day, for which your skin will be very grateful, and the effect is obvious. Do not wait for the first problems, do not wait for a certain age. Begin as early as possible to care for your skin and the inevitable wrinkles will start to upset you much later!